Greetings Mortals,
Mortal Online 2 will be 40% off for the Steam Winter Sale from the 21st of December to the 4th of January!
Krampos is Visiting Tindrem!

Come to Tindrem and participate in the festive Raffle of Caerus, where the fated Krampos Buccus resides.
Everyone is welcome to come and see what they can find in the raffle bags outside the burning house of an unfortunate Tindremic citizen.
Look for the smoldering home in the North East area of the main district in Tindrem, and try your luck!

Last Day to Get the Supporter Pack

Today is the last day to get the Supporter Pack, which comes with 3 months of discounted game time and a unique in-game ‘Savage Mantle’ cloak!
After today this Supporter Pack will no longer be available.

Henrik’s Bi-Weekly Stream

Unfortunately Henrik is quite unwell this week, and will be unable to host his regular QnA stream.
His Into the Vault streams will pick up again in the new year.
See you in Nave,
The Star Vault Team