
Mortal Online 2

Dev Update – UE5 PTR #4 This Week

November 20, 2023

Greetings Mortals,

The last PTR was a huge success, and allowed us to locate many issues, fix bugs and optimize several areas of the game to further improve performance.

We will be running the next PTR some time this week, so stay tuned for the announcement!



If you participated in the last UE5 PTR, don’t forget to fill out our latest feedback questionnaire!

We have also received very positive feedback about the new placement system overhaul, which is great news.

Alongside the core updates of the patch, we are also finding time to include several small but impactful changes such as removing equipment hits on everything except shields, which comes with both a small performance benefit as well as quality of life, as well as significantly reducing the backpeddling speed of archer AI (such as Bandits and Outlaws), making AI prefer to target the rider of a mount instead of the mount itself, and properly clamping the game’s field of view.


See you in Nave,

The Star Vault Team

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