
Mortal Online 2

Stream Summary | Into the Vault #104 – UE5 Dragon Sneak Peek

April 4, 2023

Greetings Mortals,

On March 29th Henrik hosted his regular weekly stream, where he premiered our new UE5 teaser video containing the finished dragon model!

The stream has been archived on our YouTube channel:

Unreal Engine 5 Dragon Teaser

We have quite a few artists on our team that work on different things simultaneously, one of which is the model for our new dragon which has been finished recently.

We were also a bit overdue for another UE5 sneak peak, so we wanted to show it off in a short new teaser video which you can watch below!

The visuals of the dragon itself in terms of the model, texturing, rigging and animating may be close to finished, however unfortunately this doesn’t mean we’ll be seeing it in game any time soon.

This dragon falls into a category we internally call “Tier 3 AI”, which means it needs a lot of code support for its various planned mechanics and functions. 

We naturally have more important things for our programmers to focus on with Territory Control around the corner and the Epic release on the horizon, so we should expect to see this formidable foe some time after that.

Twitch Drops & Content Creator Plans

We are very appreciative of our community of content creators and streamers, and we do plan to bring back the content creator program hopefully for the Epic release where we can organize things like Twitch drops.

As far as what viewers will be able to earn via these drops, we’re currently looking at game time for the yet to be active subscription, along with some other potentials like cosmetics, however nothing has been concretely decided yet.

When we get closer to setting up these things we will be sure to ask the community for some input on what you would like to see here, and if we can offer it.


The current plans are for the Thievery skills to reside in the “Action Skills” tree.

As we have mentioned in the past, Thievery will change quite a bit from the first game, in that thieves will be required to risk more in order to be effective. This risk will come in the form of specialized items, tools or equipment.

Territory Control – Walls

As a departure from the first game, players outside of keep owning guilds will not be able to construct their own walls.

The reason for this is based on our experience in the first game. Having walls all over the map creates situations where players are much more difficult to find and engage with, along with being able to use walls to block off major content from other players.

You may be able to build smaller structures such as fences, however this is not finalized yet.

Public Test Realm

We are looking to create a PTR to be available for players to access leading up to key content patches for additional testing and feedback.

We do not have an exact timeline for this, however we do hope it will be something we can do for testing Territory Control.

It is likely we will clone the status of the live server during these testing periods, so players do not have to start with a fresh character each time we run a test.

Recent Server Issues & DDoS Attacks

There has been a bit of confusion regarding some of the recent server issues, so we wanted to briefly cover what has been happening.

Elementalism Patch

When we launched this patch, we encountered some issues due to some of the AI optimizations which caused problems in our live server. After a few days, this was corrected.

DDOS Attacks

During the following weekend, our servers started being attacked by DDOS. These attacks have been ongoing from that weekend and continuing to the present, varying in size and consistency.

We have worked with both our host and internally to mitigate the symptoms of these attacks since they started, which has moved some related development items up our timeline.

We appreciate your patience in the community during this time, and rest assured we are still working daily to further mitigate these issues.

Whether you’re a longtime fan of Mortal Online 2 or a newcomer in the world of Nave, dive into the vault with Henrik on Wednesdays at 7:00 PM UTC to get your questions answered by the CEO and game designer.

 See you in Nave,

The Star Vault Team