Greetings Mortals,
The Sprint 9 PTR will be going live shortly today, and will be up until likely Monday morning CET for testing and gathering feedback.
Read the full patch notes below and happy testing!
How to access the PTR
- Open your Steam client and right click Mortal Online 2 in your games library.
- Click ‘Properties’
- Click ‘Betas’ on the left
- Using the ‘Beta Participation’ dropdown menu, click on the ‘Mortal Online Public Test Realm’.
- Your Steam client will then patch your game over to the test branch, and if the servers are up already you will be free to log in as normal.
What we encourage you to test!

This patch is largely focused on optimizations, backend additions, bug fixes and technical changes, however there are a large number of affected things that could potentially cause problems, so we greatly appreciate everyone who hops into the PTR and tries things out.
Below are a few areas of high interest, however you will find quite a few important bug fixes in the full patch notes, so please have a look and try to test out as many as you are able!
In-Game Survey Questions
This patch introduces the ability for us to ask survey questions after you login. We have included some simple questions for this PTR, which we would love to hear your answers to!
To answer the survey question, simply login and it should appear on your screen before you enter Nave.
Level Streaming Optimizations
A lot of work has gone into decreasing client stutters when travelling across different areas in the world.
To test this, you can ride around on a mount and cross into familiar areas of Myrland, paying attention to whether or not the performance and frequency of stutters is better than before.
FOV Changes
We have adjusted the maximum FOV from 110 to 120, and changed the game to always use “Maintain Vertical Field of View”. This means the vertical view space is now fixed across all resolutions.
The horizontal view space may still expand and shrink based on the aspect ratio of your resolution.
If you are a player who was previously using a thinner or “square” resolution to gain additional view space on the top and bottom of your screen, we would greatly appreciate you testing this change out, to see if it is still possible to achieve somehow, along with providing feedback on the new maximum FOV.
War Combatant Flagging
There are several changes and bug fixes which affect players who are at war with each other in this patch. For example now being able to attack a player who is a criminal, who you are also at war with, without gaining the war combatant debuff, as well as being able to loot items which a player you are at war with stole from you, without gaining the war combatant debuff.
Please try to test these changes and attempt to find and report any scenario where you gain the war combatant debuff when you think you shouldn’t, or if you find something strange happening with the flagging in general.
Guard Towers
Territory Control Guard Towers have been changed to work as originally intended, and only spawn Guild Guards if there is a fully constructed Barracks within 50m of the Guard Tower. For existing Guard Towers in the world with no Barracks present, the Guild Guards will not despawn, however they will not respawn if they are killed, meaning if you kill all of the Guards they will not come back until a Barracks has been constructed nearby the Guard Tower.
As this is a rather sensitive change to how Guard Towers work, we appreciate any and all testing around this change.
Wolf Bags & Armor
Wolves and Direwolves can now equip bags and armor.
Please attempt to craft and equip these, looking out for any oddities in the bag or armor textures, along with noting the carry weights of the wolves.
How to Report Bugs or Leave Feedback

- When in the game world, press the ESC key to pull up the menu.
- Click on the Report Bug button in the menu.
- A black window to enter your comments will appear. There is a drop down called “Report:”.
- Click on the drop down and several options will appear.
- Select the option most relevant to your issue.
- Note: For general feedback and not a bug report, please select FeedbackandComplaints.
- Next, there is a drop down called “Tag:”. Select this drop down and select a category which closely matches your issue as close as you can.
- In the larger text box, describe your issue in as much detail as possible.
- Hit the Send button at the bottom of the window.
The PTR has limited to no Game Master support during public testing. If you require assistance, please ask for it in Help chat and if Nebulous or a Game Master are around they will attempt to help you.
Read the Full Patch Notes Below

In-Game Survey Questions
Added a simple survey system. You will now be able to see a question after you login and can choose Yes, No or Skip.
- Fixed issue that made one keep door not work when you tried to open it.
- Increased use distance for keeps making it easier to close doors.
- Re-rolled characters will now run the same verification process as new characters.
- Spells which cause damage over a period of time should not stop your melee attack animations preventing you from being able to attack properly anymore.
- Fixed an issue where the damage reduction from the Boon of Endurance prevented the Suicide feature.
- Fixed an issue causing larger guilds to gain less yield from mining with a Prospecting boon buff active.
- Fixed a bug when trading bags.
- Fixed Essence orb effect ‘encumbered move speed’ causing you to be able to move very slowly while carrying way too much weight.
- Fixed a bug where Essence orb effect ‘health regeneration on kill’ would trigger not only on killing blows against players.
- Fixed a bug where if someone stole items from your pet they would not count as yours, so when you looted them back while they were stolen you would turn criminal.
- Fixed a bug where you would become a war combatant by picking up loot that a guild enemy stole from you.
- Fixed an issue with Ice Barrier.
- Fixed a bug where relic equipment durability would reset when it was dropped.
- Fixed a bug where the Haste movement speed buff could be applied to players from certain Beast Mastery abilities.
- Fixed issue where you could not attack a criminal guild enemy without enabling criminal actions.
- Fixed a bug where you were sometimes not able to eat food after dying in combat mode, if you had CTRL bound to something.
General changes
- Removed “Maintain Vertical FOV” checkbox from the Video settings. It is now forced on by default.
- Increased maximum FOV from 110 to 120.
- Disable heat affecting stamina costs when body heat is above 20.
- TC Guard Towers will no longer spawn Guild Guards unless there’s a fully built Barracks within 50m. If a guard is already spawned and the Barracks is destroyed, the guard will stay but will not respawn if killed.
- Fixed several issues with Bosses resetting and leashing when they should not.
- Fixed many environmental issues
- Updated keep walls to have larger holes in their destruction stages
- Updated the Elder Gaur to hide more of its fur while mounted to increase visibility
- AI can now always leave houses, even if the door is closed.
- Added Craftable Large and Small bags for Wolves.
- Added Craftable Armor for Wolves.
- Relics now open after 5-10 min instead of always 30 min.
- Optimized broker UI a bit.
- Filters on the broker now save their setup when you switch categories.
- The no sales found message now tells you to check filters if you are using filters.
- Optimized the new server to reduce lag.
- Fixed a leak in the UI that could be the cause of our most common crash.
- Massive client optimization work has gone into improving level streaming and reducing stuttering and freezes.
- We have added a lot of new server analytics in this patch. Server analytics helps us find problematic areas on the server. These tools are what helped us fix the long-running server issues in large battles, in the hotfix we pushed to live last week.
- The server shutdown sequence has been refactored as part of our ongoing performance improvements. This optimization will reduce system downtime during scheduled maintenance operations, including weekly reboots and patch deployments.
Known Issues
- Some areas of Myrland may be missing grass.
Feedback Survey

As always, we will be hosting a Google Forms feedback survey soon where you can let us know about your experiences on the PTR.
We greatly appreciate everyone who takes the time to fill these out. A link to the feedback survey form will be posted closer to the end of the PTR.
PTR Gathering Event Date

We will be hosting a gathering event on the PTR this Friday the 31st of January at 8:00 PM CET.
The event location will be Starvaultia, and you will be able to request a teleport to the event once it has begun on the PTR.
This will be a perfect opportunity to get as many players in one place as possible for testing some of the server optimizations, as well as testing things out with each other. We also plan to host a battle, where we will force join all players into one of two guilds and utilize the Heraldry system for team identification.
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend, and we can’t wait to see you there!