
Mortal Online 2

Into the Vault #140 – Development Update

May 10, 2024

Greetings Mortals,

On May 8th Henrik hosted his bi-weekly QnA stream, where he discussed some of what we have been working on for the next update which has a major focus on Haven and the new player experience, and also went on an adventure in game to the latest dungeon, the Sylvan Sanctum!

You can watch the full stream archived over on our YouTube channel:

New Player Experience Update

Our game can be very complex, and although this complexity and depth is what makes the game so interesting for many players, it is no secret that it can also make the barrier to entry in learning the game quite daunting for new players.

One of the main focus points for this next update is improving Haven and the new player experience to smooth out this learning process as much as possible by introducing new players to the core game mechanics in a more fluid and controlled manner, while also updating certain areas of the game which cause unnecessary friction.

This involves a long list of changes, such as:

  • Adding build presets to character creation.
  • Remaking the Haven tutorials, with a new starting location and more linear path to completion.
  • Changes to certain skills to make them more useful for new players, such as merging certain secondary movement skills into their parents.
  • Adding more and accurate information to select skill descriptions.
  • Integrating the task systems to Haven and the tutorial.
  • Improving the PvE experience on Haven with more PvE related challenges and updates to the existing dungeons/larger POIs to be more interesting.
  • Adding a Guild Finder, allowing players to filter guilds by size, focus, active timezone, main language, who they are looking for and active region of the map.
  • Updating the map to show found locations.
  • Keybind profiles.
  • Many more

New Task Types

After its introduction with the Hunter and Soldier tasks, the new task system has been extremely successful based on your feedback.  

We are currently working on adding two new types of tasks, Foraging and Fishing. All going well both of them will make it into this coming update, however there is always the chance that we will only have enough time to add one. 

Foraging tasks will have you out in the world gathering herbs and certain resources for study and observation by the Societa Natura Myrland.

Mining and Woodcutting will be separate task types for the future, these new tasks will be for the various “pickable” resources which spawn in certain locations and disappear when picked up, such as Nymph Herb, Sea Dew or Nitre Crystals.

Fishing tasks involve catching various different types of fish on Myrland. Although the task will tell you what kind of fish, how many you need to catch and where you might find them, it will be up to you to learn what kind of hook and bait is most efficient for the task.

Both new task types come with a new unique currency to earn, titles for earning that currency, a prestigeous cape to spend them on and scaling rewards of Glory and Silver based on task difficulty.

We also hope to expand the list of available rewards for each existing task group in this update.

Next Dungeon

As part of the focus on Haven and the new player experience, the next of the “modular” dungeons is being staggered to the update after this one we are currently working on.

As Henrik mentioned in his most recent stream, this next one will also be located in the wilderness of the southern Myrland jungle.


Whether you’re a longtime fan of Mortal Online 2 or a newcomer in the world of Nave, dive into the vault with Henrik every second Wednesday at 8:00 PM CEST to get your questions answered by the CEO and game designer.

 See you in Nave,

The Star Vault Team

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