Warning to new players:


New member
Sep 22, 2022
Let me preface this by saying that I am indeed leaving Mortal Online and what you can expect to find here is a forewarning so that you don't waste tens or hundreds of hours of your time coming to the same conclusions just because the game has eye-candy and sound effects that entice you to stay.

Reading some of the other threads it looks like I wasn't alone in being misled by veteran players pretending to be ignorant of the problems that they have encountered or how those problems impact the enjoyability of this game or how for the sake of "secrecy and mystery" glaring flaws in the game are being swept under the rug.

First, I would like to start by stating that the complexity that you see when you first look at the skill trees is artificial. This is where I was first led astray. Many of these skills you see aren't even working, and many skills are dependent on others such that you could remove 80% of them and the game wouldn't change at all. Most skills are secondary and level up passively though gameplay and you can't even tell that they do anything at all. This game preys upon people with phone-game tactics of quick easy rewards as you see these nearly inconsequential skills level up rapidly in your chat window. The most meaningful progress you'll make is within the first hour of making your character.

Second, the combat in this game is horribly balanced and very poorly implemented. I have so many complaints about this that I don't even know where to begin. You have this game, with a massive world that almost requires the usage of mounts to do anything and then in this game you have nearly unusable mounted melee combat and a mount-charge system that doesn't even seem to work at all. You have here this game where you run faster with your weapon out, but spellcasters cannot cast without first sheathing their weapon (which does have an animation time). You have a game where the lag is so horribly bad that players have coined a new term for hitting somebody in the back as they run away due to the server thinking that they haven't yet moved. You have this game where, even with being the most expensive book in the library in the tutorial, unarmed combat entirely maxed-out is less damage than using a pig as a pet.

Third, the building and building sieging in this game is unfair. Player houses are indestructible and the limited number of strongholds on the map can't be contested or lost due to player intervention. The guilds that control the strongholds or houses next to valuable resources cannot lose them except willingly by refusing to pay upkeep even if said guild or homeowner has been inactive for a period of months. The first players to claim the territory has secured their advantage for so long as the game continues. New players have been denied opportunity and the sea of unused homes are a blight across the landscape as zerg-guilds continue to add more and more fortifications to their nation without consequence to provide their members easy access to storage or safe haven.

Fourth, the professions and market in this game are abysmal. I spent days gathering hundreds of thousands of materials, tens of hours researching the materials of nave and their purpose and use, and I can only wonder how many times getting killed on the road or around the town(s) only to discover after mining over a million ores and maxing multiple material lore that I would be unable to both craft armor and extract my own ore through mining at the same time any further. The next day when I attempted to begin crafting the steel that I had collected I discovered that the price of a max-lore, max-skill crafted set of armor was unusually low. I investigated and discovered that the ore is actually selling for as much as 2 times or 3 times the price of the crafted piece (which requires a several hundred skill-point investment) and that I had dedicated hours to acquiring and using materials that I would never personally use at a net loss of thousands of gold. People are buying the materials to level their skills, not for the armor that it produces. People are leveling these skills for "fun" and not for profit and forcing those that would gather or craft to earn income to instead kill bandits for the ten thousandth time just like everyone else.

Fifth, the community as you might expect is bad. You might have walked into a town and overheard people cheerily bantering with each other or roleplaying or having fun but largely from what I've seen this is a facade. These are the very same people who once you leave the city gates would enslave you to indentured servitude if they were able to make a profit. I've seen people on more times than I can count on both hands trick others into "grouping up" or "working together" or "being at peace" to stab the other in the back the moment they aren't looking. Half of the fights I've seen in this game involve who can turn around and stab the other in the back faster once they pass each other on the road. Players will herd together in groups to block entire cities with their mounts, block accesses to banks with their pets, and take turns spamming you with shield bash in town (which doesn't flag an individual until they have done so multiple times) to displace afk players far enough from the guards to kill them. I have had multiple people insult me for giving them free armor, my own allies attack and kill me in the wilderness, and more times than I would consider regular tell me that they would meet me somewhere and leave me waiting for 30 minutes before they arrived.

Sixth, the core ideas of the game are being undermined and prioritization of game design is being mismanaged with each new patch. Originally this game was supposed to be a full loot pvp game and I'm sure that is why many bought the game in the first place but with the addition of trinkets (necklace and 2 rings) as well as "blessed" items which cannot be dropped when killed the game is turning more and more into a typical wow-clone every day. Domination, a subskill of the ecumenical (standard practical magic) line of spells was placed lower in the priority than an entirely new specialization of niche magic, necromancy, and still does not function correctly. Upgrading to unreal engine 5 has logistical benefits but it's clear that the game's greatest priority moving forward is to improve the graphics at the expense of gameplay.

Some end thoughts:
- Players are bypassing the single character limit and creating an unfair advantage against players who want to enjoy a single-character experience.
- Melee combat is boring and feels like a slow-paced version of whack-a-mole with only 4 holes.
- Low level materials are extremely time consuming to make but equally worthless (such as bron).
- The directional voice chat system is broken in this game and sounds will come from an area opposite of where it originated.
- Weapons are still being unsheathed as invisible in spite of patch notes claiming otherwise.
- My frames per second actually go down when disabling DLSS (I believe this may be due to forced and poorly optimized anisotropic filtering)
- The colors in this game are way too saturated and the dark is easily avoided and exploited by changing gamma settings.

Veteran players are walking around in armor three times as powerful as you, with optimized builds and trinkets and game knowledge with thousands of gold in their pocket so that they can line up their horses and gank naked players at the gates of the city while they farm weeds for silver. The game is busted and even if you're masochistic enough to try to play catch-up this long after launch you'll find that this is a shallow game with poor design and the entire time you were strung along the only purpose you served was to be fodder for the pkers working on their third or fourth account while they kept it secret from you that the game sucks and that they are just here to grief people new and naive. If you knew that, then they wouldn't have anyone to kill.


New member
Sep 22, 2022
With all of that being said, I actually do think that this game has a great foundation and can and should be corrected. MO2 is an open world sandbox pvp mmorpg with pve elements and community. It has a great concept, but the execution is a borderline scam. Unfortunately I'm not being paid to develop the game for SV nor do I have any interest in following the progress when it is clearly so far from enjoyable so I will not be sticking around. I wish SV and those willing to stay the best of luck but would urge any newcomers to leave now until the game is patched.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Im sorry but, if you “wasted tens or hundreds of hours”, doesn't that mean that you played for tens or hundreds of hours? You were entertained for that many hours. otherwise you wouldn't have spent more than a few hours playing….

If a 35$ game kept you playing for hundreds of hours, its a pretty good entertainment for your money. There are many many games that ive paid for and never played for more than a few hours.

Sorry that in the end you didnt get whatever you were looking for. I think you might have been expecting a bit much from a tiny game made by a unknown developer.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
yeah, one of those games you play as an investment, until you realize investing time into a video game for the hopes of online glory is really dumb and move onto more fun games


Active member
Aug 1, 2021
as a vet , i left because i was bored , the basic promise of mo2 was " mo1 with better graphics , with more space , more continent and more stuff to do "
we got the same continent with enlarged size , no new continent for now , half ( it's a bad estimate i'll give you that ) less content , sure we got a few more boss and mob but we miss some mo1 core content, no thieving , no horse breeding , same old bad cooking system , TC was implemented without sieging ( lol ? ); since i was more of a thief/breeder , and am bad into combat , i got bored ...


Dec 17, 2021
A lot of your paragraphs are littered with points that seem really hyperbolic or to be complaints based on misconceptions and even some that are flat out wrong but I agree with a lot of your general sentiment and frustration.

You sound like a solo player/to be addressing this to solo players who MO2 really isn't designed for. Things like the knowledge and skill gap become irrelevant when new players can (and are expected to) just join a guild that has veteran players to learn from who will kit them out in decent gear.

Most of your complaints can be addressed by joining and playing with a good guild, the rest like bugs and missing features will hopefully be fixed over time.


New member
Sep 22, 2022
Im sorry but, if you “wasted tens or hundreds of hours”, doesn't that mean that you played for tens or hundreds of hours? You were entertained for that many hours. otherwise you wouldn't have spent more than a few hours playing….

What I should have included is that those tens or hundreds of hours I personally spent were primarily gathering or mining or travelling with auto run as I watched movies online, browsed forums, chatted with friends and family and did research on the game while my character swung an axe. The gathering was a means to an end, something I looked forward to playing for the next 6 months. The more I researched about the game the more I began to dislike it. This is a warning to new players to not waste your time.


New member
Sep 22, 2022
Most of your complaints can be addressed by joining and playing with a good guild, the rest like bugs and missing features will hopefully be fixed over time.
If you read my post you'll notice that I did join a guild and had allies attacking me while I mined. I am a pretty social person and I've added over 20 players to my friends list in the short time that I've been here and group and/or play with others regularly. I was given hundreds of gold in free armor, weapons, lorebooks, horses and materials by veteran players who presumably would pay money to see the community improve. Most of those people I added were from Haven and of those not a single person that didn't already have character(s) on Myrland still play. You say that my points are hyperbolic or misconceptions but as a new player I doubt that my opinion and perspective has been tainted by the forum culture. Could you be more specific? It sounds like you're dismissing a legitimate argument and covering it up through obscurity much like I (precisely) indicated was happening in my original message that I posted in the preface.
Reading some of the other threads it looks like I wasn't alone in being misled by veteran players pretending to be ignorant of the problems that they have encountered or how those problems impact the enjoyability of this game or how for the sake of "secrecy and mystery" glaring flaws in the game are being swept under the rug.
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New member
Sep 22, 2022
I will be around to reply to this thread for today only while I say my farewells and distribute or return the materials and gold that I've acquired in-game.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
What I should have included is that those tens or hundreds of hours I personally spent were primarily gathering or mining or travelling with auto run as I watched movies online, browsed forums, chatted with friends and family and did research on the game while my character swung an axe. The gathering was a means to an end, something I looked forward to playing for the next 6 months. The more I researched about the game the more I began to dislike it. This is a warning to new players to not waste your time.

I do not deny that the game is riddled with problems. I myself would not recommend the game to any of my friends in the state its in. It is also currently missing the main feature which is sieging and TC. Pvp is quite meaningless without it. However that will come sooner than later.

What i find very weird about your experience is that you played for hundreds of hours, doing the most boring stuff in the game, apparently playing with the biggest douche bags in the game, and then somehow woke up and saw all the negative that is in the game.

You obviously had very high expectations that were not met. For sure this game is not for those that have high standards.

For those of us that like this type of gameplay there isnt much else out there that even comes close. Rust maybe, bit its a completely different feel. So yea the game is full of issues, and new players should be alerted to them, but its still a very unique game.


New member
Sep 22, 2022
I'm glad that you responded because I would be more than happy to explain what did happen:

There was no singular moment when it suddenly occurred to me that this game is in a terrible state. I can think of several keys points during my time playing Mortal Online where I questioned, "is it worth continuing?"

The first time I began to doubt the game was the very first day I played it when I was blinded by the oversaturation and darkness and thought that this game would give me headaches or worse. A day or two later after having been ganked at least 10 times in and around Meduli especially by players from large guilds or in groups and with noticeably better weapons than what I was wielding it occurred to me that I may not play through the leveling process even if the game was balanced more fairly later on.

I left Meduli and began mining calx in Fabernum as it had been recommended through a guide I was using to make steel. Fabernum was no better and within minutes of arriving in the town people were making distasteful jokes over voice comms that I couldn't disable without shutting out half of the game. I was ganked no less in Fabernum even with the lower population and my time spent mining there gave me an opportunity to do research on the game and find a guild. I joined a guild in Fabernum where my own allies would attack me and through research found out that many systems such as sieging had not been added.

After a couple of days mining I moved my belongings to Tindrem to use the facilities there such as the fabricula which is when I discovered that you cannot craft armor and collect your own metals on the same character - This was a huge blow and the second time I seriously considered leaving.

A friend who I had met in the tutorial a few days earlier offered to help me out in Vadda so I went there where I finally began to get an idea of what "fair" combat is like in this game through pvp at the bandit camps and spider valley presumably because this is the first town I could step 20 meters away from the city without getting ganked by some dude in tungsteel and a max level horse. After experiencing the "fair" pvp in this game I am quitting. The crafting sucks, the experience caters to griefers and the pvp is terrible. Worse, the design philosphy has taken a side-step away from full loot siege pvp and the future of this game looks bleak when resources are being spent on magic systems while the melee combat in this game leaves a lot to be desired.

I also sympathize with your sentiment that this game is unique. I'm an avid MMORPG player and I enjoy pvp like many others here but excluding new world it feels like it has been a decade since a new MMORPG has been released. The graphics and animations in the Elder Scrolls Online give me a headache and the combat in Guild Wars 2 feels like people are having a pillow fight. I was excited to play this game so I even bought it months ago when it released but only recently had time to play it. Unfortunately with the combat systems and crafting and territory control the way that they are I think the only players who can truly appreciate this game at this point may be the non-combatant roleplayers or explorers. I love adventure, but I also love reward.
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New member
Sep 22, 2022
I believe the reason why it may appear that it "all-of-the-sudden hit me" is because I'm writing this in conclusion to my experience. I also don't think I have played "hundreds of hours" and I believe you may be confusing my attempts to save others of hundreds of hours with my own, let's say 120 hours, of playtime.

I would argue that your typical player isn't using a multiple monitor setup to research game information as they play nor would they be inclined to do so even if it were possible. I would also argue that playing hours consecutively has a greater advantage in understanding than playing only a few hours a day or only playing every few days or perhaps only on weekends. I would say that in many ways my 120 hours of experience is probably more akin to what your average 400-hour player might know and display.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
While I respect your right to express your opinion, I think most of the issues you raised are due to either features and mechanics not implemented yet as the game is still in early access. Or frustration with the omnipresent pvp and full looting which creates unpredictable social dynamics that requires a certain mindset if you want to be successful in the long-term.

Mining large quantities of resources in one go instead of taking multiple trips is to pile an inordinate amount of risk on yourself with a high chance of loss. It's akin to someone betting all the money they have in one round of gambling and then losing it all.

The market is exactly what one would expect it to be when it is entirely driven by players with demand and supply forces shaping the economy. The reason why refined resources are selling for more than crafted items using those resources is because players have deemed resources to be of higher value, and there's nothing wrong with that. It just means you have to adjust your price expectations to be more in line with the market forces. As an example, I sell lower-end tower shields on the side on the trade broker and it always sells out because I did my calculations and worked out what might be a good price for them.

The community has its bad apples, but every online game has its trolls, backstabbers and griefers, and believe me I have seem worse in a good number of other MMORPGs. I quietly read what is being said on the help chat whenever I'm not doing something that requires my full attention, and often bump into other players in the most dangerous of places. Places where you could get pk'ed and no one would be able to come to your rescue even if they wanted to. So far, I've only been pk'ed once in the Tindrem sewers, and I'm someone who frequently goes down there to level up my clade experience. The stuff I read on the help chat isn't anything different to what one would normally see in a mmorpg with players from all over the world. You'll see the good and the bad in any online game you venture into and spend a good deal of time in.

The player brigands often seem to find some unfortunate victim to do pvp on that ends in them dying. At times it is because they just happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time (which is perfectly normal, this is part of the game), and other times it may be because players don't learn from their mistakes and instead keep making them over and over again. Player brigands aren't going to stop or go away just because people don't realise that if they're not the cat, then they're the mouse.

You mentioned that you were in a guild where the guild mates ganked you frequently. It is probably a sign that it is not the right kind of guild for you, and that forming your own guild and keeping it small and only having people you know and trust might be the better way to go. Or just don't join a guild until you find one that you'll fit well in.

All in all, I can understand why this game didn't work out for you and I'm sorry to see you go, but I share different opinions on most of the issues you raised.
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New member
Sep 22, 2022
I'm not sure why you seem to think that the pvp is at fault when I've made it clear that I came here for the pvp. This isn't my first full-loot pvp game and it certainly won't be my last. I do have a problem with players with experience and money and large numbers through established communities or guilds doing 120 damage to me while I scratch at them for 30 damage and being camped outside of the city walls. I have seen the same person roam around killing naked people on the Meduli beach for 6 hours at a time. I have seen groups of people gather to stop these criminals. But that is neither here nor there when my primary complaint is that the mechanics, desync and lag in this game are poorly designed.

I think the problem is that as disappointed as I am with some of the features in this game I can look past many of them - such as a poor crafting system, although probably because years of poor crafting has trained me to cope with poor development of them - but every time I leave town to go kill something it feels bad. Having to sheath and un-sheath my weapon every time I want to cast a spell, the delay in switching weapons, being unable to use a torch in your offhand even though this game has such an impressive darkness, the cast times so long on horse-back I feel like I've been cc'd, having to tell your pet to follow you every time you click attack, being hit in the back by somebody 15 meters away from you due to lag... for lack of a better word the combat in this game just feels "bad." Worse, there are only 8 mob types that give experience so I found myself too many times killing the same boring mobs with the same bad mechanics.

I wanted to like this game. I'm sure many did of the supposed 110,000 copies sold. The combat is just bad in this game, but even if it wasn't this game has way too many issues such as the ones described above to make it worth playing even for those that put greater emphasis on other aspects of the game such as territory control and guild management or marketing and crafting to ignore the blatantly poor combat.
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New member
Sep 22, 2022
It brings me no pleasure to say that my intention today was to add some of the people on my friends list to external social devices such as steam friends or discord and to give away or return the tens of thousands of crafting materials that I've been given or accumulated but quite frankly I can't bring myself to even log into this game so I will return here periodically over the next few days as I try to get this stuff sorted and hopefully be able to respond to anything in this thread.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
I sympathize a great deal. I believe what you are describing is a failure of star vault to plan all the way to the end.

think of a game like world of Warcraft vanilla. You had an insane amount of quests and leveling routes that were known by the devs before the players new about it. You had classes that seemingly all had pve and pvp specs that worked. You had content and gear progression. Of course they didn’t get everything right. Contrast that to star vaults approach. We’re going to wait for the players to hit max level and then we’ll figure it out.

“The ending is everything. Plan all the way to it, taking into account all the possible consequences, obstacles, and twists of fortune that might reverse your hard work and give the glory to others. By planning to the end you will not be overwhelmed by circumstances and you will know when to stop. Gently guide fortune and help determine the future by thinking far ahead.”
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Dec 17, 2021
Could you be more specific? It sounds like you're dismissing a legitimate argument and covering it up through obscurity much like I (precisely) indicated was happening in my original message that I posted in the preface.
Not trying to cover anything up like I said I do agree with a lot of your general sentiment and I'm openly critical of MO2's flaws myself. I just think it helps to make criticism as accurate and informed as possible, because criticism coming from a misinformed perspective makes it easy to ignore or dismiss. Quoted parts I think are mistaken or based on naïve new/solo player perspective, aside from these I do agree with most of your complaints. I'm sorry it sounds like when you did play with a guild/other players you happened to join a bunch of assholes. All I can say is not all groups/guilds are like that and you should try playing with other groups before giving up entirely.

This game preys upon people with phone-game tactics of quick easy rewards as you see these nearly inconsequential skills level up rapidly in your chat window. The most meaningful progress you'll make is within the first hour of making your character.
Wrong. Your initial character build is usually pretty quick to flesh out only taking a couple of hours or days for most, which most people would actually think is a good thing otherwise you end up with the problem almost every other MMO has where new players have to grind for weeks before they can join the fun "real game" endgame content. But there's lots of long-term skill progression goals like refining/crafting with end-game materials (maalite, cronite, oghmium) or using rare weapon/armor designs (risar, draco etc), picking up rare magic schools like spiritism and necromancy etc. A lot of veteran players spent the last few weeks levelling up their ritualism so they can summon strong necro pets for example.

Third, the building and building sieging in this game is unfair. Player houses are indestructible and the limited number of strongholds on the map can't be contested or lost due to player intervention. The guilds that control the strongholds or houses next to valuable resources cannot lose them except willingly by refusing to pay upkeep even if said guild or homeowner has been inactive for a period of months. The first players to claim the territory has secured their advantage for so long as the game continues. New players have been denied opportunity and the sea of unused homes are a blight across the landscape as zerg-guilds continue to add more and more fortifications to their nation without consequence to provide their members easy access to storage or safe haven.
This entire paragraph can just be summarised as "sieging and territory control are not in yet", they are the most demanded features for SV to implement, they will likely be doing it after UE5 upgrade which sounds like is their next priority after they finish the current bugfixing passes.

"The first players to claim the territory has secured their advantage for so long as the game continues." is entirely wrong the current state isn't forever, as soon as sieging is in houses, strongholds and castles across the map will be getting sieged and control of a lot of areas will change dramatically. The map is way bigger than MO1 so holding and defending assets all over the map will become difficult, most guilds will consolidate power in their primary areas of play instead of having strongholds all over the map.

Fourth, the professions and market in this game are abysmal. I spent days gathering hundreds of thousands of materials, tens of hours researching the materials of nave and their purpose and use, and I can only wonder how many times getting killed on the road or around the town(s) only to discover after mining over a million ores and maxing multiple material lore that I would be unable to both craft armor and extract my own ore through mining at the same time any further. The next day when I attempted to begin crafting the steel that I had collected I discovered that the price of a max-lore, max-skill crafted set of armor was unusually low. I investigated and discovered that the ore is actually selling for as much as 2 times or 3 times the price of the crafted piece (which requires a several hundred skill-point investment) and that I had dedicated hours to acquiring and using materials that I would never personally use at a net loss of thousands of gold. People are buying the materials to level their skills, not for the armor that it produces. People are leveling these skills for "fun" and not for profit and forcing those that would gather or craft to earn income to instead kill bandits for the ten thousandth time just like everyone else.
Common new player mistake to spread themselves too thin trying to be a jack of all trades. If you joined a half-decent guild they would have helped you pick viable and profitable professions. You couldn't compete with others selling steel armor on the market because some of it is probably PvP loot being sold for cheap to liquidate it fast plus your refining and crafting is less efficient than others by not being maxed out. Armor crafting is more for self-sustainability and providing that service to your guild/friends to make sure you're all in decent gear even when far from towns than for making a profit, mining refining and crafting steel armor if you weren't going to use it yourself was a bad decision for profession.

with the addition of trinkets (necklace and 2 rings) as well as "blessed" items which cannot be dropped when killed the game is turning more and more into a typical wow-clone every day. Domination, a subskill of the ecumenical (standard practical magic) line of spells was placed lower in the priority than an entirely new specialization of niche magic, necromancy, and still does not function correctly. Upgrading to unreal engine 5 has logistical benefits but it's clear that the game's greatest priority moving forward is to improve the graphics at the expense of gameplay.
Saying that having 3 trinket slots you can equip trinkets in to have them soulbound (where they either do nothing or lose charges that cost gold to recharge when you die so there is still some risk to using them) is turning it into a "typical wow-clone" seems hyperbolic to a funny degree.

Veteran players are walking around in armor three times as powerful as you, with optimized builds and trinkets and game knowledge with thousands of gold in their pocket so that they can line up their horses and gank naked players at the gates of the city while they farm weeds for silver. The game is busted and even if you're masochistic enough to try to play catch-up this long after launch you'll find that this is a shallow game with poor design and the entire time you were strung along the only purpose you served was to be fodder for the pkers working on their third or fourth account while they kept it secret from you that the game sucks and that they are just here to grief people new and naive. If you knew that, then they wouldn't have anyone to kill.
New solo player perspective, join a proper guild and none of this paragraph is really an issue.


New member
Sep 22, 2022
First, you were indeed specifically vague and now you're trying to cover glaring issues up with the rug pretending as though because a promise of sieging or destructible housing in a future update excuses the current state of the game. I don't care what this game "promises" when the fact is that SV has no obligation to you now that the game has been purchased.

Of all professions, armor crafting should be the most or second most important in a fantasy medieval combat game. If the profession isn't profitable, then that is simply poor game design- no matter what excuse you seem to think explains why. Do you think weapon crafting is any different? What about alchemy?

If these are legitimate complaints from a new player who do you expect this game to attract? What do you think will happen if you see for yourself that new players are turned away in disgust? Isn't it more likely that you've developed coping mechanisms to deal with playing a poor quality game, such as lying to yourself about how an unimplemented sieging and uncontestable property system where you can place houses next to resources is ruinous in a pvp game since "the developer promised us?" You sound like a child.

Stating that the game is turning into world of warcraft by converting droppable player equipment into non-droppable equipment is not hyperbole. First it was full loot, then spellbooks and capes, then trinkets... Next you'll start seeing weapons that can't be dropped on death and take no durability damage- wouldn't that be fun? It's not a slippery slope argument. Face the facts: Over time, this game has turned the full-loot pvp nature of the game, which it sold people on, into something more akin to a typical pve mmorpg. The most valuable items in this game are exactly the same ones that can't be transferred on death.
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