Some balance suggestions from taming


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Won't matter. I'll win in any terrain.

In the wide open a 125 steppe horse or jottun with a skilled rider and MA can easily pick apart that terror bird before you are able to put any real damage on the mount. It is only compounded if that MA is a hybrid build. Then the bird will die and the horse will be constantly healed. It wont be an easy fight but it can be done. The other part of it is if it is an open field the fat mage on foot is a easy target even for a bad archer. Hitting for 40-70 with every shot on a barely armored fat mage. In a congested area like the jungle or forest the favor swings more in the balance of the fat mage... as they will have cover and places to hide and pull the bird to heal it. Also all of the clutter will slow down the mount making the bird get in free hits as it as a AI can ignore a lot of things that would slow down or flat out stop a mount.


Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Won't matter. I'll win in any terrain.

After i corrupt you while i easily bow down your horse as you try to ready a spell heading in 1 flat direction... i will just corrupt your t bird and clap it with some dome shots...then i find your fat legs trying to run... fat mage cant 1v1 a readied opponent. Any tamer mage can kill if they get the jump or surprise someone with a pet they didnt see. Thats easy. But not if someone knows.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I just pictured a lone untagged blue pushing a wheelbarrow full of calx getting shot at by an MA... 🤣

While fighting off dynamic spawns. Lol that wheelbarrow better hold like 20 stacks

yeah but for real. I would think it would be fair, cuz even tho dudes hate it, guys in town and around town can mine... but being able to do something like that would yea open up gank opportunities but it would help bring more into the world. As for how much it would cost to get one and how much it could carry, I dunno. I doubt people would mine 20 stacks off a wheelbarrow, but yknow 8 would be nice. It wouldn't be like you couldn't stop and fight someone, it wouldn't be like the wheel barrow thing would have to be really slow, either. Just a diff pov. Of course I also think there should be carts for horses prol.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Tashka. Let's play a game. We fight each other. You bring an MA and I bring my fat mage with a terror bird. Let's see who wins.
Funny the other day i killed a mage on low lvl mount with high lvl Tbird. The dude never saw me or noticed the Tbird was getting damaged by my arrows, which son after died, when he noticed fulmed my horse and i mercied him mounted.

Probably in another context if that mage dismounted and started fulming my horse hiding behind the TBird would prob force me to retreat and heal the horse. But if that mage managed to kill my horse and he's Tbird was alive there was a high possibility he would kill me before i could catch him or kill the Tbird, asumming it was at least a human, but it was an alvarin. I'm a thursar and can't be chasing humans or alvarins while a Tbird is fucking me.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Pet's aren't underpowered, they just aren't as OP as people say and they deserve to be powerful for the amount of time it takes to have them ready for pvp. I would prefer them to be weaker but easier to get, much easier. It shouldn't be *the* weapon that can kill an average player with no input. But again, this can only happen if pets are much, much easier to get and train. And yes, MAs, while weak in general, are hard counter to tamers. If you have problem with pets, maybe you should have some MAs in your group. And most melees can afford 200 points on MA.

This is a pvp game. No one would bother with taming if it wasn't powerful in pvp. Dunno maybe you play somewhere near the jungle, but in GK area pets are a non-issue. There are very few tamers around. When you encounter one, it can be tough. But then again, 50% of the time the pet dies, which hurts a lot more than losing whatever you have on your melee. Or the tamer just flees to save it.

I'm just saying that you should be able to kill most pets as blain/thursar. And you absolutely must be able to obliterate them if there's two of you. If you can't you're bad and you shouldn't be complaining about how skilless pet gameplay is, that's it.
Ehm i partially agree, pets need to be overall lesser, easier to get and less time consumming to level up. I'd only agree to make em good enough for pvp if and only if theres a beast mastery design, without any command capacity and the really dumb AI auto attacking creatures it's not even worth buffing that gameplay just to be the new meta.
That gameplay is sadly a placeholder.

Yes i've fought a lot of people that had pets, killed many and got killed a few times with different characters, from verla hybrid, to tamer mage, thurkal ma and drastic fat mm, also tried humans and huergars.
Yes pets are really good un certain contexts and really garbage in other ones. In my exerience pets are op in certain scenarios.

As a thursar might be challenging to fight a tbird or a crab high lvl and a decent alvarin mage with prob 100+ int landing fulms (at least). Idk if you obliterate the crab at that moment, we would have to see if you are competent enough. I myself find it hard but maybe im just bad, i guess.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
In the wide open a 125 steppe horse or jottun with a skilled rider and MA can easily pick apart that terror bird before you are able to put any real damage on the mount. It is only compounded if that MA is a hybrid build. Then the bird will die and the horse will be constantly healed. It wont be an easy fight but it can be done. The other part of it is if it is an open field the fat mage on foot is a easy target even for a bad archer. Hitting for 40-70 with every shot on a barely armored fat mage. In a congested area like the jungle or forest the favor swings more in the balance of the fat mage... as they will have cover and places to hide and pull the bird to heal it. Also all of the clutter will slow down the mount making the bird get in free hits as it as a AI can ignore a lot of things that would slow down or flat out stop a mount.
Fought against 3 MAs in the megnaton valley jungle once. I had my tamer hybrid dagger mage sheevra, a beast. They killed my horse and with dagger and fulms i killed 2 horses, and one of the MAs, the others ran. And i healed and retreated. Maybe they were shit, but i've seen them kill people somewhat fast maybe i was just lucky, the terrain really helped, the vegetation can be confusing to some people i guess but i didnt even had a pet, i was mounted yes but i didnt had armor.
But i agree any serious MA would try to retreat and reposition for healing the mount and probably re-engage It's what i do if i can as an MA. As a hybrid you cannot outheal a tamer mage with pet. If its a good mage it Will fuck up your horse nerd, i've done it.
The thing Is to be far enough to bow down the pet, far from spell dmg. Easier in open fields.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Fought against 3 MAs in the megnaton valley jungle once... with dagger and fulms i killed 2 horses ... Maybe they were shit
3 MAs couldn't kill a pet and you're asking if they're just bad?! How did you even GET to them with a dagger?!


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
MA v MM... beastmaster?? is an interesting match up that I dunno how it ends, depends on a lot of play. Pets are def handling biz on ground and terror birds are fast, it depends on how you respond to the terror bird pressure I guess + your horse etc.

Deleted member 44

After i corrupt you while i easily bow down your horse as you try to ready a spell heading in 1 flat direction... i will just corrupt your t bird and clap it with some dome shots...then i find your fat legs trying to run... fat mage cant 1v1 a readied opponent. Any tamer mage can kill if they get the jump or surprise someone with a pet they didnt see. Thats easy. But not if someone knows.


Active member
Nov 15, 2020
everyone will be able to tame horses which is GOOD THING.
why bother. just give horses away for free we dont need taming. this is my come back on your trolling comment in my suggestion abot BH. learn how to treat ppl well, MF
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
3 MAs couldn't kill a pet and you're asking if they're just bad?! How did you even GET to them with a dagger?!
lol just seen this, they did kill my horse, i was hiding in the jungle vegetation they got too close to try to kill me, killed their horses and one of them there and they ran. Yeah i guess they werent the sharpest fish in the tank.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
why bother. just give horses away for free we dont need taming. this is my come back on your trolling comment in my suggestion abot BH. learn how to treat ppl well, MF
If you don't see the difference between having a radar on a person of your choosing (and also the info about their gear and everything) and allowing people to tame their horses when horses are so easily lost and the map is so stupidly big, well i don't know what to say.