Some balance suggestions from taming


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I'm only trying taming now but already see major flaws in it. Apart from house pathing and pets unable to swim of course.

1. Split taming into basic version and an advanced version. Both secondary. Basic goes under domestication and 100 basic taming is an equivalent of 50 taming now. This way, everyone will be able to tame horses which is GOOD THING. Advanced goes under 70 advanced creature control. 100 basic and 100 advanced is equivalent to 100 taming now. Come on. Having taming as primary only serves as an incentive to buy alt accounts.

2. Low tier pets should train faster. Right now there is no real point in having dire wolves for example, or razorbacks, or things like that. While they can be helpful, they die a lot faster than tbirds and brown bears and the like, but it takes as much time to train them. If you have a choice, say, between taming a black bear in the nearest woods and going all the way to the jungle to tame a tbird, the obvious answer is a tbird. Because travel time is not that huge compared to the time it takes to train the animal. The tbird offers much more value and takes as much time to train as the bear.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
I'm only trying taming now but already see major flaws in it. Apart from house pathing and pets unable to swim of course.

1. Split taming into basic version and an advanced version. Both secondary. Basic goes under domestication and 100 basic taming is an equivalent of 50 taming now. This way, everyone will be able to tame horses which is GOOD THING. Advanced goes under 70 advanced creature control. 100 basic and 100 advanced is equivalent to 100 taming now. Come on. Having taming as primary only serves as an incentive to buy alt accounts.

2. Low tier pets should train faster. Right now there is no real point in having dire wolves for example, or razorbacks, or things like that. While they can be helpful, they die a lot faster than tbirds and brown bears and the like, but it takes as much time to train them. If you have a choice, say, between taming a black bear in the nearest woods and going all the way to the jungle to tame a tbird, the obvious answer is a tbird. Because travel time is not that huge compared to the time it takes to train the animal. The tbird offers much more value and takes as much time to train as the bear.

While I dont agree with your suggestions, your observations are spot on.
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New member
Apr 10, 2022
I currently like how someone can create a PVP capable build that uses animals, but cannot tame or train them effectively. This creates a great market niche for people who like to tame, train and sell pets.

If anything, I think the lore requirements for holding and commanding a pet are not critical enough - it only affects the value of pet points used. You can still use a lvl 94 terror bird (w/o a horse) with absolutely zero lore in Aves or Neognathae. IMHO, you shouldn't be able to use the pet at all if you don't have the lore.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I currently like how someone can create a PVP capable build that uses animals, but cannot tame or train them effectively. This creates a great market niche for people who like to tame, train and sell pets.
It only creates a P2W situation where you must basically have an alt character to cater to all your taming and training needs, or be gimped. And for many players, even buying a pet from the broker requires a blue alt. If you don't like the idea of having alts, the current system of having taming as primary in the action tree punishes you for wanting to play the game as intended.

IMHO, you shouldn't be able to use the pet at all if you don't have the lore.
Animal lores are in professions tree. It's bad enough that you must have the mandatory 100 equidae, i'd say professions should NOT affect combat in any way. What if i want to use pets on character who is a refiner by profession? Full refining takes all your skill points and you can barely have any left even for the mandatory mammalia. The devs have split skills into profession and action trees for a reason - so that you wouln't have to chose between being a crafter or pvper, you can be both. Profession trees affecting combat goes against that idea.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
I'm only trying taming now but already see major flaws in it. Apart from house pathing and pets unable to swim of course.

1. Split taming into basic version and an advanced version. Both secondary. Basic goes under domestication and 100 basic taming is an equivalent of 50 taming now. This way, everyone will be able to tame horses which is GOOD THING. Advanced goes under 70 advanced creature control. 100 basic and 100 advanced is equivalent to 100 taming now. Come on. Having taming as primary only serves as an incentive to buy alt accounts.

2. Low tier pets should train faster. Right now there is no real point in having dire wolves for example, or razorbacks, or things like that. While they can be helpful, they die a lot faster than tbirds and brown bears and the like, but it takes as much time to train them. If you have a choice, say, between taming a black bear in the nearest woods and going all the way to the jungle to tame a tbird, the obvious answer is a tbird. Because travel time is not that huge compared to the time it takes to train the animal. The tbird offers much more value and takes as much time to train as the bear.
Don't have to change much just make taming seccondary and adv taming primary. I guess, but being able to tame and use any horse in the wilderness is a feature all races should have without investing any points. Getting to be a spec tamer should be more rewarding yes.
And pets should be balanced more than just speed up leveling for low tier pets. It could be an improvement in the quality of life and make low tier mobs a little more competitive, in pve. Cuz i definitely believe pets should be mostly pve directed but not OP in pvp.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Don't have to change much just make taming seccondary and adv taming primary. I guess, but being able to tame and use any horse in the wilderness is a feature all races should have without investing any points. Getting to be a spec tamer should be more rewarding yes.
If taming is primary, it should gives players some incentive to have it on their main character. Like, some bonus to pets. Doesn't have to be big, just a little something. Domination doesn't have that problem (it's nice that it doesn't have *some* problem at least) since you can't transfer dominated pets. But tamed pets you can trade and so there is absolutely NO reason to have taming on your main. Unless you want to RP, don't want to bother with multiple steam accounts, or live in a poor country and can't afford them.

Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
If taming is primary, it should gives players some incentive to have it on their main character. Like, some bonus to pets. Doesn't have to be big, just a little something. Domination doesn't have that problem (it's nice that it doesn't have *some* problem at least) since you can't transfer dominated pets. But tamed pets you can trade and so there is absolutely NO reason to have taming on your main.
I ment adv taming as a primary but not parent to taming which should be seccondary not requiring skill points and making people be able to tame horses and low tier creatures.
Making everyone have the possibility to access a "get off the road" mount, its a must in the current state of the game. This won't change tamers utility people Will still Buy horses but anyone should be able to get to a horse spawn and get a trash horse, basic quality of life feature.

Wanna tame high lvl horses and cool pets? Get adv taming which should be primary. And thats balanced till a proper beast mastery taming/Dom rework.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Wanna tame high lvl horses and cool pets? Get adv taming which should be primary.
Again, people will just use alt accounts for that. Imagine if portal lore could only be used to farm spirit boxes. No scounting, no banishing, no sneaking on players with MP and escaping into ether. Everyone would say that it should either be made secondary or moved to professions. Taming is basically this. It doesn't affect combat in any way, it only basically lets you "farm spirit boxes". So it should either be secondary, moved to professions, or have additional effect that turn it into something that you want to have on your main character and are willing to sacrifice defesnsive stance or something to have that.
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Albanjo Dravae

Well-known member
Dec 20, 2021
Again, people will just use alt accounts for that. Imagine if portal lore could only be used to farm spirit boxes. No scounting, no banishing, no sneaking on players with MP and escaping into ether. Everyone would say that it should either be made secondary or moved to professions. Taming is basically this. It doesn't affect combat in any way, it only basically lets you "farm spirit boxes". So it should either be secondary, moved to professions, or have additional effect that turn it into something that you want to have on your main character and are willing to sacrifice defesnsive stance or something to have that.
True, taming and domination could be profession skills then the combat aspect and maybe cc should be action skills or whatever they are called. Cuz aslong as you use something thats better than certain basic pets (such as horses or shitty mobs) for combat it should require action skills to control or command.

It wouldnt be fair to be able to have all pet related skills in the profession pool, that would automatically turn the meta to a pokemon Master gameplay, generating a new spectrum of gimped profession builds that would be suitable for that combat meta and also increasing the need to get more accounts for more crafting capacity.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
This way, everyone will be able to tame horses which is GOOD THING.
Insert clip of some idiot going on about how this ruins trade or something dumb. But 100% everyone should be able to tame horses. If the game is going to be balanced and made so that you need a horse to play the game, they should be everywhere, and everyone should be able to tame them. but a much better game design would be to not have horses be mandatory. but sadly its too late for that one.


Active member
Jan 27, 2022
Also...low teir pets should not have such a high pp cost...

Wolves for example are complete ass. I should be able to have 4 of them tamed with a horse they are so bad.. but no... we cant. Also 500 point investment should allow a pure tamer to ride. Amax horse and at least 1 max of any pet. Having a lvl 21 1-shot-dead horse with a barely useful pet is asinine. This could be resolved if we could ride some of the larger pets like tbird or bears.

Deleted member 44

I don't agree with any of this. Let tamers tame, and let them sell the pets.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
How do you not see how these things are different?
And exactly how are they different? A pet is a tamer's weapon just like a sword is a swordsman's weapon. The only difference is that you can ask your guildmate to craft you 30 swords and it will take less than a minute.

Tamers would still be able to sell pets to those who don't have ACC, or to those who don't want to bother with taming and training pets. Just like almost everyone can hunt turtles, but folks still buy carapaces. It doesn't exactly kill the trade.

Most of those who have ACC and don't ming taming/training have alt accounts to support their main anyway.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I don't agree w/ free taming as you only need like 45 taming anyway. Taming should be MORE INVOLVED... you should have to tame babies unless you are 70+, the amount of horses (per spawn, I mean, I agree there need to be more spawns) in the game is also too high by far. Nobody is hitting those spawns.
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Deleted member 44

A pet is stronger than any weapon that you can craft. You can ride a pet, store loot in a pet, farm with a pet, attack enemy players with a pet, sacrifice a pet to save yourself. I could go on. Pets are 100% cracked in mortal, they are hands down one of the most broken things in the game.
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
A pet is stronger than any weapon that you can craft. You can ride a pet, store loot in a pet, farm with a pet, attack enemy players with a pet, sacrifice a pet to save yourself. I could go on. Pets are 100% cracked in mortal, they are hands down one of the most broken things in the game.

Def would like to see more ways to transport stuff somewhat short distances. lol even if they had push carts or something. Combat pets and mounts are not the same. I've never really used combat pets (cept molvas lol,) but I've been taming since beginning of my playtime. I haven't tamed everything, either, but I am pretty sure that being able to tame a high lvl desi w/ 50 taming is broken. I'd say taming in general was better in MO1. I liked taming w/o mercy mode. I liked the variety. But yea you needed 100 to tame a lot of mounts and some were just impossible. lol dudes losing loyalty on their lvl 100+ pets and not being able to retame them then someone /guards them. Mo1memories.
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Deleted member 44

Def would like to see more ways to transport stuff somewhat short distances. lol even if they had push carts or something. Combat pets and mounts are not the same. I've never really used combat pets (cept molvas lol,) but I've been taming since beginning of my playtime. I haven't tamed everything, either, but I am pretty sure that being able to tame a high lvl desi w/ 50 taming is broken. I'd say taming in general was better in MO1. I liked taming w/o mercy mode. I liked the variety. But yea you needed 100 to tame a lot of mounts and some were just impossible. lol dudes losing loyalty on their lvl 100+ pets and not being able to retame them then someone /guards them. Mo1memories.
I'm using combat pets right now and it's disgusting how good they are. Every primary in zoology has a good pet that can be used. Pets are so strong that it is game breaking and SV is doing nothing to fix it.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Most pets are dogshit and they die easily. Taming skill doesn't make pets any stronger and contributes absolutely nothing to winning fights or survivability. Therefore it has no place being primary in action tree. Pets wouldn't be more OP (btw how if pets are so OP and game breaking how come everyone and his mother is a melee?) if taming was secondary.

> You can ride a pet
Horse is not exactly a pet. It's a necessity and should be recognized as a basic human right.

> store loot in a pet
Again, horses can do that.

> farm with a pet, attack enemy players with a pet
Wow. That's a game changer. No one else can farm or PvP in this game.

> sacrifice a pet to save yourself
Sacrifice hours of taming and training to save some dirt cheap gear? Smart.

I mean, pets are good. For the hours it takes to make them combat-ready they better be. As a mage, i died to tbirds more than once, but then i've also seen oghmirs obliterate tbirds (maybe not maxed but still) while not even wearing steel armor. Without even parrying them. Maybe if more people learned to parry pets they wouldn't be considered OP hey?
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