Beta Patch Notes Discussion


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Just thought I would post this here while waiting for download.

A lot of AI updates, etherworld combat and guild wars. Patch has something for everyone.


  • Added Skin complexion for human clade and veelas
  • Added Guild Wars
  • Spiritism and Etherworld combat.
  • Added press extraction devices to all cities.
  • Added Task NPC’s to all cities
  • Added Snapping Turtles to the Jungle Beaches.
  • Added Coralis Crabs to the Jungle Beaches.
  • Added Spirits to the Etherworld that can be drawn out with the spell transcendental seance.
  • Added the last of the Spiritism magic school spells.
  • Added a new butcher building to Meduli.
  • Added carapace materials to armor crafting.
  • AI now tries to avoid others while moving around, a.k.a. “crowd movement”. Improvements will mostly be seen in combat. This first iteration is a bit rough and we will continue to improve upon it.


  • Reduced hearing and sight of the minotaur king to make it easier to get a group into the room.
  • Improved AI target scanning to avoid AI starting attacks on targets that are outside of the leash.
  • Updated Sator animations.
  • Pets are now guild flagged.
  • Guild Enemies now show up as red.
  • Updated AI navmesh in Sewers and Minotaur dungeons.
  • Minotaur King’s Berserk animation updated.
  • Pig cooking values decreased.
  • Springbok cooking values increased.
  • Updated world distance fog.
  • Updated colors in the world.
  • Increased daylight intensity.
  • Increased contrast in the world.
  • Adjusted fog in Gaul Kor.
  • Visual updates to Morin Khur.
  • Creating a guild, starting a guild war and ending a guild war now fanfare.
  • Using Transcendental seance now always fails if you are alive when doing it.
  • All guild messages are now localizable.
  • Loot bags are now guild flagged.
  • Expanded Meduli bank building.
  • Mounts are now very cautious when riding inside dungeons and caves and won’t move faster than slowest speed.
  • The AI movement has been refactored with various improvements. See fixes for more information.
  • Players can no longer charge a bow or release arrows while standing too close to a wall. Doing so will cancel the action. The cancel will be replaced with a temporary block in the next update. Please report if the shoot-through-wall exploit can still be done.
  • Added new bank locations in Fabernum and Haven.
  • Optimized character method for finding look-at targets to save a few CPU cycles.
  • Re-enabled dynamic movement prediction based on player speed so that other players don’t get bouncy movement when they stop moving.
  • Reduced prediction amount when jumping to reduce sudden unexpected movements.
  • Optimized CPU usage for undeads by removing unused animation behavior.
  • Bandits and Risars can now feint attacks.


  • Horses no longer stop on small objects/edges.
  • Lictors now correctly spot criminals and give standing loss.
  • Guild Friends and guild friends' pets no longer count as illegal to damage. This means that the “can become a criminal” option will not stop you from damaging these.
  • Fixed Bandit Sewer Leader not moving.
  • You no longer get login messages telling you what pets are stabled or sold.
  • Fixed a bug where players could get stuck in a wall in the Minotaur Dungeon boss room.
  • Tweaked movement for AI. This should reduce AI that are standing inside other AI while attacking you when you are attacked by more than 1 AI.
  • Pets that timeout on the broker will now go back to the stable.
  • AI now slows down and settles in place faster at their stop location.
  • AI no longer lags behind when traversing steep slopes.
  • AI no longer speeds up briefly when getting close to their enemy in combat.
  • Disabled strafing for undead. Strafing caused undead to not face their movement direction when engaging players, causing sliding and moon walking.
  • AI is now better limited in how far up and down it can spot targets.
  • Guards should no longer enter the Tindrem sewers.
  • AI movement is now less jerky due to improved calculations for speed and acceleration in path follow behavior.
  • AI look-at has been improved while moving and/or targeting opponents.
  • AI now properly settles in their heading direction when stopping during patrol. Guards could previously stop at a point and look sideways until moving on.
  • Fixed landscape hole in Tindrem.
  • Players will now be pushed away from NPCs and creatures if they end up standing inside them.
  • Bandits and Risars AI will no longer get locked up in blocking/nothing states when a player attacks them very fast.

Known Issues

  • Some particles and sound effects from NPCs and creatures leak into the etherworld. For example the troll will be very noticable. We are working on piping all the effects through the same path to be able to filter them effectively.


Nov 2, 2021
Thanks for posting.

I am quite excited to experience the AI touches, especially Bandits. Spiritism and Etherworld combat also has my attention. I'l be doing some testing when I get time :)
Update on Spiritism and Etherworld. It's trash. Sorry to say it, but it's not worth the time and effort, and at persistence, it'll be even more of a headache than an enjoyable experience.
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Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Quickest re uninstall. Why do I log in. Every day more people are like asking why they log in if all the PvP is GZ hugging.

Game is screaming at me that Im about to loose weight for 3 hours too. Great design, cant lose weight but its gonna scream at you just to let you know.

Make wardecs forced in some way, revert stam, revert mana, and then people might want to log in. Also you cant read you spell book in the spirit world GG. Thursars cant get rep from task or they only get one rep if its from tind to medudu GG.


Active member
Jun 6, 2020
Update on Spiritism and Etherworld. It's trash. Sorry to say it, but it's not worth the time and effort, and at persistence, it'll be even more of a headache than an enjoyable experience.
It’s supposed to be hard to get spirit boxes. If you dont think being able to hit 80s thru any armor from as far as a bow with hit scanning and being able to res your group anywhere is worth it, then thats up to you.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
It’s supposed to be hard to get spirit boxes. If you dont think being able to hit 80s thru any armor from as far as a bow with hit scanning and being able to res your group anywhere is worth it, then thats up to you.
If other people could use your portal with out needing 60 points into ether world I would think that spiritism would be worth it. You pretty much need those extra points in etherworld for MP which is the main reason to get spiritism. I loved two shotting horses with fulm into a MP. So satisfying. So it is strong but rezzing is just annoying to do. They should make portal easier to allow people to use so you dont have to cast 2 spells while talking on 3rd party voip to coordinate the ghost to stand in a spot so you can find them. Like the bars are filling up on mage, with all these spiritism spells you now need but doesnt really add fun to the game.


Aug 14, 2020
New spirit mobs are way to much do I have to have laser light safety glasses to farm them.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Also the shaders are too bright or too dark. Couldnt see anything at night in fab and when morning come couldnt see anything again.


Active member
Jun 6, 2020
If other people could use your portal with out needing 60 points into ether world I would think that spiritism would be worth it. You pretty much need those extra points in etherworld for MP which is the main reason to get spiritism. I loved two shotting horses with fulm into a MP. So satisfying. So it is strong but rezzing is just annoying to do. They should make portal easier to allow people to use so you dont have to cast 2 spells while talking on 3rd party voip to coordinate the ghost to stand in a spot so you can find them. Like the bars are filling up on mage, with all these spiritism spells you now need but doesnt really add fun to the game.
Imagine a portal in the mage line where everyone who dies just runs out of constantly lol..


Active member
Jun 6, 2020
Also the shaders are too bright or too dark. Couldnt see anything at night in fab and when morning come couldnt see anything again.
Yeah around dusk and dawn the sun is blinding and in the shadow of the mountains its darker then night.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
Here's a question:
"Look-at" is mentioned a couple of times, but this first mention of it isn't very specific:

(Change) "Optimized character method for finding look-at targets to save a few CPU cycles."​

I'm sure if there was a ribbon for Saving The CPU Cycles, we'd all be wearing one, but did that mean the same as

(Fix) "AI look-at has been improved while moving and/or targeting opponents."​

or is this something additional? Does it mean "Non-Player Character", the first time?

I'm all for fixes and changes but not sure they should be written up to double-count.

In the "Screenshot of that, please" Category:
  • (Added) Carapace materials to Armor Crafting.
  • (Added) Coralis Crabs to the Jungle Beaches.
  • (Added) Snapping Turtles to the Jungle Beaches.

.... and, don't call us 'Beaches'. I've no idea yet what colour the Coralis Crab carapace would be, dead or alive or as armour, but bright coral red would be eye-catching. (Though Star Vault over the years before the last couple has proven that they think 'Realism comes in shades of Brown'.)

  • Also: (Added) Skin complexion for Human & Veela clades.
That should be interesting to see. Wonder if they included moles and birthmarks?

What do they want from you?:

(Added) Task NPC’s to all cities.​

Some of the Stuff Henrik Said about Tasks was that they would be easy at first, harder ones added later, and be "advanced, complex, risk-filled", but not directly "quests" as seen in other games. I wonder who will claim to have completed one, first, and how it will work out.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
Found the task giver in Fab. He gave me the option of take a package to either Tindrem Or Hyllspeia.

I took the Tindrem package and went there.

I am currently running around town trying to find the Task Giver there.

It has proven to be a bit frustrating trying to find the Task Giver though.

I understand we do not want arrows and such leading the way. And they are probably wanting players to explore.

But the package should provide at least some generic Idea of where the package needs to go.

For example, the Fab one was in the Tavern. So Packages there could say to deliver it to the Tavern in fab.

At least then you would have some idea of what you are looking for in the city.

As it is now, it's like telling someone to deliver a package to New York City and not giving any info on where exactly in the city.

It seems illogical and unnecessarily frustrating.

Edit.. I did find Her in a tavern again. So if they are always in the Taverns then that info could still be helpful on the package for new players.

For the reward I could Choose from 10 Clade Gift Experience, 10 Reputation or 5 gold.

New tasks there was carrier type again. One to Fab and one to Meduli.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
When they find a way to add the least fun part of generic mmo's to MO. Go talk to npc. But this is MO2 so its going to take at least 30 mins.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
lol 10 clade gifts, do these guyse know that killing a walker gives 100? You should get REP/CLADE... like more than one walkers worth, heh, PLUS gold, and probably more than 5 because you can generate more income at the GY. I feel like having people running city to city with gold is kinda enhancing the game. I feel like there is no real problem with adding quests into MO because the same mechanics will be there for people to stop you from completing them, and you will have to deal with those to complete the quest. But the rewards should be worth. Lemme get that 10 clade gift exp hahaha.

I also would take some of those mats they used to sell from NPCs like COVOLO, REDJAM, etc as rewards. I dunno, they should have diff rewards. I think it's stupid when only thought of as 'a part of the rep system', but I think it could be a good thing to get players moving around, even if they have nothing they can try for that.

I honestly thought that you got all three when the window first opened.

Then I realized you had to pick one.

Such a job seems like it would give pay and improve your rep.

It seems odd that someone could offer rep to you instead of having to pay you for your service.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
5g aint worth it but its prob a starting task. I would say that you should get some rep too plus 5g and the clade exp. Or you could forgo the gold and get just rep and clade exp.

Option 1: 5g, 1 rep, 10 clade
Option 2: 1g, 1 rep + 9 rep, 10 clade