Thursar clade changes


May 28, 2020
Introduction: How alvarins can jump in combat mode so high, Humans with lots of stats and useful clades and Oghmirs with healing puffs and tanky strong clades thursar should also get clades that are not op but logical and useful and good for them, fitting their lore and style.

1. I suggest adding a clade passive and active ability to enable thursars to hit through parries for at least 4-5 damage minimum if they are using 2handed weapons heavier than 3kg. Calculating the damage of the weapon+thursars bonus damage vs enemy's armor value so naked mages can't parry a giant axe wielding big warrior for 0 damage. Can be also an active clade so when activated will enable thursars with heavier weapons to hit for block damage through parries for 10 seconds.

2. Alternative suggestion to above is to add stamina damage to higher bonus damage characters in general that will encompass thursars as well. Lets say above 25% damage bonus characters will have a stamina damage added to their swing could be as little as 5 stamina points or more depending on the weapon type and weight.

3. Improve/tweak the lifeleech clade so it's either higher percent of healing if it's gonna be active like now or a lower percent but passive. The passive can be 1-3% lifesteal damage or active can be like 30%. Remember during the 10 second lifeleech ability if you can't land clean hits then it won't work so needs to be something that will matter in a teamfight.

4. A new clade/clade line that will enable thursars to exceed their racial size by like +2/+5 giving them extra damage and health or similar concept clade that makes them exceed their limits.

5. Due to their nature of living in outskirts and wilderness rather than urban and civilized places they get bonuses not big but various things like a bit of speed, damage and stamina regen and negative in urbans and cities.

Note: I will add more and update thread, post anything you think should be added/changed as well.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020

Relevant take away. Those are 3 of the most promising Thursar buffs. They are all bad.

6 health per minute. 10% healthsteal for 10 seconds every 10 minutes. Adrenaline is alright in the right circumstance if your opponent doesn't just spring away negating it for the next 10 minutes.

One -50% hit to or from a guildy means more than all three of these combined. And the human gift is fine not arguing it's overpowered. These are all just trash. There are more Thursar bonuses that need to be tested. But the lifesteal in particular is a bitter disappointment. Even 1-3% is super low. Assume you fight an opponent with 200 health and they heal 100 health during the fight. You gained 3-9 health killing them.

I'd say try it at 5% passive and see how it feels. If it's going to remain an activated then I say 100% healthsteal for 5 seconds with like a one minute cooldown. Remember this is something you have to remember to use and time appropriately to make the most of it. Right now it's so weak it's a distraction from doing more meaningful things, I wouldn't put it on my bar if everyone got it for free. Making it occasionally give a huge heal if you time it right is fully appropriate.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
I think the damage through parry thing would have to be an active only with fairly limited duration (but less than a 10 minute cooldown) if it were added. Otherwise, Thursar may become a no-brainer choice for nearly every foot fighter. If this type of mechanic were added I'd rather see it added through some kind of berserker potion made with amanita muscaria (the traditional thing consumed by berserkers) that has some massive drawbacks to using it. That way it doesn't unbalance races.

Stam drain on players is an interesting concept. I've suggested that polearms have massive stam drain on mounts but I could see them stamming players being kind of cool.

Some Thursars are slum rats while others live more in the wild. All are outcasts. I think social penalties are the best and we kind of have this in their max standings. I might buff "Risar Known" to also give some bonuses with taming though as stray dogs and animals are perhaps the only thing that wouldn't judge a Thursar for being a Thursar so it's logical they would befriend animals.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
I am fine with that, but i am against damage through a parry. Maybe more damage for equipment hits on a shield with full stamina or so.
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New member
Nov 8, 2020
I don't like the idea of "lifesteal", doesn't feel like it is in the spirit of Mortal Online that you absorb health by striking someone with a piece of metal. Would be cooler if the clade gift was something like regaining health from eating corpses / heads .. somewhat like Oghmir smoking ichor.
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