Recent Events in Bakti


Active member
Dec 2, 2020
You say a lot without saying much.

The best MO1 players already at home in MO2 but MO1 players have no power? Confusion

Where is the confusion? If you follow the conversation, I make it explicitly clear I'm discussing the MO1 guilds that aren't actively playing MO2.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I think its important to also keep in mind some of the most effective guilds with the best players weren't very big. There is a lot of talks of numbers and zergs in this thread. Thats going to happen, but I don't think anyone is too worried about it. This game needs as many people as it can get.

I personally think quite a few of the MO1 guilds will start popping up after launch. You'd be surprised how many people couldn't give two shits about playing betas these days other than to hop in and check things out.

[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
I am on the fence about this discussion. I feel in one direction mega is right, because in truth MO2 and MO1 aren't the same games at all.

There is a lot of 'new' in MO2 that MO1 players who simply played for a long time will not just sink in.

Now good players at MO1 and players who are good at games in general will be absolutely fine going into MO2. They will need at max a month of time with a decent group to be where they want to be.

Playing for a long time doesn't equal being better.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
Now good players at MO1 and players who are good at games in general will be absolutely fine going into MO2. They will need at max a month of time with a decent group to be where they want to be.

Playing for a long time doesn't equal being better.
Yeah. As far as individual skill goes for above average players, you kinda hit your ceiling after that amount of time. What takes a long time is developing group synergy with who you play with. This game is mostly about group pvp after all. Of course individual skill matters a lot, but I have played with some very good players who are bottom tier at group synergy.

So yeah, MO1 players won't need much time to get back into the swing of things. The game really isn't different at all as far as the core game...just gonna learn the new mechanics.

I'm ready for launch. Its going to be juicy.
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[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
Yeah. As far as individual skill goes for above average players, you kinda hit your ceiling after that amount of time. What takes a long time is developing group synergy with who you play with. This game is mostly about group pvp after all. Of course individual skill matters a lot, but I have played with some very good players who are bottom tier at group synergy.

So yeah, MO1 players won't need much time to get back into the swing of things. The game really isn't different at all as far as the core game...just gonna learn the new mechanics.

I'm ready for launch. Its going to be juicy.

Yeah I just remember Viknuss saying a while back, I believe in the Discord, that 'TheLegion' would do extremely well in all aspects simply because they clocked in the most hours.

But I think anyone with a strong core of good players who figure things out with no issues can easily match 1k+ hours of play time, given like you said a lot of this end-game for MO has always been about group play and not so much individual skill.

I've been in a lot of guilds that has had the best players in it, and sure enough those guilds don't last long or they don't do so well against a group that plays well together but is individually average.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
A nonfactor is someone who won't make a difference. For example when I go out and I flop some noobs 1v3 or 1v4 flawless, those guys are nonfactors. Total lootbags. I've spent time practicing and training in this game. My group has been practicing. We've been practicing mechanics, communication, tactics. Some people who haven't practiced are gonna step into the game and fight my group? Well I assume you could consider them 'factors' because we'll be factoring their loot into our banks.

You don't understand the scope of MO haha. Someone can give you loot every time and be more impactful on a world scale than you... headexplosion.gif. That's why the game is interesting. Games small enough that the people who aren't factors don't wanna be factors IMO.

I always was a nonfactor (?) in MO1 and I intend to maintain that proud tradition in MO2.

^^ see or... devil trix.

What guild are you famo

Tek your name is cd as a joke right, you're not cd? :eek: Cuz that would be fucked up. That would change the way I see you on many levels! I thought you was a cool dood mane.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I agree with you, but I also played Last Oasis and ATLAS at launch and I know what it feels like to just face solid numbers. Maybe you can kill 3, 5, 7 or even 10 guys by yourself but if you're outnumbered 20:1 you'll still die. Just the raw numbers will make them a factor if they come into the game with numbers that makes KOTO look like a small guild. Can't ignore the raw zerg. But yeah overall I 100% agree with you.

And I hope my words stir something in the MO1 vets. I hope they take it as a challenge. I hope they make me eat my words and throw what I've said in my face.

But I don't think they will. I don't think they can. I have no good reason to believe otherwise.

I played MO1. I was in the MO1 beta and I played at launch. I'm not exactly new to MO or Sandbox MMORPGs in general. This is what my judgment is based on that vast experience in the genre.

Personally I think that the powers that have been formed in the beta are quite important and if some large guild, without knowledge of this community, tries to simply overwhelm the old houses that are already organized with their numbers ... well they will be in serious trouble.
In MO, the number alone is not enough to win.
If a 350-member rookie guild tries to tyrannize this community, it will have a bitter awakening.
I'm concerned that one or two massive guilds from other games will try to bully us, abuse us, and crush this community.
If we are cornered, I am hopeful that the old active houses will abandon their differences and we will all come together to defend this community, its legacy and our future.
Don't get me wrong, I wish for new guilds and new great players in the Mo2, but I am concerned that massive troll guilds are coming here to ruin everything this community has built.

If so, I hope that the reality of Mryalnd puts them in their place and the great lords react.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Yeah. As far as individual skill goes for above average players, you kinda hit your ceiling after that amount of time. What takes a long time is developing group synergy with who you play with. This game is mostly about group pvp after all. Of course individual skill matters a lot, but I have played with some very good players who are bottom tier at group synergy.

So yeah, MO1 players won't need much time to get back into the swing of things. The game really isn't different at all as far as the core game...just gonna learn the new mechanics.

I'm ready for launch. Its going to be juicy.

In an MMO game, it's never just about pvp.
And less in a game like MO.
It is true that it is a fundamental part, but it is not the only thing that will define the success of a guild.
I believe that time, experience and knowledge of the environment in which you live, endows you with contacts, relationships, and that is something that cannot be obtained suddenly, without investing playing time.

In the long run, that may turn out to be more important than individual or collective skill in one aspect of the game.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
You don't understand the scope of MO haha. Someone can give you loot every time and be more impactful on a world scale than you... headexplosion.gif. That's why the game is interesting. Games small enough that the people who aren't factors don't wanna be factors IMO.

^^ see or... devil trix.

Tek your name is cd as a joke right, you're not cd? :eek: Cuz that would be fucked up. That would change the way I see you on many levels! I thought you was a cool dood mane.
Issa joka

[CTX] Contractor

Well-known member
Dec 31, 2021
I can't wait to meet all these lootbags very talented individuals who are full of hot air are legendary veterans that will no doubt be dunking people with 2,000+ hours in the Alpha/Beta with no effort.

A very small amount of people will actually do this, but yeah I agree. The whole idea that people think they're going to jump in no problem is hilarious.


Well-known member
Jul 15, 2020
I can't wait to meet all these lootbags very talented individuals who are full of hot air are legendary veterans that will no doubt be dunking people with 2,000+ hours in the Alpha/Beta with no effort.
Thats a bit dramatic...


New member
Dec 17, 2021
Bakti guilds like to PVE, everyone gets offended. Some bakti guilds choose to actively train other guilds and improve PVP, everyone gets offended. Egos in the community love to talk down on Bakti, no matter how they are playing the game. It cost exactly $0.00 to mind your own business. Bakti shitters are bakti shitters, why so concerned?

It's not an actual alliance of guilds, unlike the rest of the guilds in the game. They've been transparent and have stated multiple places about their goals/intentions (unlike most other guilds in the game who hide their alliance affiliations). Bakti shitters are bakti shitters, no reason to call in your entire alliance to wipe them off map because they sent some shitty geared noobs out to defend the noobs you were farming. Toxic players focusing on easy targets, minding their own business.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I am on the fence about this discussion. I feel in one direction mega is right, because in truth MO2 and MO1 aren't the same games at all.

There is a lot of 'new' in MO2 that MO1 players who simply played for a long time will not just sink in.

Now good players at MO1 and players who are good at games in general will be absolutely fine going into MO2. They will need at max a month of time with a decent group to be where they want to be.

Playing for a long time doesn't equal being better.

Starting a discussion off on another foot, not pvp related... well not mechanic pvp related, I dunno, MO 'world' like... the politics of it work in a certain way though. Skill isn't as much of a factor as you think. A lot of the most skilled players don't care about 'winning' the game, they are just pvping and enjoying life, and the side who can convince them to join up is usually the side that wins haha. And if being a factor is who controls the world, then I think people w/ rep will probably have a huge advantage. Someone who has a tattered rep like (no offense!) Diph or Arails... maybe not so much. It's a diff game but there are the same people and they still play favorites. The people who prol did quit are the better pvpers, but I dunno. I mean I know at games I am good at that I lost 'mechanical skill,' but I can still compete due to knowledge. If you go from 23-30 or whatever, tho, you probably lost a little edge. So there is going to be a lot of new blood with high skill, but the cult leader guild guys who are driving the world are probably the same. Would be very surprised if new heads came into those roles. Those guys live for that and, not only that, they WANT that. Most people playing this game do not want that. MO is a very complex game w/ a lot of different layers of shite going on.

In terms of who is gonna be the best pvper, yea I look forward to seeing some really exciting stuff. But all that is just luls in the grander world scheme. Zerg v zerg. I can hope that MO2 has an era like the v v early MO1 era that I missed... that was supposedly really good. I want to be there for that and might stick around.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Thats a bit dramatic...

It's not dramatic to say it will definitely be a bloodbath. ahaha. Even spilling over to Bakti. That's why I'm glad to be an inhabitant of the world and not an initial shaper. I will work on my sandbox experience once you guys flesh it out w/ whoever corpses. WINNER COME SEE ME! :D

Nah but this is def popcorn level. I'll be watching from the etherworld, if I have to!

I think more than likely everyone talking shit now is gonna be humbled in one way or another, just the nature of the game, then it's just about who lasts after that. Lezzgooooo.

Hope it's all in good fun, but I know it won't be. I hope it's all in good fun... IN RETROSPECT. Make history!