Put every single blue town (guardzone) into an instance.


Well-known member
Sep 30, 2020
This idea is very good but the biggest flaw I see if people camping outside town. It would suck to spawn outside town and just get slammed by players you couldnt see waiting outside. It would need op guard towers or somethign to keep people from fighting at the gates. But would be a really good solution to the server issues.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
It feels like a dead world because it is. Multiple servers will allow more 'life' in the world. The people who were meant to fill the world cannot fit in the world, thus, there need to be more static things. The game needs to be rebuilt for 2000-3000 player worlds. There's no way around that. I don't disagree with you except that you are forgetting one thing: instancing blue towns won't make the world less dead. It might give you guys less lag while you pvp out in the dead world, but outside of that...

I assume that SV can continue to pull in players and that it has a bunch of players just waiting to come in, who hopefully enjoy the game. If they don't, if everyone quits quickly, then we can go back to the one world vision. Win win IMO.
If 2500 players feel like a dead world then how will multiple instances of below 2500 players per dead world be any better ?

For Sure

Active member
Jun 25, 2021
I dunno, man. If you think that will allow them to hold more players, what will you do when people leave the town instances at inopportune times and crash the server? It's not a problem that can be so easily fixed. It would be nice if it was.

Edit: or are you saying that people should have to queue in and out of towns? That would maybe work, but it'd be really lame for an open world game. If they didn't have to, people could effectively ddos the server when things weren't going their way just by telling people to leave towns.
Yes it is good to server hop gk and endlessly farm tephra. It is good to have 3 servers each with 1k afk players. It will make the game immersive you're just literally mentally incapable of thinking my man lol. Jesus you're fucking dumb lol


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Yes it is good to server hop gk and endlessly farm tephra. It is good to have 3 servers each with 1k afk players. It will make the game immersive you're just literally mentally incapable of thinking my man lol. Jesus you're fucking dumb lol

lol, like I've said before, it wouldn't be the first time someone on the internet called me dumb. In this case, I could show you a diagram and ask you how you propose to handle the situation, since we are not getting anywhere.

(OPEN WORLD- 6000 PEOPLE because of room made from instanced town) (Instanced towns- 6000 people sitting AFK at bank.) We are on the same page now cuz this is the world you are describing.

What I said was how do you handle the situation of players ENTERING the open world FROM the instanced blue towns when the server is close to cap.

(OPEN WORLD- 6000 People) [<---- 2000 people] (Instanced Town- 6000 people.) You get... 8000 people in the open world (more than capacity) and only 4000 in town.

That is, the space you are creating will either have to lock people into the town w/ queue, which is bad because what if it's their keep getting sieged or w/e. or just hard crash the server when the balance is thrown off and more people leave towns while there are still people in 'the open world.'

I can't really explain it any better than that. Remember: the fact that the world cannot hold more than 3k people or w/e is not my fault. I can guarantee you that you can multiply worlds of 3k people, unto infinity, if that is their capacity with very few problems. What I have presented is just a problem that comes quickly to my mind, and I am sure there are others if I thought about it.

It's just not a solution. Sometimes you can be really mad at a problem (like in this instance,) and take out your frustration on someone telling you a big oversight.

I think it's a bad idea for many more reasons than that, but if you want to keep believing what you believe after you read this, go ahead.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
lol, like I've said before, it wouldn't be the first time someone on the internet called me dumb. In this case, I could show you a diagram and ask you how you propose to handle the situation, since we are not getting anywhere.

(OPEN WORLD- 6000 PEOPLE because of room made from instanced town) (Instanced towns- 6000 people sitting AFK at bank.) We are on the same page now cuz this is the world you are describing.

What I said was how do you handle the situation of players ENTERING the open world FROM the instanced blue towns when the server is close to cap.

(OPEN WORLD- 6000 People) [<---- 2000 people] (Instanced Town- 6000 people.) You get... 8000 people in the open world (more than capacity) and only 4000 in town.

That is, the space you are creating will either have to lock people into the town w/ queue, which is bad because what if it's their keep getting sieged or w/e. or just hard crash the server when the balance is thrown off and more people leave towns while there are still people in 'the open world.'

I can't really explain it any better than that. Remember: the fact that the world cannot hold more than 3k people or w/e is not my fault. I can guarantee you that you can multiply worlds of 3k people, unto infinity, if that is their capacity with very few problems. What I have presented is just a problem that comes quickly to my mind, and I am sure there are others if I thought about it.

It's just not a solution. Sometimes you can be really mad at a problem (like in this instance,) and take out your frustration on someone telling you a big oversight.

I think it's a bad idea for many more reasons than that, but if you want to keep believing what you believe after you read this, go ahead.
What they need to do is shrink Myrland to be good for 2-3k players with multiple instances until they can handle more on one while in the meantime have each new instance in a different part of the world to spread to best possible ping.
Also should disable housing until a permanent solution is found, be it multiple regional servers or one server who can hold the players wanting to log in at once with no que.
This way speed can be increased by 100% across the board! HUZZAH!!

But they wont since they are SV. Things could be simple but complexity is so more fun :ROFLMAO:


Active member
May 28, 2020
Instanced towns, no matter where there are or how big they are, is a bad idea. Just bad. I should, have my head on a swivel every time I ride out. That's what makes the game exciting. Even though I've never been much of a PvP'er, I really like the risk/fear of players attacking whilst going along minding my own business.

Now, holding as many people as SV touted on one server has been shown to be, at least currently, not viable. And while I'm glad they implemented the Myrland Instances so I could at least log in and play, they really need to either a) keep instances as they are but add building and such to all or b) figure out a fix that does NOT mean a Q for every player every time on the main server.

Since this set up is at least working, maybe the answer is finally a 2 server solution with rewards for guilds/groups that hold multiple keeps, castles, and territories on both servers. Maybe link the economies via brokers. Just spit balling here, but whatever the answer is, do not take away the risk of leaving towns or create town instances were nothing bad can happen.
Sep 11, 2021
If they can't get the capacity issues sorted, SV should just accept it but I don't think instancing cities is the correct thing to do. Just accept that servers will hold ~2k players and release regional servers. The player base is there to support it, and releasing regional servers would allow SV to boast about how they listened to the community and stuff (considering a ton of negative reviews are about the lack of regional servers).
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Active member
Jan 27, 2022
If they can't get the capacity issues sorted, SV should just accept it but I don't think instancing cities is the correct thing to do. Just accept that servers will hold ~2k players and release regional servers. The player base is there to support it, and releasing regional servers would allow SV to boast about how they listened to the community and stuff (considering a ton of negative reviews are about the lack of regional servers).
And when they do regional servers my negative review will go up, dont like the instances we have now either but can see how it was unavoidable in this situation.


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2021
Instanced towns, no matter where there are or how big they are, is a bad idea. Just bad. I should, have my head on a swivel every time I ride out. That's what makes the game exciting. Even though I've never been much of a PvP'er, I really like the risk/fear of players attacking whilst going along minding my own business.

Now, holding as many people as SV touted on one server has been shown to be, at least currently, not viable. And while I'm glad they implemented the Myrland Instances so I could at least log in and play, they really need to either a) keep instances as they are but add building and such to all or b) figure out a fix that does NOT mean a Q for every player every time on the main server.

Since this set up is at least working, maybe the answer is finally a 2 server solution with rewards for guilds/groups that hold multiple keeps, castles, and territories on both servers. Maybe link the economies via brokers. Just spit balling here, but whatever the answer is, do not take away the risk of leaving towns or create town instances were nothing bad can happen.

I agree here, would maybe accept Tindrem and MK as a temporary solution if that decreased the number of alt servers but as a permanent thing I don't think it is the way to go. Think the plan was to eventually move out of alt server and make them real servers (i.e. alt myrland 1 becomes real Nordveld or Sarducca) but it seems unrealistic that a small team is going to be pumping out 4 continents anytime soon and I fear what they would look like if they tried.
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