Multy clients


Well-known member
May 30, 2020
Sorry, I meant to answer this. Yes durability is affected. No other stats are supposed to be affected, but I haven't been able to compare anything I've built on a level 70 side-by-side with a level 100 yet to confirm.

The 6 material lores I have are: Animal, Scales, Metallurgy, Master Alloys, Petrology, Textiles. I don't think I am missing anything, but this build only uses 1020 profession skill points so I have room to pick up anything I missed.

I sent you all my skill calculations in the post above. I also mentioned the build (human hybrid) so 103 str, 95 dex, 96 con, 100 int, 15 psy.

Sounds good to me. Whatever works for your goals, guild, play style. I like the idea of self-sufficiency, but in this game there's no way you can reach armor + weapons + cooking + alchemy + extraction, + butchery so you end up needing people at some point, which I love even more. I'll happily give up self-sufficiency to play an MMORPG where there is an economy ,trade, and player interdependence. I suck at economy and trade so I'll just be supporting and relying on my guild mates.

Yup. Extracting is a b*tch. I think an Oghmir foot fighter (10 int) can't fit everything. I had to make an Oghmir fat mage to fit everything on 1 character and use 1133 profession skill points. A human foot fighter (10 int.) will probably have no trouble due to the lore bonus, but then you don't get the Oghmir clade gifts. With 400 points in Alchemy, Alchemical Dissolvents, Alchemical Mineralogy, and Alchemical Contraptions I guess you could drop the Fabricula and save 100 points but I assuming you need material lore for catalysts then you need to sink at least 300 points into alchemy/alchemy lore. You could also dump the blast furnace/greater natorus depending on whether you have access to those. I don't know what full butchery with al the zoology would look like, but it seems full extraction is the most point intensive profession.
Thanks for answering that for me. I can't imagine making low dura cron or ogh gear, but each to their own.
Once they get it fixed where I can stay in game again, I could get you some weapon/armor stats made at level 100 if you want.

What do you make handles out of? Specifically long handles for pole weapons? I like flakestone, but for those long ones it just takes too much, so I thought botany would be pretty standard now, that is the mat lore that I thought you would have to make it 7 lores.

Needing people could be okay under the best case conditions. We don't really know yet how it will be in future, but since so much is being copied directly from MO1 I think it could be really tough to have to buy all your materials from other players. I don't know if you played, but the trade broker system wasn't very user friendly and people often didn't bother selling materials to players to make money because there were easier and faster ways.

Ah, when I say extractor I am only thinking of metals, not butchery. There are enough points for all of the steps and appliances for mining and making metals in this game, at least. In MO1 you couldn't have all of the skills on 1 character at first, later they made mining a secondary and it seems like another change or two that allowed you to do almost all the steps on one character. I think for most people the choice was between whether to have skill to use the fabricula or do those things with the blast furnace.
I also chose an oghmir fatmage for this task.

But I support the 1 character per account.
Having only one character would be great, if they would just give us the points to be able to do what we could with one account before. That would be perfect.
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Well-known member
May 30, 2020
I managed to log in long enough to make a Clover Crossguard handle with Heavy Great Blade of Flakestone/Silk/Jadeite It weighs 1.97 Has 77.53 Durability, 57.21 Str requirement, 10.94 Blunt, 23.30 Pierce, 26 Slashing. For your comparison.

Albano Dravae

New member
May 31, 2021
Go ahead and run a 2nd account then, the point is that it is your choice to do so, and it is something you "want" and not something you "need" know the difference don't you? Doesn't seem like it.

Dude, this is an euphemism, its not about wanting or needing, its about balance and content. That you like the turd you being served on a silver plate doesn't mean others will enjoy it like you do.

The thing with this game is that everything thats supposed to be progression is absolutly based of timesink mechanics, instead of pushing the boundaries of the game.

I guess some people enjoy that silly ass AFK mining model, i guess some also enjoy the AFK extracting, i guess some in the attempt to progress in the game spend their time AFK in front of a crusher to get a miserable jadeite sword.

Production and progress its not based on an organic interaction with players or the world where you can actually have fun, the problem is that the core concept of every single action in game is base in time wastage.

Having to spend hours of "playing" by ghostmode travelling to have a fight. All that shit just makes people want to have multiple accounts, so they can experience more content and not afk mining/extracting or travelling.

To be honest i can't believe the game is at this stage and they still haven't figured out how multi-account will be. Its very negligent to say the least. This leads me to believe they don't really plan anything and just let the chips fall where they may.

How multi client will work absolutly defines how crafting and PVE should be and im amazed how un-planned the game looks like.

And that half baked "versatile" crafting concept they plan to implement its medieval design lmao. I can't even imagine when skill learning gets nerfed.

I like the unique character per account idea, I think encourage the interactivity from players. You can't do no more a one guild player guild (or Is much difficult, If you have a Monster PC i.e.) and you need others guildmates with all the various professions to make a competitive guild.

I like it too, but i believe it lacks design and versatility. I think characters are way restricted and should be able to professionalize on more things and obviously encouraging group playing.

All skills are flexible. You can drop your skills and up others at any time. Its going to take time but anyone can be self sufficient. Time-frame / factor sucks. But I support the 1 character per account. I hate managing more than 2 characters...feels unreal to me. Multiple personality RPGs are starting to blow IMO.

By design having not maxed skills makes most skills total garbage, they are slowly trying to balance this by lowering the effect curve but they are just starting with armor and weapon crafting i guess.

Whatever works for your goals, guild, play style. I like the idea of self-sufficiency, but in this game there's no way you can reach armor + weapons + cooking + alchemy + extraction, + butchery so you end up needing people at some point, which I love even more. I'll happily give up self-sufficiency to play an MMORPG where there is an economy ,trade, and player interdependence. I suck at economy and trade so I'll just be supporting and relying on my guild mates.

Limiting crafting skills per players is a way to encourage roles in groups, which is absolutly great if well designed but some roles are absolutly garbage like extraction. I wish they didn't copypaste that from MO1.


Active member
Apr 5, 2021
You can do a Human with 100 Int and proper Clades and Have full armor Crafting including Cronite and Ogh, Full weapon Crafting Cronite and Ogh, and still have points left over for some butchery in 2 of 3 animal categories of your choice, but probably choosing between Mammalia, Reptilia, and Arthropoda, including butchering textiles and scales. you can even do 3 animal categories if you settle for less zoology lores and just deal with lower yields when butchering your own stuff. Obviously there's room there to fit it to your needs. I Wouldn't personally spend the extra primary on Cronite and Ogh until some point in time where I'd actually be crafting it, until then i'd probably use those pts and fill out zoology lore more if needed. If you don't use hilted weapons, you can drop those and put the points somewhere else...There's literally a ton of stuff you can do if you just think about it and don't just throw your hands up in the air and cry like a baby that 1 character isn't enough for crafting....kick rocks

This just isn't true mathematically. It may be when they lower points down to 70for max, if that's what you mean. 100 int human can do all weapons, all armor, all material lores except botany with -5 points in one lore (scales, for example). There's no points to add master alloys, or to have any zoologies whatsoever.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
This just isn't true mathematically. It may be when they lower points down to 70for max, if that's what you mean. 100 int human can do all weapons, all armor, all material lores except botany with -5 points in one lore (scales, for example). There's no points to add master alloys, or to have any zoologies whatsoever.
That's what this whole discussion was about, what the 70 effective skill crafting will open up, not how it is today.


Active member
Jun 6, 2020
jhack is a sexy mofo
Ah but yeah the timesinks in this game are ridiculously long. I’m ok with a single account if they figured out systems that would be enjoyable to use. I play single player games all the time and have no problem with it. They just copy pasted all the systems from mo1 into mo2 gave extra skill points and called it good.. i love this game but like I said before, It will get very boring very quickly with just one client if they keep the systems the way they are.
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Active member
Jan 14, 2021
By design having not maxed skills makes most skills total garbage, they are slowly trying to balance this by lowering the effect curve but they are just starting with armor and weapon crafting i guess.


woh k. these skills are garage in what scenarios out of a million. get real.

Having only one character would be great, if they would just give us the points to be able to do what we could with one account before. That would be perfect.


How many real life smiths are chefs too. get rekt.

Albano Dravae

New member
May 31, 2021

woh k. these skills are garage in what scenarios out of a million. get real.

Most skills under 100 points have great penalties, take for example blocking, having 100 mitigates all blocking dmg, having 99 lets dmg go through.


How many real life smiths are chefs too. get rekt.

I fail to see the logic in this fallacy. /null


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
How many real life smiths are chefs too. get rekt.

Actually... more than you might assume. That's part of the reason I've always found skillcaps to be a horrible system. People are not nearly so limited as most skillcap systems try to force them to be. Both in terms of combat and crafting. A great weaponsmith certainly would likely also be able to make a decent set of armor, and might also be pretty decent in the kitchen. They may only be EMPLOYED doing a certain thing, but that by no means prevents them from having multiple other skills they are quite handy at. Walk onto any real-life construction site and start talking cars and I'm sure you'll find a few people who are quite knowledgable on the subject. Walk into an auto-mechanic and talk home repairs and I suspect you'll find some people who know what they are talking about as well.

Taking that over into the combat arena. Real-life special forces are trained in a wide array of weapons, they pick the weapon suited for the job, not some specific weapon they invest all their training into. The ancient world was a bit different but many soldiers carried multiple weapons into battle and were well versed in the usage of each. One famous example is how Roman legionnaires were all equipped with javelins in addition to being infantry so they could pelt the enemy with javelins to inflict injury and nullify their shields before the two sides collided.

So the main limiting factor wasn't training. It was weight. How much could you practically carry into combat with you? This is why I've always preferred games that allow highly adaptable character builds but limit you based on equipment, such as EVE. That, and it's just more fun.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
Actually... more than you might assume. That's part of the reason I've always found skillcaps to be a horrible system. People are not nearly so limited as most skillcap systems try to force them to be. Both in terms of combat and crafting. A great weaponsmith certainly would likely also be able to make a decent set of armor, and might also be pretty decent in the kitchen. They may only be EMPLOYED doing a certain thing, but that by no means prevents them from having multiple other skills they are quite handy at. Walk onto any real-life construction site and start talking cars and I'm sure you'll find a few people who are quite knowledgable on the subject. Walk into an auto-mechanic and talk home repairs and I suspect you'll find some people who know what they are talking about as well.

Taking that over into the combat arena. Real-life special forces are trained in a wide array of weapons, they pick the weapon suited for the job, not some specific weapon they invest all their training into. The ancient world was a bit different but many soldiers carried multiple weapons into battle and were well versed in the usage of each. One famous example is how Roman legionnaires were all equipped with javelins in addition to being infantry so they could pelt the enemy with javelins to inflict injury and nullify their shields before the two sides collided.

So the main limiting factor wasn't training. It was weight. How much could you practically carry into combat with you? This is why I've always preferred games that allow highly adaptable character builds but limit you based on equipment, such as EVE. That, and it's just more fun.
Obviously what you've said about real life skills and abilities is true, however, the thing most of us do 40+ hours per week to earn a living is most often the thing we are most skilled at and have the most expertise in based primarily on simple repitition, training, and knowledge/experience. The same idea of course being represented in game by the fact we call them "professions", a job or means of making a living so to speak.

This is actually related pretty well in MO systems because you need to know how to do a thing, and also have knowledge on the material you're doing it with. We do have Weapon Smiths now who can also make armor because both trades have an overlap in "knowledge" via the material lore skills. We also have things like a butcher who also makes armor out of animal materials because of an overlap in knowledge and experience with materials. Alchemists can also be cooks for the same reason.

The fact we can't continue to add onto those skills indefinitely because of a cap is "gamey" in a sense and maybe not as true to life as you present it, but this is a fantasy game and not a life simulator, and just as you prefer an open "learn or do everything" approach, personally I prefer something like what we have that makes enough sense to justify it and still promotes some modicum of diversity by forcing you into making choices so everyone doesn't end up being the same superman.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
The average person changes careers (Note the term career and not job here as moving between two jobs in the same field is not considered a career change) 3 to 7 times in their life. So which of their jobs are we referring to that they are best at?

Human beings are amazingly adaptable and multifaceted. Builds that have you being good at one role and bad at everything else (the only effective type of build in skillcap games TBH) are in no way a reflection of reality. They are a product of games and games alone. Born of games. Pushed by games. Even characters in popular novels/movies/shows are generally FAR more multifaceted than they are in games.

To give a rather extreme example. If you played The Dragon Reborn you would be a swordmaster, spellcaster, and archer who can play an instrument well enough you don't have to pay to stay at inns. But even with less extreme examples you're hard-pressed to find an interesting character with singular talent if the story spends much time developing them.

All that being said, while I DO find it more fun as a general rule to play games that are slightly realistic, and while I DO want to be able to create characters as interesting as those I read about in games, I would agree that if incredibly focused characters were necessary to make the game more FUN, that we should stick with that.

It isn't more fun though. EVE and Guild Wars 1 had FAR more interesting ways of handling skills concerning combat, and Wurm Online handled crafting/professions far better. All while allowing adaptable/multifacted characters. GW1 even had classes, it just allowed for more adaptability within a class than MO1/MO2 allow without a reroll (assuming you want to play a character that's actually good).

Edit: That being said, this is more wishful thinking. MO2 is slow enough to enact needed changes I recognize this is only a pipe dream. I still found it worth commenting though when people are acting like single-minded unadaptable humans are in any way realistic or game enhancing. This is one of Mortal Online's greatest weaknesses, not something to be cheered.
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Active member
Jan 14, 2021
The average person changes careers (Note the term career and not job here as moving between two jobs in the same field is not considered a career change) 3 to 7 times in their life. So which of their jobs are we referring to that they are best at?
This is a bit silly. This is Master Craft we are talking about at the highest levels of our fantasy society. 8 billion people is the pool you are trying to compare our thousands arent drawing the proper correlation IMO. Being a Master means you dont sway from that path. Once you start dedicating time to other areas, you diminish your own status as Master of a given skill. Your Ohgmir smith of 40 years with blackened sausage fingers aint cookn delicate omelets bro...get real. He aint hemming some nice dresses either. Sorry.
Einstein was terrible at dating women by his own words and had no time to master cooking at the same level as his physics.
Singers make terrible engineers because of brain wiring, scientist make horrible lovers. get over it. you cant smith and pick flowers properly. We're organic beings, our body shapes to the situation in production. I think multi-master disciplines is a lot less than you understand and Im sure the whimsical style of the net contributes to that misunderstanding.

Edit: Maybe you think that modern day machinery makes people masters. Thats wrong.
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Albano Dravae

New member
May 31, 2021
The average person changes careers (Note the term career and not job here as moving between two jobs in the same field is not considered a career change) 3 to 7 times in their life. So which of their jobs are we referring to that they are best at?

Human beings are amazingly adaptable and multifaceted. Builds that have you being good at one role and bad at everything else (the only effective type of build in skillcap games TBH) are in no way a reflection of reality. They are a product of games and games alone. Born of games. Pushed by games. Even characters in popular novels/movies/shows are generally FAR more multifaceted than they are in games.

To give a rather extreme example. If you played The Dragon Reborn you would be a swordmaster, spellcaster, and archer who can play an instrument well enough you don't have to pay to stay at inns. But even with less extreme examples you're hard-pressed to find an interesting character with singular talent if the story spends much time developing them.

All that being said, while I DO find it more fun as a general rule to play games that are slightly realistic, and while I DO want to be able to create characters as interesting as those I read about in games, I would agree that if incredibly focused characters were necessary to make the game more FUN, that we should stick with that.

It isn't more fun though. EVE and Guild Wars 1 had FAR more interesting ways of handling skills concerning combat, and Wurm Online handled crafting/professions far better. All while allowing adaptable/multifacted characters. GW1 even had classes, it just allowed for more adaptability within a class than MO1/MO2 allow without a reroll (assuming you want to play a character that's actually good).

Edit: That being said, this is more wishful thinking. MO2 is slow enough to enact needed changes I recognize this is only a pipe dream. I still found it worth commenting though when people are acting like single-minded unadaptable humans are in any way realistic or game enhancing. This is one of Mortal Online's greatest weaknesses, not something to be cheered.

Yes we can all agree that mortal's interpretation of knowledge its nothing but an interpretation. We can't expect Mortal to be hyper realistic in any way.

But, i agree completly with whats being said. One of the particular problems with mortal is that many KEY features in crafting are very old and stagnant.

Most crafting classes are absolutly tedious and boring and the fact that you are stuck with one or two per character sucks even more. Take extraction for example, something u gotta afk while not using your character for anything else, same as mining and its time you are doing nothing and your life will suck if you don't have a 2nd screen with a movie, mortal allways been like that, forcing players to do tedious shit to progress.

Take armor crafting, if you want to get nice armor books gotta invest a lot of time and group effort to unlock a crafting recipe thats supposed to benefit a group, yet crafting does not deliver any fun, the only part thats required for the crafter to interact with the world is by maybe hunting animals.

Now by having only 1 character, the moment u get an expensive book that character is landlocked and GG to a reroll. Any change will mean that the progression is lost. But thats because of how the skill cap system works and the absolutly 0 realization that theres no reroll support. (Then again its an early stage of the game, but one would expect the foundations of the game to be more stable).

In mortal 1 the game had probably hundred materials and the crafting meta recipes were reduced to 4-6 materials, with absolutly no space of innovation or testing, stagnant boring and tedious crafting classes. And the same happens in MO2 because its the exact same concept, like a copy paste.

I kinda like alchemy and cooking because besides brainless extraction you gotta explore the world and collect massive amounts of shit thats scattered around myrland, but then again alchemy is only the system and the gathering, it won't deliver more. Cooking was broken in MO1, it was a sad crafting class since day 0 till the end.

I consider that the whole crafting classes should be remade and properly tweaked for them to be a little more, and offer more player and world interaction. The how? there many ways to change crafting without leaving its inicial concept which ain't bad but just not developed.

And to be honest i really doubt crafting is going to change, they have a long trip ahead copypasting things from MO1 to MO2.

Albano Dravae

New member
May 31, 2021
This is a bit silly. This is Master Craft we are talking about at the highest levels of our fantasy society. 8 billion people is the pool you are trying to compare our thousands arent drawing the proper correlation IMO. Being a Master means you dont sway from that path. Once you start dedicating time to other areas, you diminish your own status as Master of a given skill. Your Ohgmir smith of 40 years with blackened sausage fingers aint cookn delicate omelets bro...get real. He aint hemming some nice dresses either. Sorry.
Einstein was terrible at dating women by his own words and had no time to master cooking at the same level as his physics.
Singers make terrible engineers because of brain wiring, scientist make horrible lovers. get over it. you cant smith and pick flowers properly. We're organic beings, our body shapes to the situation in production. I think multi-master disciplines is a lot less than you understand and Im sure the whimsical style of the net contributes to that misunderstanding.

Edit: Maybe you think that modern day machinery makes people masters. Thats wrong.

Dude you gotta get out of the shell and quit repeating shit u hear. Can't base your life understanding only by someone's else perception lmao.

Quit drinking that koolaid.



Active member
Jan 14, 2021
Dude you gotta get out of the shell and quit repeating shit u hear. Can't base your life understanding only by someone's else perception lmao.

Quit drinking that koolaid.
You made no sense. what shell are talking about that has lead you to this conclusion.
WTF did I repeat and what koolaide am I drinking and what dream world do you live in.

The world isnt filled with crafting masters, its filled with shallow tag-alongs with big egos who didnt discover shit.

Albano Dravae

New member
May 31, 2021
You made no sense. what shell are talking about that has lead you to this conclusion.
WTF did I repeat and what koolaide am I drinking and what dream world do you live in.

The world isnt filled with crafting masters, its filled with shallow tag-alongs with big egos who didnt discover shit.
You just generalize shit u don't know with your narrowed perspective bro, thats the koolaid.


New member
Nov 30, 2020
One character slot was done to make more money off of an already tedious product. Maps even bigger now, and you still won't be able to be self sufficient unless you now pay two subs and 80$.

Very much a massive downgrade from the original system.

One account held 4 slots. Two crafters two combat characters. You pay 27 dollars in character slot fees and 13-15 sub depending where you're from.

Now you pay 40 dollars for one fighter and one crafter (same character) plus a sub fee. Times 2 for two combat characters that's 110 dollars for an initial investment to play and be able to play in two places of the map or to be 'more' self sufficient.

This was never about design choice, it was about money. And I can tell you now the only people who will be willing to pay are the ones so overly invested in the game it wouldn't matter if you couldn't even play. Surprised people bought a 150 dollar copy of the game, just a literal rip off.

Inb4 "I think its worth the price" or "it was a good design choice". Yeah man, modern game market disagrees.

I think the game will be pegged hard with this as one of the reasons, ontop of no regional servers, bad combat, bugs, and massive world with low niche pop.

you make some valid points, but honestly speaking i think having to work together with others to get what you need is a good thing,

i cant help but to feel ur post is more of a spoiled brat temper tantrum then anything else, and because of that you lose the edge of ur argument


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
There was alot of annoying things in mortal that people didnt complain much about like extraction times because while you where AFT mining, or extracting wasting your IRL time to sit and wait, you could just multi box and actually play the game on another character while you traveled to places or had to AFK on time gating parts of the game.

Just expect to see alot of other complaints like the extracting ones we are now seeing as people cant multi client around not AFKing them now.