Motivation - what to do in this sandbox? - not beta and wipe related


Active member
Jul 18, 2021
I have a motivation problem. It's not because of beta and the final wipe but because i dont see what i can do solo beside killing undead at the graveyard or gathering stuff.
Don get me wrong, i know it is my fault not seeing it or not knowing what to do. Therefore i want to ask you the more experienced players what to do, what you can recommend to me. And yes i'm part of a clan already, but it seems most is PVP training and PvPing, what is fine, but i am not a Foot Fighter, but first was an Archer Tamer, then a Mage Tamer and now a full Mage, because i just couldnt make it. Archer was weak in my eyes and i am not skilled enough for MA or just didnt figure it out how to. Still dying to wolve packs, no matter what i do! I wasnt able to kite anything, nor on foot with 117 Dex, neither mounted with MA, Swift Riding etc.
I wasnt able to make 140 Gold in the Jungle to buy me ACC and BM etc., no chance against sators, I also struggle against bandits, although i can kill them one after antoher, but no chance against Sators. Maybe one with some luck, but two are impossible for me.

So i see this is nothing you do solo, but in groups, all fine. But i feel everyone is already equipped, knows everything what to do, when and how and i here and there get a glimps, but dont get any further.

I tried Alchemy, okay after gathering thousand of the plants i realized i cant do anything with it. Well i made an Alcohol Potion with no effect ^^
Stuff isnt finally distributed on the map, so one need to travel a lot for some salvia etc. So not an option atm and maybe that complicated and tie consuming that it isnt for me anyway.

i really feel all i do is below mediocre and the low end and after 180hrs i havent improved in anything or know what to do beside beeing humble for all the gear or gold others gifted to me and watching PvP trainings i feel i cannot do anything wortwhile.
Learn blocking with a dagger, yeah i can tell you the veterans will allways destroy me, my tactic will be healing mates and else running as fast as i can.
I dont expect to win anyway.

I cant motivate myself atm and idk what to do, how to help and how to feel as someone who can also contribute something to his clan.
I feel i just take stuff from others and cant do anything worthwhile, what others cannot do 10 times better already.

any tips???

please if you feel somehow triggered and upset because of my post, try to ignore it and dont react. i'd apreciate this very much as i dont think if my request makes you upset or triggered it wont be helpfull neither to you nor to me.
I'm just an old noob not knowing what and how... and maybe there is someone who can emphasize and have some tips for me, because in general i want to play and contribute to the game, the community and my clan of course.
But i feel like a noob surroundeed by veterans and pro's and sometimes i get tips and dont understand them as they maybe presuppose more than i know or are able to do.

I actually try cooking and maybe i can sell tamed horses now... but yeah i still feel i cant do much :(


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
My recommendation would be to fit taming into your mage build so you can use a combat pet to do the fighting for you. Unless they made a change and I didn't read it in the patch notes beast mastery doesn't actually do anything currently, so at most you need advanced cc and potentially herding if you want multiple pets.

To farm money your best bet is bandits if you can manage to kill them as a mage (tbh not likely without a melee fighter friend).

If you can't seem to do that you could always ask your clan if they are willing to give you material farming jobs and compensate you.

If no one is willing to give you work I'm sure you could gather alchemy materials and run them to meduli to sell to people, or farm sea dew there and make potions to then sell across nave.

If your goal is to do dungeons or bosses you will have to do it in a group.

These are my initial thoughts as something to do.


Jun 17, 2021
I agree with Kelzyr, taming could be a good option for you. Get yourself a wolf or cougar, and level it as high as you can. Look after it and feed it pig meat. It can help protect you for sure, and pets can actually be companions for some people when they are travelling through the world.

When breeding comes in you might enjoy breeding different horses to create champion horses for your guildmates? There are lots of ways to contribute. You don't have to be the greatest swordsman on the battlefield to make a difference.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
@Stundorn I'm glad you asked that question, it shows you actually want to learn and find your place in the world of Nave. So, welcome aboard.

Just a few off the top of my head:

- Tame horses to keep for yourself or sell to others, everyone is going to need one the moment they start playing.

- Become a master weaponsmith or armoursmith and put your name on every weapon and armour you make, and even name them. If you are good at what you do, your name will be known far and wide.

- Learn where each town is located and how best to get there without getting chewed up or shredded to pieces by the dangerous wildlife (there are many, now), and offer your services to those who need you to guide them to those towns.

- Provide armed escort for travellers and transporters who are hauling goods between towns. Player bandits acting alone or in small groups will likely not try to rob a travelling merchant guarded by a sizable army of player bodyguards.

- Build a house (when the feature arrives later after persistent launch) and live out your life, or build a town with your friends somewhere. The world is six times larger than that of the first game so there's plenty of real estate locations.

- Live the life of a player bandit who profits off the lose of others. Be warned however, there are no multiple character slots, your MO2 account is tied to your Steam account, and monthly sub is required for each account. This means your words and actions carry far-reaching consequences, and more so as a player bandit. Expect player bounty hunters and angry and vengeful victims of your dastardly deeds to roam the countryside in search of your whereabouts, turning you into a fugitive. With the world so big now, there are plenty of places to hide, and you will likely become allies with other player bandits. So, choose wisely.

- With the recent departure of one of our long time veterans of the first game who used to run a banking and mercantile empire spanning two continents, there is now a void which other ambitious players may be seeking to fill. If you are good with managing money and relations with customers, you may become the next financial mogul of Mortal Online 2.

This is just a small sample of what is possible, your own imagination will likely be able to come up with many others.
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Relax dude. 180 hours is nothing. These “vets” you keep referring to have been playing non stop for the last 10 years. Thats why they are so good. They have thousands and thousands of hours.

you are just a newborn baby hours wise.

some people are gifted and get good super quick, but for most others it just takes time and A LOT of duels/pvp to improve. There isnt an easy way. Just have to suck a long time before you start holding your own.

stop trying to measure yourself against vets that have thousands more hours than you and just focus on getting a bit better every day. Focus on not making the same mistakes. You might never be the best ever, but you will certainly become competitive.


Active member
Jul 18, 2021
thanks all for the answers

i already had razorbacks, wolfs and small black bears as pets, my "problem" is getting the gold for the ACC in the JC. I'd have to make the money on the graveyard and then risk to lose it when going to buy the book. But ok, this is something i can do for sure, but i have already unlearned CC and such to test the full mage build.

question here: can i refill the Spiritboxes? And if yes, how?
I can open an ether Portal, but it seems i miss it's purpose beyound rezzing.

I have a somewhat ok knowledge of the map and wouldn't get lost in the jungle as i spend a week there trying to get the money as an archer, because if you die there you wont be able to make yourself another weapon ;D

I may start taing horses, the only i havent unlearned completely to be self sustainable. But i think i need to have it at 100 again, but nP.

thanks again, maybe a lot will also change when it goes into persistence, but somehow i feel i havent catched the niche i belong into, the role i want to play and are able to fulfill and contribute with.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
thanks all for the answers

i already had razorbacks, wolfs and small black bears as pets, my "problem" is getting the gold for the ACC in the JC. I'd have to make the money on the graveyard and then risk to lose it when going to buy the book. But ok, this is something i can do for sure, but i have already unlearned CC and such to test the full mage build.

question here: can i refill the Spiritboxes? And if yes, how?
I can open an ether Portal, but it seems i miss it's purpose beyound rezzing.

I have a somewhat ok knowledge of the map and wouldn't get lost in the jungle as i spend a week there trying to get the money as an archer, because if you die there you wont be able to make yourself another weapon ;D

I may start taing horses, the only i havent unlearned completely to be self sustainable. But i think i need to have it at 100 again, but nP.

thanks again, maybe a lot will also change when it goes into persistence, but somehow i feel i havent catched the niche i belong into, the role i want to play and are able to fulfill and contribute with.

I've never really tried doing bandits with a pet, have you tried letting your pet kill them while you heal it?

Currently you just have to re-purchase the box...hopefully they'll add the spirit farming before EA.

What do you think would be the most fun for you to play? Do you want to be a foot fighter but just don't feel you're competent at it? If that's the case don't be too hard on yourself and practice, it'll come eventually.

A great way to get better at parrying would be go have someone swing at you (both of you standing still) and you parry, or practice with walkers, then bandits, then more mobile duels, etc.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
like Kelzyr said, when spiritism will be fully implemented youll be able to enter the spirit world with boxes and capture spirits. This isnt in game yet.

As far as gold farming….yea welcome to the struggle. MA was the easiest way to make money as a solo in MO. If you plan on solo farming then thats something you might want to look into. Mages are the worst for farming gold solo.
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Active member
Jul 18, 2021
Relax dude. 180 hours is nothing. These “vets” you keep referring to have been playing non stop for the last 10 years. Thats why they are so good. They have thousands and thousands of hours.

you are just a newborn baby hours wise.

some people are gifted and get good super quick, but for most others it just takes time and A LOT of duels/pvp to improve. There isnt an easy way. Just have to suck a long time before you start holding your own.

stop trying to measure yourself against vets that have thousands more hours than you and just focus on getting a bit better every day. Focus on not making the same mistakes. You might never be the best ever, but you will certainly become competitive.

maybe i have to ask how to fight as a mage!?!?

i feel for PvP and PvE Mage is only the group healer and needs to stay away to not get slaughtered.
Duel training imho is nothing a mage is good at because of limited space, tell me if i'm wrong.
But "sparring" as a mage versus a foot fighter feels wrong and worthless.
The experience i had from DF 10 years ago was, get away, then cast and kite. Nothing you can do in sparring situations.
and hard to do in open world situation because of horses etc.
I also feel the range of spells is way too low. To be near enough to cast a fulmination on someone needs me to get that close i wont be able to get away again and end up blocking and cant do anything else until i die.
i wont get away far enough to cast again and everyone can counter heal with bandarges, so in a 1v1 sparring or fight i'd need to do a lot of burst damage and stay at distance. If a Warrior with a steel weapon hits me i'm dead in two hits, just to say.
But Fulmi plus a Mindbeam wont kill a fighter.
Mage battles wins the one who has more Int and Psy i'd guess.

No rant here, and ok if people with thousands of hours are way ahead in skill and knowledge that's not a problem, i dont want to mess or compete with them on their level, but what other level is there in the game i can compete with?
None i'd say.

But thats another thing, that is a problem of the game itself and i hope there will be enough fresh players, who stand a chance versus veterans, else i can only see the same vets play MO2 alone like they played MO1 alone.

It's not my first sandbox, i played UO, i played DF and ome other and i was allways able to do something worthwhile.
somehow i cannot find this in MO2 until.

Maybe i dont see it, maybe i am just to bad or too inexperienced, maybe there is nothing and its all about PvP training and PVP and the realted meta game. I just dont know.

To me it is important to immerso myself and play my alter ego in Nave, i wont have time for multiple accounts and i'm not a fan of min maxing.
But i'm also not a fan of making a Thursar mage, if you get me ;D
So a viable build that is fun and i can immerse into.
Well Foot fighter seem to be a no brainer - not meant negative, but most easy to build, equip and be somewhat self sustainable.
Not that i dislike it completely, but i couldnt resist to make a sheevra after trying Kallard Fighter and a Sidoian Hybrid. Both were fun.
The Sheevra makes me immersing the best.
I made him an Archer Tamer, although i knew Alvarin would have been better for that. But i wanted the option to switch to Mage Tamer and maybe even dominator.

As i wrote, i tried archer tamer and struggled, i tried mage tamer and struggled and now i am a full mage and struggle by just making some money.

And professions skills is even more difficult, you wont craft ynything worthy without people helping to gather Materials.
New Ranger Armor best example.
Not that i am against it or say they need to change that. But these things make me feel i got stuck below medicore.


Active member
Sep 22, 2020
Mages are definitely not a class that can solo easily without the help of a pet. Dueling is pointless other than teaching you how to avoid a fighter. It's not likely that you will win unless you have favorable terrain.

You could pretty easily solo farm messing/steel, even some skadite and tungsteel (though very time consuming) on your own if you know what you need (do some googling or ask your clan). These metals are very valuable and people will pay you for them.
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Active member
Jul 18, 2021
I've never really tried doing bandits with a pet, have you tried letting your pet kill them while you heal it?

i had small black bears up to level 25 - the bigger ones need more PP i didnt have without ACC. They tank them a little and i cast additionally and heal the pet and yes possbile, but every once and then the pet got killed and it wasnt very efficient tbh.
i then need a razorback and some luck to tame the next black bear. Or i tried without razorback and risk dying.
I already got through that valley of tears :p
but good experience and i learned something.

Currently you just have to re-purchase the box...hopefully they'll add the spirit farming before EA.

yes i hope so too. not sure how it worls then, but i hope you can refill them relatively easily.

What do you think would be the most fun for you to play? Do you want to be a foot fighter but just don't feel you're competent at it? If that's the case don't be too hard on yourself and practice, it'll come eventually.

actually i just love the Sheevra, it looks good to me and i like the lore somehow, and although i can also see me playing a Kallard fighter or Sidoian hybrid etc. i since then like my short sheevra mage the most.
And i can switch between a tamer a full mage and maybe even a dominator, what is something i'm looking forward to.

A great way to get better at parrying would be go have someone swing at you (both of you standing still) and you parry, or practice with walkers, then bandits, then more mobile duels, etc.
I've done that to learn i cant do this very well, but i have to say i did it versus very skilled persons who can do every trick and such with blind eyes and one hand as it seems :D[/quote]
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Mages are in a bit of a rough spot right now with the big nerf in dex. In MO1 you could kite very effectively as a dex mage and that was your main skill to stay alive. Now thats not the case anymore. Warriors run just as fast as you and have more stamina so they will eventually catch up to you. So yea playing a mage is harder now than it was.

these days playing a mage you have to rely heavily on your team mates to peel for you. Of course you need to stay in the back lines and be hard to reach for the enemy, but once they are on you there is little you can do besides parrying and calling for help.

there is no 1vs1 against a fighter. At least not a competent fighter.

mounteds bring their own challenges and currently are a bit OP. Hopefully earthquake dismount will be implemented soon.

all i can tell you is stay close to your fighter but far from the enemy and always pay the most attention to where people are. Do not worry about killing people, just worry about staying away from enemies and calling for peels early and staying alive. If your team mates are even remotely decent they will be ready to peel for you at a drop of a hat. If not, you are going to die a lot.

having siad all that, a good mage is worth his weight in gold for any group of fighters. A well times heal or corrupt/purify can turn a battle on its head. It might not seem like a lot to you but its invaluable to those in the front lines.
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
The first thing I would recommend is getting yourself a trusty steed.

The 2nd thing would be buying an asymmetrical bow from the broker.

Optional you can see use your profession skills to bowcraft and horse armor craft.

You can still shoot a bow from horseback regardless if you have the mounted archery skill or not because game is good.

At that point you can basically kill any run of the mill mob and butcher their carcass, or you can bang 7 gram granum nodes and put them in your horse.

You can either sell the rocks or become an extractor.

I have spoken
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Active member
Jul 18, 2021
Mages are in a bit of a rough spot right now with the big nerf in dex. In MO1 you could kite very effectively as a dex mage and that was your main skill to stay alive. Now thats not the case anymore. Warriors run just as fast as you and have more stamina so they will eventually catch up to you. So yea playing a mage is harder now than it was.

these days playing a mage you have to rely heavily on your team mates to peel for you. Of course you need to stay in the back lines and be hard to reach for the enemy, but once they are on you there is little you can do besides parrying and calling for help.

there is no 1vs1 against a fighter. At least not a competent fighter.

mounteds bring their own challenges and currently are a bit OP. Hopefully earthquake dismount will be implemented soon.

all i can tell you is stay close to your fighter but far from the enemy and always pay the most attention to where people are. Do not worry about killing people, just worry about staying away from enemies and calling for peels early and staying alive. If your team mates are even remotely decent they will be ready to peel for you at a drop of a hat. If not, you are going to die a lot.

having siad all that, a good mage is worth his weight in gold for any group of fighters. A well times heal or corrupt can turn a battle on its head. It might not seem like a lot to you but its invaluable to those in the front lines.

for my small PvP experiences in MO in can agree and i'm fine if i fill that support roll heal and rezz and do corruptions, interupts and every 10th fight some burst damage to end someones life a little sooner than later ;D


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020
My recommendation would be to fit taming into your mage build so you can use a combat pet to do the fighting for you. Unless they made a change and I didn't read it in the patch notes beast mastery doesn't actually do anything currently, so at most you need advanced cc and potentially herding if you want multiple pets.

To farm money your best bet is bandits if you can manage to kill them as a mage (tbh not likely without a melee fighter friend).

If you can't seem to do that you could always ask your clan if they are willing to give you material farming jobs and compensate you.

If no one is willing to give you work I'm sure you could gather alchemy materials and run them to meduli to sell to people, or farm sea dew there and make potions to then sell across nave.

If your goal is to do dungeons or bosses you will have to do it in a group.

These are my initial thoughts as something to do.
When beast mastery does finally get properly implemented the effects of it is extremely varying. Some pets get good enough attacks on low level and its just a waste of points, other pets you want high level and might need some beast mastery to reach some even better attacks. Its just very different between pet and pet and optimizing how much mastery skill you actually need really come down to your most commonly used pet and how much you can compensate with raw pet levels over beast mastery skill level.

In addition another skill that will eventually come back into implementation;
Beast influence skill is really only a requirement for pets that you can accidentally find yourself separated from in combat. This is almost exclusively super high speed pets or pets with charge attacks. Which basically means pets tamers wont see(minotaurs) or a very tiny niche of pets (hunter lizards, dire wolves). Other good pets, even high end ones are usually too slow to find themselves out of your reach or cant be left to attack something while your attention is elsewhere from how vulnerable it is to be kited around and killed/swarmed.
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Active member
Sep 11, 2021
Bro it sounds like you put all your points into peasant. 👀👀
Which would be fun as fuck once they add the taverns and games. I used to Rp as a drunk that loved to play black jack on GTA.

I love to RP and there are so many things you could do your self without even using skill points. You could be a Spy (would be way more fun when thievery is out I'm sure), Peasant (Just being a beggar could be fun you just got to have the right attitude I did that in GTA), Village Freak, just go be fucking weird to ppl and talk shit (I love Talking Shit). There is just so much you could do if you look at the game in an RP sense.