Materials Change Suggestion


New member
Jul 20, 2020
In MO1, most materials were just straight up useless in crafting when their real life versions should be decent at making weapons and armor. Things like bron (bronze) and pig iron (iron) were used as weapon and armor material. Why they were so bad in MO1 I don't know but in MO2 these kinds of materials should be buffed.. a lot. Like, it makes no sense that metals like cuprum are better weapon material than bronze or iron.

One more suggestion is that leathers and scales obtained from animal butchery should be processed before used. Since metals have to be refined, why don't leathers and scales need to be tanned? The same should go for silk and ironsilk. They both need to be spun on a loom of some sort to be useable. Otherwise, it makes no sense for there to have so many steps to process ore into metals but you get instant access to these leathers and textiles just from butchery.


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
In MO1, most materials were just straight up useless in crafting when their real life versions should be decent at making weapons and armor. Things like bron (bronze) and pig iron (iron) were used as weapon and armor material. Why they were so bad in MO1 I don't know but in MO2 these kinds of materials should be buffed.. a lot. Like, it makes no sense that metals like cuprum are better weapon material than bronze or iron.

One more suggestion is that leathers and scales obtained from animal butchery should be processed before used. Since metals have to be refined, why don't leathers and scales need to be tanned? The same should go for silk and ironsilk. They both need to be spun on a loom of some sort to be useable. Otherwise, it makes no sense for there to have so many steps to process ore into metals but you get instant access to these leathers and textiles just from butchery.
agree with first part.

Strong disagree on second.


Jul 4, 2020
mate are you OUT OF YOUR MIND. do you even know what pig iron is? ITS CAST IRON SO DOGSHIT AT ANYTHING its so BRITTLE itll break in a few swings. BRONZE was ok for ancient greeks but after is so bad no one use again. 0 REASON TO BUFF such SHIT materials


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
mate are you OUT OF YOUR MIND. do you even know what pig iron is? ITS CAST IRON SO DOGSHIT AT ANYTHING its so BRITTLE itll break in a few swings. BRONZE was ok for ancient greeks but after is so bad no one use again. 0 REASON TO BUFF such SHIT materials
Bronze would be better than copper no?


Active member
May 29, 2020
Oh so much to say about mats, I'm not going to deep into this..

Lots of mats were misused in MO1 by players. Though some items had more uses irl than the game had designed for them. While others seemed to not be as valuable as one would assume based on irl usages. Many things could be done, while over doing some things may result in an unbalance of different mats that are ment to be on the same level as of others. Metals vs scales, theres a fine middle ground for both mats to be evenesk in armor if crafted properly.

As for making a butcher do more work makes little to no sense. Simple comparison.
Miner mines, process' gathered item, Refine for selling or other use.
Butcher slays something, process' gathered carcass, sells or used for other purposes.

They are very fair. Neither build is doing more than the other..



Well-known member
Jun 2, 2020
They are very fair. Neither build is doing more than the other..
is it ... sarcasm?

mining sure mines the item then process raw ore to blood ore then extract again for pig iron then refine it to grain steel and again to steel then again to tungsteel then once more for ogh (not to mention the secondaries needed along the way)

butchery its just butcher carcass, get item

in ore extraction you have many options for how to process the ore to maximize for certain materials. I've long been a proponent of being able to do the same for animal mats, at least to some degree. skinning does give a different result than the butcher table but its really not much variation. perhaps butchery should give intermediate products like raw hides that then get tanned into leather, and various types of leathers at various rates from different hide types, adjustable by the types of salts as catalyst or drying process used.

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New member
Jul 20, 2020
Oh so much to say about mats, I'm not going to deep into this..

Lots of mats were misused in MO1 by players. Though some items had more uses irl than the game had designed for them. While others seemed to not be as valuable as one would assume based on irl usages. Many things could be done, while over doing some things may result in an unbalance of different mats that are ment to be on the same level as of others. Metals vs scales, theres a fine middle ground for both mats to be evenesk in armor if crafted properly.

As for making a butcher do more work makes little to no sense. Simple comparison.
Miner mines, process' gathered item, Refine for selling or other use.
Butcher slays something, process' gathered carcass, sells or used for other purposes.

They are very fair. Neither build is doing more than the other..

That's a poor comparison. It should be like miners mine, refiners refine, crafters then use the metal. Butchers butcher, tanners tan, crafters then use the leathers/scales. There's a whole process missing down the animal materials line that it just makes it too easy to get mats :p.


Well-known member
May 29, 2020
I don't care for the old butchery system, but I didn't mind the difference between processing animal materials verses refining route.

The animal materials had much lower value and were low to mid tier when used for crafting so it makes sense that the processing wasn't over the top like slaghauling was. And I think it's good to have a simpler alternative to material processing that wasn't as involved as slaghauling.

Different strokes for different folks or whatever
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Well-known member
Jun 18, 2020
the Jungle. Meditating on things to come.
If there are enough alternative to get gold I wouldn´t mind animal hunting, processing and crafting becoming a more involved profession. The old butchery system was terrible though. It would have to change a lot to make it as fun slag hauling and the related professions.

Bron should definitely be better for most weapons that cuprum. Dunno about pig iron.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
In MO1 basically all leathers and furs were shit compared with silk and ironsilk. Some furs had slightly higher blunt values than silk. But also 5x the weight. Would love to see some more variation there.


New member
Jul 20, 2020
In MO1 basically all leathers and furs were shit compared with silk and ironsilk. Some furs had slightly higher blunt values than silk. But also 5x the weight. Would love to see some more variation there.
I agree for the most part but guardfur, ironwool and ironfur were pretty good imo


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
I agree for the most part but guardfur, ironwool and ironfur were pretty good imo
Ironwool is slightly higher weight than ironsilk and worse in all defense stats.
The other ones are worse in slashing an piercing but better in blunt. And at least 2x the weight.
But to be honest: since the patch where more armor weight results in slower stam regen I haven't seen anyone using them.
Maybe they are worth it when fighting against some monsters that do only blunt damage. But that's it basically.


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
agreed on materials but not extra steps to butchery.

I crafted melees in 2013 MO and found lots of materials just lacking for any types of weapons, but it would make sense that bleck being tin wouldnt be so great. Pig iron imo should be better than cuprum slightly and cuprum shouldnt be heavier than steel. Nyx was basically jadeite but a little lighter with less damage. Also just remembered about how funny aabam is at being a bad material for weapon and probably armor too.
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
agreed on materials but not extra steps to butchery.

I crafted melees in 2013 MO and found lots of materials just lacking for any types of weapons, but it would make sense that bleck being tin wouldnt be so great. Pig iron imo should be better than cuprum slightly and cuprum shouldnt be heavier than steel. Nyx was basically jadeite but a little lighter with less damage. Also just remembered about how funny aabam is at being a bad material for weapon and probably armor too.
Aabam was basically lead so it kind of made sense it'd be bad for weapons and armor. I think where they could really add to the system is finding more uses for those materials that make sense. Like some type of siege ammunition for aabam or something like that anyway.