Magic: Target cast, self cast, draw weapon and move to cancel - make it stop!


Mar 3, 2022
This is my feedback regarding the Magic system and the way how self cast and cast on target works right now and how it should work to not want to hit your screen with a chair all the time!

So we have 3 magic schools in the game right now.

Ecumenicals: - Charge your spell by using the keystroke on your hotbar. You now have 20 seconds to decide if you wan to use the spell on your self or on a target. The 2 standard keys for doing this are "E" and "Q"

Spiritism and necromancy: Charge your spell and release it instantly - Q and E is kind of obsolete because you ALWAYS have to choose the spell first on your hotbar and it is always a target based spell in the first place.

In case of Spiritism it is already quite annoying because to cast a spell on yourself you have to do the following:

1. Chose your spell by using the keystroke on your hotbar
2. Move your character / turn your mount to stop casting the spell
3. Recast the spell using "E" to make it able to cast it on yourself

To make this even more dumb: If you decide to use a different spell (while you already self casting your spell on step 3) you need to do the whole process again: Hotkey for the spell, cancel it by moving your character and recasting the spell with your self cast button "E".

And now we come to school number 3, necromancy. Here is where the intuitive gameplay fails completely and I'm really curious how bad magic school number 4 will be after all of that piling up. Because with necromancy you can cast while moving. So you are not able to interrupt spellcasting with just the touch of your movement keys. You need to draw your weapon to make it cancel.

And this is how a necromancer plays with walkers:

1. Press the hotkey for your "Control Undead" spell
2. Draw your weapon to interrupt the spell which takes some time.
3. Press "E" to make your undead walkers follow you.
4. Press "Q" to send them to an enemy
5. Press the hotkey for Greater Heal
6. Press "E" to heal yourself
7. Press the hotkey to "Control Undead" because you want them back following you
8. Draw your weapon again.
9. Press "E" to repeat the spell

I mean SV seriously?

I mean I get you that you want to always reinvent the wheel but the whole magic system is a shit show and it is not enjoyable. I have met countless of people asking for a way to actually self cast with spiritism or necromancy and that this system feels clunky and unresponsive.

There is such an easy way to fix it:

All Magic schools let you decide AFTER the spell is being cast if you want to use it on yourself "E" or on others "Q" like ecumenical is doing it now.

I think that 20sec in holding the spell is way to high for Spiritism and Necromancy. So leave us with 3 sec to decide how we want to use the spell, please!

It is such an easy fix to make magic much more enjoyable and not feel like you want to throw your chair into your screen all the time.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
You can use feint key to cancel a spell now, drawing out weapons isn't needed, and not sure how i feel about precasting necro spells even if it's only 3 seconds. I agree with the rest though. Self cast buton should simply change target of the charging spell to self. It's such an obvious thing.
(and ffs fix the charge circle already)


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Lol, this guy would have had an aneurism in MO1. Back then you had to un-equip your weapon before you could cast, with a plethora of bugs and quirks attached to simply hitting a target. The magic casting experience is vastly improved from the old game.

Neceomany is purpousely made like that so that its not too easy. If it was just a single button to raise undead and a single button to make them attack it would make it way too OP. In the same way that ecumenical has to stop to cast as a handicap, necromancy has micromanaging and a ton of buttons to use to balance gameplay.
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Mar 3, 2022
You can use feint key to cancel a spell now, drawing out weapons isn't needed, and not sure how i feel about precasting necro spells even if it's only 3 seconds. I agree with the rest though. Self cast buton should simply change target of the charging spell to self. It's such an obvious thing.
(and ffs fix the charge circle already)
Ok the feint key is a start. I did not know that. Can not be in for that long.
It is still a shity system where i need to cancel my cast

Lol, this guy would have had an aneurism in MO1. Back then you had to un-equip your weapon before you could cast, with a plethora of bugs and quirks attached to simply hitting a target. The magic casting experience is vastly improved from the old game.

Neceomany is purpousely made like that so that its not too easy. If it was just a single button to raise undead and a single button to make them attack it would make it way too OP. In the same way that ecumenical has to stop to cast as a handicap, necromancy has micromanaging and a ton of buttons to use to balance gameplay.
I did play MO1.
You guys are always come with balance stuff. It is not always about balance which can be done different by reducing damage or increase other factors. It is about making a game enjoyable and interesting to play and not getting slapped by the clunky systems. I can not see such a clunky shit when it comes to melee and slashing people down with 30% piercing damage trinkets on Thursar hitting for 150 weak spot and only need to click one mousebutton. So where is the clunkyness balance in melee combat? Most of the stuff in game you need to learn. For mages it is a lot of awareness around battles, positioning and aiming. All of these things need hours of practise to get better with. But people refuse to actually dive into it because it is not enjoyable at all. Why do we have a shitty and clunky programmed system where you have to click various buttons just to make sure the game is doing what YOU want? Something like that should have nothing to do with balance. Is that what SV calls immersive? Sorry that I laugh about you judging the system.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Laugh away bro. It took SV 15 years to get it as “smooth” as you see it now. Maybe in an other 15 years they will get it up to your standards.

Also melee combat is way clunky, especially if you are from anywhere but Europe. There is so much janky shit that happens where people hit you from 10 feet away with their back to you, its not even funny. People just learn to deal with it.


Mar 3, 2022
Laugh away bro. It took SV 15 years to get it as “smooth” as you see it now. Maybe in an other 15 years they will get it up to your standards.

Also melee combat is way clunky, especially if you are from anywhere but Europe. There is so much janky shit that happens where people hit you from 10 feet away with their back to you, its not even funny. People just learn to deal with it.
You obviously add a lot of experience and knowledge to the stuff you write in the forums ;) If you want to have something changed you need to stand up for it and speak. You do not need to accept everything. I'm an IT engineer and if it takes 15 years for somebody to develop a clunky interface he is simply not the right for the job. I can not see your post in the "Feedback Section" of this forum where you speak about how clunky melee is and how annoying it is to get hit from 10 feet away. And I'm not asking for assumptions or personal opinions like you do 99% of the time. Speaking of facts and valuable data.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
Well go ahead and fix it then if you are so expert.

You cannot see my hundreds of posts about the shitty and annoying parts of combat because you are looking in MO2 forums. In the MO1 forums i, and many many more, spent years giving feedback and demanding change. But you do not know this because you are new and clueless. Still wet behind your ears and think you can change the world just by complaining.

Now ill blow your mind a little bit more. Devs dont even read these forums anymore. They stopped reading their official forums back around 2017. The only platform they monitor is their discord. Rombo is the only one that will post here from time to time and he has no say in anything.

Good luck with changing things though. I am rooting for you.


Mar 3, 2022
Plus when you cancel the cast, using feint key or whatever you do to cancel it, the cast circle gets bugged and is not gonna show progress any more. In that case ALL shools that release the cast immediately become unuseable. It is such a shame that the developers of this game want to put magic in a clunky and messed up system just because they can not balance it. Why is it so hard to let players feel that they are controlling the magic schools (immersion) with a simple prepare cast and 3-5 sec to launch option @Herius @Robmo ? It would be so easy to implement! This is the one and only game where magic is not enjoyable. And talking of balance. It won't change anything balance wise and that melees still steam roll mages no matter what. The game is simply to fast paced to get magic in a good spot when balancing. I can live with that but make it at least enjoyable!

This is just an example:
Mages, even dex mages are getting raped in comebat. It takes less than 5 sec for a good fighter (3-4 swings) to kill a mage while a mage (even when changing the system and the controlling of it) will never be able to kill a melee in that time. And especially not with adding more control over your spells.

I have not mentioned the thursar master trinket user. With 20%+ piercing damage on trinkets they deal 150 damage with daggers and spears for example. This is something noone cares about and is much more deadly than any magic school.
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Active member
Feb 2, 2022
Pretty much spot on. The clunky ui in the way of weapon switching and these spell issues just demonstrate without a doubt that noone at SV actually plays the game.

No way they'd force themselves to use tje most clunky ui i ever saw in an mmo.
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