I'm more safe anywhere else in the game than inside guarded cities.


Active member
Jan 6, 2022
First things first, i understand that this isn't a problem for the vast majority of the player base, I'm a high profile player with more than 3.3k hours played since release, I'm also good at making money, just by taking a sneak peek at my post history on discord trade channel, bad actors can already pin a target on my back and try to leech of my wealth one way or another. I want to make something clear, i see this the natural outcome of playing a full loot PvP game and I don't have any problems in becoming a target in this way.

What i have a problem with is that the game forces me to become a walking loot bag whenever i enter a town unless i can equip +20kg worth of armor.

Since the release of the trinket system, i have only died twice while doing a trinket service, the first one was very early into the trinket patch and the second one today four months later, in the past four months people have tried to kill me HUNDREDS of times inside towns and the reason they have been trying less and less lately is because i have became super paranoid and i grasp for every single layer of protection i can get, every time i arrive to a guarded city i have to do tedious rituals I'm not gonna give many details about because that would help people find a way to circle around most of the precautions i take.

I did multiple stuff wrong on my last death, these are most of the things that lead of my failure of protecting myself this time around:

I was running late for multiple appointments so i didn't go to the sables to get my horse (this is the main reason i died).

I'm transitioning between builds and i
didn't had my usual Combat Maneuvering and Armor Training so i could not wear my usual ranger armor + steel tower shield set.

I Wasn't carrying my health potion.

I didn't ask the client what kind of stuff we were doing, had i know he was going to trade me an ogh amulet i would have taken multiple extra precautions beforehand such as getting the horse out of the stables.

i was facing my camera towards the worst posible position, mostly because i wanted to finish the job as quick as posible and trade the amulet away.

I didn't warn my client to be aware and ready to defend me, there was a language barrier and i didn't want the whole thing to get awkward.

Now that being said, this is what happens when i lower my guard a single time in four months, any deadbeat fresh out of haven with less than 10 clades on bone tissue can pick a random steel weapon and kill me in 3 seconds, talk about mages being op and having too much burst damage. The risk vs reward is so disproportional that these getto level fighters can fail to kill me a hundred times and if they success once they will make profit since most times i have to prevent their attempts before i start taking damage and they don't even get a single rep loss.

I have to see these roachs lurking around most of the time i enter a city, if they realice I'm aware of their presence they stop the ambush attempt and start pestering, following me around the city blatantly taunting me still looking for opportunities to engage, and there i am watching a guy that has tried to kill me dozen of times and gotten killed by guards hundreds of times sitting in front of them being treated like any other law abiding citizen.

The only thing that guards are doing there is preventing me from retaliating and or protecting myself before i get engaged, giving them the perfect opportunity window to strike again. then when they are finally able to kill someone there comes the rest of the roachs to use crawling hands, A NECROMANCY SPELL in front of the guards while they behave like nothing is happening, not only that if anyone dares to attack those necromancers, the guards would attack those trying to prevent the thievery going on in front of their eyes.

Now because these systems in place and people abusing them as much as posible, the more i play and the more fame and wealth i get the more annoying and tedious is for me to walk inside cities. This may look like first world problems to 99% of the people but i asure you, nearly all the dedicated players are going to face this problem at some point or another and when they do most of them are gonna enjoy the game way less and many of them will end up quitting the game.

Things i would change:

Increase the time to kill all players overall and by a lot, on that clip i was using Ganoid Scales With Bloodsilk Rugged Garments and 100 defensive stance and some pierce defense on the amulet, he was able to go through my 170hp with 37% pierce defense and -3 flat dmg per in 3 seconds, this is wrong and bad for the game on so many levels that it would require an extra whole new thread to explain why

Criminals killed by guards inside cities should be attack on sight on that city for hours instead of 4 minutes

Criminals that murder a blue player in city should be attacked on sight for days.

If not all necro spells of the bat using CRAWLING HANDS inside a city should turn you criminal.

An the most important one, a way to retaliate, if you get murdered, you were able to report them and they were re a known murderer you should be able to go to a Coraxi facilitator and sing a contract to bounty hunt one of your murderers.


New member
Sep 21, 2022
First things first, i understand that this isn't a problem for the vast majority of the player base, I'm a high profile player with more than 3.3k hours played since release, I'm also good at making money, just by taking a sneak peek at my post history on discord trade channel, bad actors can already pin a target on my back and try to leech of my wealth one way or another. I want to make something clear, i see this the natural outcome of playing a full loot PvP game and I don't have any problems in becoming a target in this way.

What i have a problem with is that the game forces me to become a walking loot bag whenever i enter a town unless i can equip +20kg worth of armor.

Since the release of the trinket system, i have only died twice while doing a trinket service, the first one was very early into the trinket patch and the second one today four months later, in the past four months people have tried to kill me HUNDREDS of times inside towns and the reason they have been trying less and less lately is because i have became super paranoid and i grasp for every single layer of protection i can get, every time i arrive to a guarded city i have to do tedious rituals I'm not gonna give many details about because that would help people find a way to circle around most of the precautions i take.

I did multiple stuff wrong on my last death, these are most of the things that lead of my failure of protecting myself this time around:

I was running late for multiple appointments so i didn't go to the sables to get my horse (this is the main reason i died).

I'm transitioning between builds and i
didn't had my usual Combat Maneuvering and Armor Training so i could not wear my usual ranger armor + steel tower shield set.

I Wasn't carrying my health potion.

I didn't ask the client what kind of stuff we were doing, had i know he was going to trade me an ogh amulet i would have taken multiple extra precautions beforehand such as getting the horse out of the stables.

i was facing my camera towards the worst posible position, mostly because i wanted to finish the job as quick as posible and trade the amulet away.

I didn't warn my client to be aware and ready to defend me, there was a language barrier and i didn't want the whole thing to get awkward.

Now that being said, this is what happens when i lower my guard a single time in four months, any deadbeat fresh out of haven with less than 10 clades on bone tissue can pick a random steel weapon and kill me in 3 seconds, talk about mages being op and having too much burst damage. The risk vs reward is so disproportional that these getto level fighters can fail to kill me a hundred times and if they success once they will make profit since most times i have to prevent their attempts before i start taking damage and they don't even get a single rep loss.

I have to see these roachs lurking around most of the time i enter a city, if they realice I'm aware of their presence they stop the ambush attempt and start pestering, following me around the city blatantly taunting me still looking for opportunities to engage, and there i am watching a guy that has tried to kill me dozen of times and gotten killed by guards hundreds of times sitting in front of them being treated like any other law abiding citizen.

The only thing that guards are doing there is preventing me from retaliating and or protecting myself before i get engaged, giving them the perfect opportunity window to strike again. then when they are finally able to kill someone there comes the rest of the roachs to use crawling hands, A NECROMANCY SPELL in front of the guards while they behave like nothing is happening, not only that if anyone dares to attack those necromancers, the guards would attack those trying to prevent the thievery going on in front of their eyes.

Now because these systems in place and people abusing them as much as posible, the more i play and the more fame and wealth i get the more annoying and tedious is for me to walk inside cities. This may look like first world problems to 99% of the people but i asure you, nearly all the dedicated players are going to face this problem at some point or another and when they do most of them are gonna enjoy the game way less and many of them will end up quitting the game.

Things i would change:

Increase the time to kill all players overall and by a lot, on that clip i was using Ganoid Scales With Bloodsilk Rugged Garments and 100 defensive stance and some pierce defense on the amulet, he was able to go through my 170hp with 37% pierce defense and -3 flat dmg per in 3 seconds, this is wrong and bad for the game on so many levels that it would require an extra whole new thread to explain why

Criminals killed by guards inside cities should be attack on sight on that city for hours instead of 4 minutes

Criminals that murder a blue player in city should be attacked on sight for days.

If not all necro spells of the bat using CRAWLING HANDS inside a city should turn you criminal.

An the most important one, a way to retaliate, if you get murdered, you were able to report them and they were re a known murderer you should be able to go to a Coraxi facilitator and sing a contract to bounty hunt one of your murderers.
get gud or get splid


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
So you got folded like uncle bobs lawn chair during a trade, due to your own mistakes, while being on a wheel chair obese mage, wearing light rice paper armor. And this is your reasoning for wanting to make time to kill even longer and towns safer than they already are.

Towns are literally 95% full of people roleplaying/memeing and dueling. There's barely any crime at all. You even said yourself, the SECOND time this has happened to you in four months. That's really good odds and a rare occurrence. In MO1, shit like this would of happened weekly to people. Every day, countless times you'd have thieves sticking fingers in your pockets too(you're going to have gun when thievery is added in MO2 lel).

PvP is already tanky enough in proper PvP situations, wearing proper PvP gear. You're a mounted fat mage, your advantage is being on a mount and blasting people for 70+ with little to no risk or drawbacks. You can't have your cake and eat it.
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Active member
Jan 6, 2022
So you got folded like uncle bobs lawn chair during a trade, due to your own mistakes, while being on a wheel chair obese mage, wearing light rice paper armor. And this is your reasoning for wanting to make time to kill even longer and towns safer than they already are.

Towns are literally 95% full of people roleplaying/memeing and dueling. There's barely any crime at all. You even said yourself, the SECOND time this has happened to you in four months. That's really good odds and a rare occurrence. In MO1, shit like this would of happened weekly to people. Every day, countless times you'd have thieves sticking fingers in your pockets too(you're going to have gun when thievery is added in MO2 lel).

PvP is already tanky enough in proper PvP situations, wearing proper PvP gear. You're a mounted fat mage, your advantage is being on a mount and blasting people for 70+ with little to no risk or drawbacks. You can't have your cake and eat it.

The only reasons this is the second time this only happened two times in four months is because i never allowed myself to lower my guard up until now, the window time of killing a player being 4 seconds is ridiculously low on any other game than a first person shooter, the armor was 3 killos only but was the best of the best rugged garments + defensive stance + pierce defense topaz amulet, witch translates to more pierce defense from what you get of 7kg worth of ranger armour.

Towns are not safe at all and thats the main point you are missing idk if you read the whole thing or just skim through, if they implement thievery and its as worse as it was on mo1 i will just quit the game or i will have to go live in kranesh with dominated trolls/minotaurs, at least i will be able to kill every naked bastard that tries to get close to me, in kranesh if find a threat i can preventively attack him before he is able to engage onto me and only if there are no threats left i take my shit out of the bank and use it, what the fuck I'm supposed to do in a town if a single rat can shut me down in 4 seconds and i have to wait for them to engage first?

"your advantage is being on a mount and blasting people for 70+ with little to no risk or drawbacks."

What a huge load of bs NO DRAWBACKS, NONE, im not even gonna engage with the absurdity of this statement. i wonder if the psy on your footie is more than 10-15, my gues its only if you are a veela, otherwise you wont, thats how much you value and fear mages.

"In MO1, shit like this would of happened weekly to people"

Yes, and you say this like it was a good thing and then go wonder why mo1 had only 200 players. ofc any soul without brain damage would quit the game if its so easy to lose months of effort to bs mechanics, the fuck I'm gonna be playing a game for months so a random griefer can target me on the safest place on the game in split seconds and lose days and weeks of progress.

If i choose to leave town and go do pvp in oghmium then i get zerged and loose it, i see nothing wrong with that, but if i just took it from the bank and while I'm equipping the whole set a random naked dude can take one piece of the set, and then there is no way for me to retaliate or recover my shit and 4 minutes later i see the guy in town i would just quit the game, if you don't understand the difference of these two scenarios i don't even know what else to say.
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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
In general I think towns are too safe with too many stationary guards. I'd like them to patrol more, giving criminals small windows to pursue their playstyle.
But what you describe is something else entirely, and your issues are serios and, as you say, when thievery is added it could be a disaster.
Both criminals and lawabiding players should have options. You do not in those situations.

Criminals killed by guards inside cities should be attack on sight on that city for hours instead of 4 minutes

Criminals that murder a blue player in city should be attacked on sight for days.
I like this idea. A temporary debuff of reputation where the timer depends on the crime. For days is maybe excessive but 20 minutes for stealing and an hour for murder would be good, imo. What would be amazing is if the timer also factored in the reputation the player. The lower the rep the longer the timer. I think blues with max rep should have a advantage, allowing them to fight back with less guard issues.

If not all necro spells of the bat using CRAWLING HANDS inside a city should turn you criminal.
imo all necro spells should make the caster go grey.

An the most important one, a way to retaliate, if you get murdered, you were able to report them and they were re a known murderer you should be able to go to a Coraxi facilitator and sing a contract to bounty hunt one of your murderers.
Making bounties on the player who killed you would be an amazing feature.

A way to fight back would be awesome, flagging and rep system feels like a placeholder. I think the SV CEO at some time talked about how high reputation would give you that opportunity... guards would ignore a few crimes or at least respond slower and vice versa for low rep.

Deleted member 44

Are you saying you want cities to be safer? Cute

If you dont think cities are safe, stop using them.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2021
What city do you live in? Fabernum?

Sounds to me like you need to join a guild my man. There is safety in numbers, and shitters will think twice before jumping anyone that can call for backup. Seriously man, this game is not solo friendly.
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New member
Feb 5, 2022
John... For real ... ? Why do YOU even cry that somebody used a fair way and killed you/robbed your stuff? You do abuse the game since day 1 and you should really shut your mouth. I can only guess how much money you made with these invisible/soulbound bags. I wonder why people like you are still allowed to play the game! You should be ashamed for what you do to the game and its economy. "High Risk High Reward" is the concept of the game. But because of the bags its just "No Risk High Reward" for you. Farming all day long and extracting thousands of gold safely with this exploit is what you do and how you going to cheat the game and other players. @Herius @Robmo I hope you guys will check his accounts. He was one of the first actively crafting these bags and sharing it to others and nowadays judges others in third party discords with stuff like:" Wait you do not use the Bag trick?"
Disgusting ...
If you want someone to take your words seriously you will have to provide evidence of that and report the exploit to the dev team. That is, if such an exploit existed.

You are making things up by mixing part-truth about a couple of bugs that were fixed shortly after the game launched. I even laughed a bit at the absurdity of your story.

What a crap load of bs.

The likes under your post are disturbing. But yeah, at least now I know who I better not consult with.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
lol imagine this kid in MO1 Tindrem

kids today are soft

it low key burns my nuts that he's massively rich, even if he didn't exploit, he got a lot of legacy trinks somehow and took advantage of flux farm. I ain't really mad at him per se, but just people who did that. So I admit I have a little less empathy. I deleted my posts in this thread telling him to just chill if he's rich and making gains. My friend had a good quote that was like "That's like Elon Musk raging over crashing his Taurus" or something to that effect. When looked at on that level, yea just keep pushing, but boooo at fluxfarm booo at legacy trinkz. Salting as someone who had to 'work' to become a notable crafter, but thaaaat's my ego.


Active member
Aug 13, 2020
lol imagine this kid in MO1 Tindrem

kids today are soft
or even better, toxai or any city before guard npcs when afk.
ill admit im guilty of killing afks in fabernum in dawn mo1 then escaping through the rooftops or sleeping under desks lmao.
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Active member
Sep 11, 2021
I think all necro spells should only make you gray when inside of a city. Because its outlawed. But out in the open if I just want to cast a spell I should not go gray when guards are 5km away from me.
What I do think is they should buff Death hands range and increase the range of crawling hand. In MO1 it would pull from way farther and its hardly useful unless perfect circumstances. Also make LOD auto control zombies on summon.
As for the trinkets, Yeah you do have a target on your back. But that is not the games fault.
Meduli is the most care bear cities in the game. Its GY is protected by guards.
Hopefully when UE5 comes out we will have more guard options with the citizen behavior. So perhaps this will help with your problem?
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
word on the street is that people saw John packing his bags for Hawaii :eek:


Active member
Jan 6, 2022
word on the street is that people saw John packing his bags for Hawaii :eek:
Out of topic, this has nothing to do with the post, but yeah i was under investigation for more than a week, however the ban has been lifted and my account has no strikes.


New member
Nov 3, 2022
it low key burns my nuts that he's massively rich, even if he didn't exploit, he got a lot of legacy trinks somehow and took advantage of flux farm. I ain't really mad at him per se, but just people who did that. So I admit I have a little less empathy. I deleted my posts in this thread telling him to just chill if he's rich and making gains. My friend had a good quote that was like "That's like Elon Musk raging over crashing his Taurus" or something to that effect. When looked at on that level, yea just keep pushing, but boooo at fluxfarm booo at legacy trinkz. Salting as someone who had to 'work' to become a notable crafter, but thaaaat's my ego.

But since he is rich his argument is not relevant ? I think he has a fair point, maybe not for himself but for newer players that get clapped in that way…
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New member
Nov 3, 2022
lol imagine this kid in MO1 Tindrem

kids today are soft
Has nothing to do with kids beeing soft nowadays…
MO is not as hardcore as you think lol.
Games like Tibia on a pvp Server are much More hardcore, yea it sucks to lose some gear etc but that’s nothing compared to losing characterprogression on death. And even in a game like tibia where you could actively make people quit by hunting them off the server, you had protectionzones.

There needs to be atleast one city where people are safe. If you don’t do that then the drawbacks of murdering someone In a city need to be immense


Well-known member
Jul 10, 2020

Increase the time to kill all players overall and by a lot, on that clip i was using cronite With Bloodsilk and 100 defensive stance and some pierce defense on the amulet, he was able to go through my 170hp with 37% pierce defense and -3 flat dmg per in 3 seconds, this is wrong and bad for the game on so many levels that it would require an extra whole new thread to explain why
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