Henrik, please hire someone else to work on magic schools


Active member
Sep 15, 2020
Magic is trash content in this game. Its pretty low skill floor and easy but not enjoyable. If you only want to win its good tho.

Magic needs a rework.

Tzone why do you always have such awful takes? The amount of awareness, aim, positioning, spell decisiveness, ect.... that it takes to truly be a good mage in this game gives plenty of skill potential and challenge for mage. Saying it's easy and low skill floor is like me saying "footie is easy and low skill floor you just give noob spear and left click blah blah" would be so disingenuous just like your comments always seem to be. Any noob can play both mage or footie at a very basic level easily in this game but that means nothing and acting like there isn't a high-skill cap potential for either shows your ignorance / inexperience on the topic or a biased agenda of yours. Magic doesn't need a rework its fine, the OP literally did everything incorrect which is why he ran into these issues. Better information needing to be given to players or new players is probably the main issue here. Magic tutorial please.


Active member
Oct 16, 2021
I think the shost traveling could be faster as a spiritist. It boost the movementspeed from 800 to 900. I would like to see 1100 or so and 1 more agressive spell. i like the idea of having a second chance if you die in PVP, run behind the enemy cast a portal and shoot them with the laser from behind, even if you resurrect with low HP, till you get banished ans spawn at the prist. I would like if the spiritist could cast some kind of field on the ground that dismount mounted players, if they ride over it or some kind of bloodmagic stance that can be switched, so you can use health instead of mana to cast spells, if you run out of mana.

Speed buff needs to last longer, I think, not faster. So as to insentivise long travel with it, not sudden burts repositioning.

I do agree Spiritism does need one extra effect or spell. Grinding for spirits is very easy, but there isn't much else a Spiritist does but res. Need something else useful for spirits.

Maybe the war for the spirit realm will be a thing in big fights. But I doubt it.
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Active member
Mar 23, 2021
Speed buff needs to last longer, I think, not faster. So as to insentivise long travel with it, not sudden burts repositioning.

I do agree Spiritism does need one extra effect or spell. Grinding for spirits is very easy, but there isn't much else a Spiritist does but res. Need something else useful for spirits.

Maybe the war for the spirit realm will be a thing in big fights. But I doubt it.
i like that idea, also the Other spells are so underwhelming and don't last long enough to really matter, i tried Banishing a Miscreant that tried to hide in the either yesterday and before i could drain his Kau he knew doing a zig zag would give him enough time for my spell to wear out. the Vets know the system is weak and how to avoid being banished unless you surprise them standing still right after death or if they are waiting for crim timer by priest


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
As a reply to a few - I am talking about zombies outside of Haven. I am aware you can one shot Zombies in Haven with fulmination


Nov 2, 2021
Just wanted to come in and say that this feedback is great for us.
"This was my experience with it" is a great way to give feedback.

My apologies for the original post's hostility, but I believe this really needed attention, and well, sometimes an angry, beligerent player gets that attention. As it is now, MOII appears to be getting a copy of the magic from MO1, which is an older, more clunky version of the game. MOII has a lot more polish and combat is smoother, but not magic.
Just wanted to come in and say that this feedback is great for us.
"This was my experience with it" is a great way to give feedback.

Thank you for your presence in the community. A lot of people are flared about the current point of magic, especially because this is all we're getting at "LAUNCH". It's just not good.
This gaming community wishes the best for MOII, and we have a lot of time and emotion invested in building the community, but if the game just isn't fun for the base, then it's moot at that point.

Spiritism seems like a good fit for a utility spell school. That's something to work off.

As for ecumenical... We need a damage spell we can charge while moving. It doesn't need to be powerful, just something so we don't stand 2-3 seconds awaiting our imminent deaths because we cannot block/parry or dodge arrows. Also, a damn light spell for dungeons isn't asking for much...
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Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
My apologies for the original post's hostility, but I believe this really needed attention, and well, sometimes an angry, beligerent player gets that attention. As it is now, MOII appears to be getting a copy of the magic from MO1, which is an older, more clunky version of the game. MOII has a lot more polish and combat is smoother, but not magic.

Thank you for your presence in the community. A lot of people are flared about the current point of magic, especially because this is all we're getting at "LAUNCH". It's just not good.
This gaming community wishes the best for MOII, and we have a lot of time and emotion invested in building the community, but if the game just isn't fun for the base, then it's moot at that point.

Spiritism seems like a good fit for a utility spell school. That's something to work off.

As for ecumenical... We need a damage spell we can charge while moving. It doesn't need to be powerful, just something so we don't stand 2-3 seconds awaiting our imminent deaths because we cannot block/parry or dodge arrows. Also, a damn light spell for dungeons isn't asking for much...

Or maybe a spell that allow us to cast the next spell while running or that greatly increase the precast timer, so that a hybrid can fight a bit longer before he have to release his spell.


Nov 2, 2021
Or maybe a spell that allow us to cast the next spell while running or that greatly increase the precast timer, so that a hybrid can fight a bit longer before he have to release his spell.
A spell to cast in order to cast spells sounds like something they'd actually take in, and it'd be dreadful to be honest...


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2020
From past experiences in MMO's, whining tends to get results.
Oh yeah it does, we are very quickly headed to a New World situation.

A game designed by/for casuals, headed rapidly to its terminus into death and obscurity. Hopefully we can get mortal back, i'm not optimistic...clearly
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Apr 8, 2021
I feel like the devs should take a look at the state of magic in Darkfall Unholy Wars at the end of it's life.
It was by far one of the most fun magic playstyles in any game. Here are some ideas that would make magic fun to play:

- Allow certain spells to be cast while moving. Being able to dodge and maneuver while casting adds a whole other level to positioning as a mage. After all you can move while casting on a mount.

- Add utility spells that affect player physics. Being able to launch people or launch yourself in the air is just awesome fun.

- Add more projectile spells. Darkfall spells like magma bomb where they arc towards the ground allows for much higher skill ceiling. Being able to predict and lead your enemy is very engaging


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
As a reply to a few - I am talking about zombies outside of Haven. I am aware you can one shot Zombies in Haven with fulmination
Zombies outside of haven are 1 shot most of the time with a fulm at 118 int for me. Only like 1/4 of the zombies survive and I just use the greifer sword to 1 shot mercy them as they come up. Or I can use a outburst to kill them after a fulm.

Zombies are like sub 100 health. Your fulm does 62-72+ 50%. Thats around 90-101 damage. Same as a spears head shot. You do need to land head shots but even then you can get kills with no head shot.


Nov 2, 2021
Just tried out Spiritism again, and did the spirit banishing correctly. It was pretty unexciting, and kinda buggy at times. One spirit's orbs even vanished, and ended up siphoning me and banished me and all my spirits I gathered. Yeah... I'm gonna roll an archer now. Spiritism isn't worth the effort. Magic is doomed in this game. Hopefully Ashes of Creation ends up being good. Wanted the 1st person immersive experience, but 3rd person may be fun too.


Active member
Apr 14, 2021
When I claded my mage i pulled the whole graveyard and eq 2 times... worked well. But on anything else it’s just not viable at all.. atleast Solo


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Just tried out Spiritism again, and did the spirit banishing correctly. It was pretty unexciting, and kinda buggy at times. One spirit's orbs even vanished, and ended up siphoning me and banished me and all my spirits I gathered. Yeah... I'm gonna roll an archer now. Spiritism isn't worth the effort. Magic is doomed in this game. Hopefully Ashes of Creation ends up being good. Wanted the 1st person immersive experience, but 3rd person may be fun too.
Oh boy arent you going to be disappointed in archery. Its OP against nakeds, Good against light armor, but weak and barely viable against better bones. When you hit steel its pretty bad and not viable. It wont be viable untill fletching.


New member
Apr 8, 2021
Oh boy arent you going to be disappointed in archery. Its OP against nakeds, Good against light armor, but weak and barely viable against better bones. When you hit steel its pretty bad and not viable. It wont be viable untill fletching.

Marksmanship for steel armor, but you have to hit heads like a madman.
Definitely viable, but yeah fletching should help.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
37.76655478735988, -122.48572468757628
The veteran players won't be disappointed, because we already know what to expect.
Out of curiousity, were you a Spiritist Mage before? From how you describe your experience later on, you weren't?
Your rhetorical style of writing seems familiar.
I'm not hopeful that Henrik can be reasoned with on this.
Just do the reasoning, and don't worry about how it works. It will, or it won't, just as obviously.
Here's one suggestion. Allow charging spells while moving.
That seems reasonable.
It's hopeless expecting anything positive from the magic system at this point.
There, there. You have our sympathy.
Think I'm gonna take a long break from this game.
I'm sure you've at least given the rest of us a bit to talk about while you're away. See you later.
I'm not sure whether I will sub or not. That remains to be seen whether or not the magic system is fixed
If Ecumenical isn't good for PvE or PvP and Henrik acknowledges it, but says "Everything is as it should be", he obviously does not care whether the gaming experience is fun for the players or not.
That's a stretch. Ecumenical magic has its basic uses as always, and isn't enough for PvE or PvP as a solo mage; we (including Henrik) have seen this; what would worry me is that enough magic that is good for those things may not be finished in time for what we (everyone but Henrik) laughingly call 'relsease.'

Additionally, It's obvious that Spiritism needs some more explanation for beginners.
You need to cast expel spirit on yourself and then drain the spirit with your beam after draining all of its orbs.

Mental projectiling spirits isn't how you farm them, that spell is for PvP and technically also PvE although much less useful there of course.
...when he says "with your beam" it is not a spell. It is your basic attack button you hold in and point at the little satalite orb until it disappears, then to the jelly fish until you get the You gain X spirits.
...it is pretty easy and fast once you have it figured out.
Never done it, only served as a spotter, but that sounds like how it's been done as I recall it.
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Active member
Oct 16, 2021
Just tried out Spiritism again, and did the spirit banishing correctly. It was pretty unexciting, and kinda buggy at times. One spirit's orbs even vanished, and ended up siphoning me and banished me and all my spirits I gathered. Yeah... I'm gonna roll an archer now. Spiritism isn't worth the effort. Magic is doomed in this game. Hopefully Ashes of Creation ends up being good. Wanted the 1st person immersive experience, but 3rd person may be fun too.

You shouldn't be dying(banished) to a Spirit once you figured out how it works. It is very easy. Or maybe the Spirits in Bakti are meeker than to where you are.

Yeah, It is pretty boring right now. But they might bring in tougher Spirits then you will have to use your other buffing spells in the Spirit realm to survive. That could spice it up.

Also there is the PvP aspect of Spiritism, where Spiritists might start having battles in the Etherworld to stop ressing in large battles. Time will tell.

As for Ashes of Creation. I can guarantee you you won't have the same realism immersion as MO2. Unless you think Chrome Hamster Wheel games like New World and WoW are immersive with their cartoonish/flashy environments.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Marksmanship for steel armor, but you have to hit heads like a madman.
Definitely viable, but yeah fletching should help.
On paper MS makes archery viable against all armors but in real applications you are not getting headshots. People here will say how easy it is but no one every post videos of them landing head shots on aware targets that are moving.

Once armor is involved archery is not viable. With light armor its is very good.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
You didn't give any actual reasons you dislike it, didn't give any suggestions for improvement, and from what I can tell you are new and don't understand the importance of mages and how to play them. Many people love mages and the magic in this game. If you like Assassin said want to 1vX that will never ever happen with ecumenical and that's good. If you could the whole balance of damage, cost of defense, and point of mages being support would be thrown. This isn't a game where a mage is just like any other class. It is a specialization for group content with the intent to support. You may like future magic schools that do have emphasis on being powerful but ecumenical and spiritism just don't sound like the class for you. It's not what you're picturing in your head. That doesn't mean it's bad or needs changed it means try a different class.
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