FYI: Queue time is approximately 24 hours


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
As I said before... lol, I can prol get in at 2000~, I've seen that number a few times. I just don't have faith at the end that it's going to let me in the game. Not because of a restart but just because of some glitch, and that would piss me off. If I had a 100% guarantee that I would get in or they would refund my game immediately, I would do it.

This queue issue tho... is not going to be fixed. lol. I don't understand how it could be fixed. I guess kicking AFK would be a good start, but plzbelieve that there are plenty of people who wanna play that are ready to fill those spots as NON afks. Once they overload the server, it's just gonna be laggy as shit. That's funny they brought in network experts. They prol looked at the shit and were like... uh yea... here's your problem... it's not gonna work. LOL. Start working on instances!

It sucks a lot, but I wouldn't rage over it. Like I said, 2 weeks ago... and I'm sure if people comb my history they can find me saying 1 world OR ELSE, but if the worlds match and you can't travel between them, you get things people asked for (more character slots!), and you get multiple worlds w/ multiple continents that can definitely house all of the people who want to play. Seems like the best solution, except that the map is absolutely barren. But I dunno how to work around that. I dunno how long it takes to redesign a map, and it doesn't seem like they have any intent of taking the game down for a week or two, even if it's in their best interest (cuz if they were, they shoulda done awhile ago.)

Edit: I guess they could resize the map then patch it in, duh haha.