

New member
Apr 23, 2021
Hey everyone, I havent been caught up with everything, though I did jump ingame recently to test things out. Just a few question for everyone! how is archery to you so far, compared to MO1? i absolutely loved archery in MO1. One of my favorites to have played in, other than VR archery. I loved not having a curser to show where the arrow would shoot, instead relying on the arrow itself, positioning it just above that running characters head, watching it arc and getting that sweet sweet hit notification. The swaying of the arrow as you hold, releasing at when you think its aligned. i loved it.

Archery in MO2....please someone tell me it is still in its place holder stage? i really hope this is not the intended place they leave it as. i tried my best to remove the cursor/aim circle but it just moved it from above the arrow, to slightly above the arrowhead. somehow the archery doesnt really give me the same feel as MO1 even outside of aiming.

Im not trying to complain too much, as i know there are more important things to polish and work on, and i know it will still be sometime till persistence/rerelease/release/w.e, but to those who have played MO1 and also kept up with development, do you guys think they will, and how likely, they will align archery to be more like MO1 in the future?

also, hope everyone is doing well!