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  1. N

    Stronghold Priest Spawn Timer

    Players can spawn and get back out on the fight way too quickly, often before the engagement has even ended making the engagement unfair for the other party. Strongholds are placed anywhere, near pvp hotspots, dungeons, risar camps, sator camps, tephra crator etc. People shouldn't be able to...
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    Stuck on Loading...

    Artio, we got it fixed. That blackscreen is due to EAC not installing. Why it happens after an update I don't know. Try running the EAC installer first but our specific issue was missing some windows updates and having to install windows media feature pack. Check your windows features and add...
  3. N

    Stuck on Loading...

    My friend has the same issue, he even tried reinstalling his OS entirely, has latest drivers etc. Ever since patch came out he gets this exact same problem. Mind if I ask what your specs are? Maybe related to AMD?
  4. N

    Melee is broken

    Every melee fps game I've played has a turn cap except for mortal
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    JohnOldman's ID & Reroll Services

    Bit late to leave this review: I used John's service and while he was hesitant to do business because I was in an enemy guild (he didn't know until I showed up) he did the full service without any funny business. I can vouch for John as a trustworthy person.
  6. N

    Tindrem prop placement and buildings need looked at

    starvault half assing things?.. they would never
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    one character per account .....

    There have been a lot of suggestions regarding profession points, they could simply limit those to one pool for the entire account. This prevents people from being able to craft everything while still having all the perks discussed in this thread.
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    one character per account .....

    I know many players who have 5+ accounts, almost everyone has at least 2. With all the restrictions you have on one character, and the inability to try out new gameplay styles, different combat, races, etc. without having to reroll and wipe all your items people feel forced to get more accounts...
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    one character per account .....

    because money? fact that everyone bought more accounts just encourages them to never change it
  10. N

    Remove All Horse Armor Currently in Game

    This is not an easy thing to to say to the players who spent a decade in MO1 dealing with endless prepatch items.
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    one character per account .....

    I agree, once new players realize they want to play a different combat and been playing for weeks and have no other option but to start over from scratch the bad reviews will start pouring in.
  12. N

    Dealing with the pre-patch horse gear

    It's not a waste of dev time, this is something that completely breaks the balance of the game. SV need to develop the tools that will deal with prepatch every time they have a balance patch. If it's this time consuming to do it now then there is a huge problem. Do you really want to see...
  13. N

    EAC Multiboxing Issue

    For a lot of us it's not about being self sufficient but just wanting to try other combat builds or RP a different character. If professions is such a big deal to have on more than one slot they could limit the profesion skill pool on the entire account.
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    EAC Multiboxing Issue

    Yes but then you wouldn't buy the copy of the game twice. It's all about the money. The way it is now encourages multiboxers if anything.
  15. N

    EAC Multiboxing Issue

    Yes, the only real intention is to milk more money from players, all the other "reasons" that are given have easy work arounds. It's been a great success so far for SV, most players I know ingame have more than one account.
  16. N

    one character per account .....

    Still no word or updates on 2 char slots? This seems to be the most requested feedback...
  17. N

    one character per account .....

    In MO1 you could have 3 slots, a lot of us named each character and created a unique persona for each one. It was fun to roleplay different things depending on what you were in the mood that day. The race, stats, looks and the way they behaved ingame were all tied to their nickname. Now it...
  18. N

    one character per account .....

    All they need to do is add 1-2 more slots, make them share the same surname so players know it's you. Limit the profession skills to 1 slot. People get attached to their main character and invest a lot of time not just into skills and mats but the persona. Why force players to delete their...
  19. N

    one character per account .....

    Yes because clades aren't a thing. Not to mention weapons, armor and bows all have arbitrary strength requirements.
  20. N

    one character per account .....

    Think you guys are missing the point. Why would SV do anything to discourage multiple accounts when they make 40$ + another sub for every new account created. That's the only real reason they won't add more slots. After all who wouldn't pay 40$ extra just to avoid wiping hundreds if not...