Slarti Bartfast
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  • Let it be known that ZacharyGamble, Aidar, and their accomplices are criminal scum that attacked me unprovoked as I wandered just outside of Meduli to the southeast. I was waving hello to ZacharyGamble when he smashed his lance into me. Unfortunatley for them, my horse was faster. Get dead criminal scum!
    They don't like your beer, you put laundry detergent in it.
    Slarti Bartfast
    Slarti Bartfast
    My beer uses only the finest quality ingredients! No laundry detergent. Though I might contract a mercenary and experiment making some with YOUR BLOOD if you're not careful.
    only with my poo, for you personally
    excrement's head is mine. I flipped him the bird in the bank b/c he's a safe-spot-exploitating-horse-murdering piece o' pie. He followed me to the rooftops and killed my pets. I outburst him until he was forced to cross rooftops and became casualty to the Tindrem guard. I've been waiting on your head since you starting killing horses in the bank long ago.
    Tind, Fab, and Med brokers all filled up! Drink up! Money to be made in Meduli with my spelt buy orders, currently at 37c/u (that's 37g for a full stack!) due to competition. Might still go up if Besrezen doesn't back down. We got a buy order war going! Good luck to you sir!
    Brewery refilled for thirsty travelers. It seems there was some beer left in the access chest, but some bonehead (probably Ownage) purposely spam-click withdrew/deposited until they disappeared. I had to put items in to get the beer back out to organize. Did I do something to you Ownage, or are you just a shitty person in general.
    Brewery beer will be refilled soon, but someone cleared it out. Hopefully it was a few people, not just the turd in Fabernum that took it out the chest and is trying to resell 111 units of mana bear for 8g88s. His name is Ownage. Piece of trash.
    The Brewery is temporarily closed until I get back up there to change the password back. Had to change it temporarily to avoid being busted in on by some very rude murderers. Their names are Somah and Toca of Tarenhal (sp?). Bring me their heads, and I'll give you a good bit of my finest beer.
    Again, I attacked exiting the Brewery by absolute trash. How do I know they are trash? I was able to get in the Brewery and shut the door as they tried to pelt me with arrows. Alas, this left my bear outside. No reason to slaughter it. No bags on it. But the worthless trash slaughtered it. Please bring me the heads of AnuQeiRo and rapante for this crime and I shall compensate you heftily with beer.
    Made it by Vadda this week! Drink up! Unfortunately on my way out, I was assaulted by Tukh and Alfarinn. They murdered me, my horse, and taur dog, taking my haul of jungle fruit. Please feel free to bring me their heads for some free beer!
    It's getting hairy out there. Two times in as many days was I attacked in the Orchard on the way to the Brewery. Lawful guilds, please help vanquish the scourge of murderers and bandits that have been patrolling the Orchard!
    Slarti balked at the grocery vendor. "You don't sell purified water anymore?! Too many customers to keep up with thanks to elementalism?! GO MAKE MY OWN?!"
    Slarti Bartfast
    Slarti Bartfast
    apparently you can purify with natorus, even low level... i hope.. gonna try tonight... b/c i have to
    Slarti Bartfast
    Slarti Bartfast
    it works, but at low level it's like 1500 PW for 10000W... could use a little salt to increase yield but that increase costs as well. Ugh.. gonna level natorus... hope it gives way more at higher levels.. or this is gonna be super painful... maybe i'll start a purified water market XD
    WHY NAT. OOHH I'M PISSED. Dude, why isn't it cooking. You feel me, right? They have a chance to make cooking matter and purified water is important in crafting, believe it or not.

    Are people trying to say it's distilled? Still should be cooking. Like I said... finally something to spec 100/100 cooking for and yea, like you said, you could even flip it. BUT NO.
    Morin Khur! Haven't seen you in awhile. Just dropped a load of Forgiven's Peace, regular and light, on the broker! Good to be out East! Going to be brewing some more rice beer to get ready for Guymov's party.
    Please avoid purchasing the beer on Fabernum broker from "SisterFister". This piece of trash took all the free samples from the Brewery and posted them in an attempt to steal and profit from my and my harversters' hard work.
    • Haha
    Reactions: CherryKush
    Check their name tag before you give out free samples. Sister fister? You want how many samples?? haha.
    Finally done building up the Brewery! Whew! There's now an inn upstairs. Come check it out! Drink your fill and rest your head. Hoping to have an equerry soon, but that's still in the works. Also, beer dropped off and buy orders updated for Tind, Med, Fab. Thanks to the folks that have been filling my orders! You're helping keep the beer flowing in West Myrland!
    got a map point for it? haha
    Slarti Bartfast
    Slarti Bartfast
    Nah... I'll apply an official one like Forgiven sometime soon.
    nice nice, sorry about duli. You might think I'm joking, but lol broker is tuff there. Sorry if I'm cutting into your sales. I won't be here that long.

    Edit: when I get my juicing right, we can share a glass! You don't juice, do you?
    Came to Kranesh to bring some beer by the reds. Guess they don't want it. FastLearner of Levia killed me on sight. You can blame them for no beer in Kranesh. Oh well... got plenty of markets in blue towns anyway.
    Big thanks to the caravan that filled a buncha rice buy orders for me in Fabernum. Thanks for keeping rice beer flowing in the West! Fab, Tind, and Meduli reupped today! Fill my spelt buy orders for easy gold!
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