No pet should be OP, you dont need skill to press 1 button, why should you be able to easily kill players that use skill like melee fighters? Only because you farm more or buy it with RMT? The day pets work more like bots, as in they follow the same game rules as players, maybe then they could buff them.
Funny that you say you dont need skill to press 1 button. But that is literally every build! Oh you move your cam around a little bit, How skillful!
Have you heard about this thing called Long Bow? That only takes 100 points? And it is the most valuable skill in the game, and guess what, You only have to hit one button!
A pet is an advantage! If you see a melee fighter by his self and you have a high level pet (not level of pet, but an actual high tire pet, Mino, tupulak, Jg troll, Tag... Not a wolf, cougar, taru dog...) you should win 100% of the time. Not just based off "pushing one button."
Lets look at your button pushing theory. Were not going to include buttons that both use. All foot fighters do is push 3 buttons Block, attack, and feint. Any pet used requires 4 buttons, Stay, follow attack, and stop. With the introduction of BM It now can take from 4-10 button pushing. So With your button logic it takes more "Skill" to use a tame then a foot fighter, so your logic is flawed. Because we both know what you mean. But if you want to say illogical stuff like that, Ill match your thought process!
But We both want the same thing, What I want to see is Player skills, for pets. So its not just pushing one button like you said above. It needs to be all skill based,
Whether it be with "Skill checks" Timed actions that you do to do a specific action based on the situation. Or with proper play and engagement with the pets based on situation. I believe this BM update is a step in the right direction.
But Ritual pets update is not in yet, And I will still make the case that they should be just as good as living counter parts or even stronger because of the total investment you have to do with it. More forgiving then living pets for say. Because of pure investments, How ever they should not be lacking player skills required to use!