What will we call the Age that was the Age of MO1?


New member
May 30, 2020
The age of chaos brings forth an age of darkness.

A darkness known only as princey has been cast upon nave.

Who from the free realms will come save nave from a dark fate that awaits it for if not a hero to come to nave aid then nave will truly perish in flame and wrath.

Come seek your destiny for a new age awaits!!

The dark lord will return..
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Well-known member
May 29, 2020
The Age of Discovery.

I think this honours those early pioneers who painstakingly discovered, through trial and error, recipes and formulas on how to craft all the different items we take for granted today. I think they deserve much more recognition than they currently receive, and they should not be forgotten.

It was also the first time all of us have set foot on Nave, and we all discovered things in our own way. Finding secret, forgotten locations, a crafting formula that gave us an edge over our adversaries. Or finding out that as a naked thief you could run faster, jump higher, and take far less falling damage than a fully-armoured foot soldier armed with a massive two-handed sword that you just stole from and is pursuing you on the tops of buildings in Tindrem would.

MO2 will still in some ways be a time of discovering new things too, but those of us who were already in MO1 will know at least a fair amount of what to expect but in a much greater scale and certain things may be different in the future timeline.

Hence, The Age of Discovery seems fitting for the time period that will soon be over in MO1.
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New member
May 29, 2020
The age of chaos brings forth an age of darkness.

A darkness known only as princey has been cast upon nave.

Who from the free realms will come save nave from a dark fate that awaits it for if not a hero to come to nave aid then nave will truly perish in flame and wrath.

Come seek your destiny for a new age awaits!!

The dark lord will return..
No shit... Prince that you?,?


May 31, 2020
Agree, chaos was standard. And also I have been member of the Chaos Alliance in the first year of MO. So my favorite name would be: MO1 - Age of Chaos.
The chaos alliance was pathetic. The only decent players there were the sons of odin in all truth.

There was many ages in mo1 , from the subbura rush of the open beta to the bronze and steel ages. Mo1 was comprised of all of this..that being said
IF there was only one name for the entirety of mo1 the name I suggest would be the "first age" as it was the first age..anyone trying to associate clan or alliance names into mo1 lore as an entirety is as stupid as calling it the rpk age or the AQ age. They were all mere footnotes in mortal lore
May 29, 2020
Montreal, QC
here're my picks.
The Age of Discord. The Age of strife. The Age of Chaos. the Great wars. the 10 year wars. The dark decade. the Bone Age. nights of the long knives.

mo1 was ultimately about conflict and who would come out on top as the best guild or the one that stayed the longest. for a long time the prefered mats for standard euqipment was BONE and SCALES with metal being high end mats for siedges and stuff. ppl would wait for the guilds to go to sleep to backstab them and go siege assets. 10 years of warring and conflicts. mo1 was pretty dark cause no matter what we had to deal with low population. lag and bugs. all the red guilds. constant chaos no matter where you where. we ALL loved it but mo1 was pretty grim guys lol. ppl would kill for some fatfood lol


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
than we could name it ying and yang, it wouldn't make any difference.
We could also Honor SV more and name it.

Dedication era

Or Ichorcorp era, because nearly in every conflict involved. and the Puppeteers in the background.
Ibarruri the Whistleblower.:mad:

There was a stage that perhaps could be called Ichorcorp era. We were kings, and we lived a glorious era, but in reality, many guilds had their moment of splendor and their fall. The ESKO was, the DRED was, The RPK was, the QUAD was, etc etc etc ...
We all rose and fell. We all reach glory and finally fall apart.
A bitter lesson that we must not forget.

P.S. Thanks for the compliment old friend, but you also know as I did that I was only a humble apprentice to the great man, Ichorus.
A genius and visionary, whom we always remember.

You don't know when I long for our glory days, under the tutelage of the great teacher.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Damn you must be really lucky
Oh for sure he was.
In Prae and Quad I was known as the "Oh shit I crashed" guy. Happened normally 3+ times every roam. Good thing was I had so many fighters I could always relog and catch up in 5-10min but often missed out on fights.
May 29, 2020
Montreal, QC
oh i would still need to catch up or tell people to wait cuz my screen would freeze for like 30s up to 1 or 2minutes but i cant recall getting a fatal error or the game closing on me :/


Jun 4, 2020
Just go LOTR style and call it "Mortal Online, the first age" and anyone will add whatever nonsense second title attached to it, like "Mortal Online, the first age, the age of random wars" :confused:
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