Tutorial - How to revive MO2


New member
Jun 5, 2022
Unfortunately reviving MO is almost impossible (unless you decide on entertaining the thought of crypto and NFTs for the hype).

MO2 has been doomed to fail based on several game design choices and because it seems to have a leadership that insist on sticking with an outdated concept.

First major issue is the common mistake of over scoping.
The world is huge and if anything we have learned that even the world in MO1 was large with too much dead space.
A new player does not want travel for hours without finding anything of interest, period.

Some people will argue that it's amazing to have such an huge world and I would agreed, if it was done right and if it didn't succumb to other major game design issues.

The world should have been remade based on data gathered from MO1 which would also have been interesting for returning vets, completely new locations etc. The world should have been at maximum 2 times the size of MO1 but filled with interesting content such as cavern, camps, towns/citadels, outposts etc.
These locations should have been tied into quests/tasks for new players to learn more about the game; such as crafting/world lore, unique rewards (weapons - armor - titles).

For MO2 to become a successful game it needs a major overhaul in it's fundamental game design choice. It needs to cater to casual players and still have the deph for the the hardcore players. It should have taken inspiration from let's say Skyrim and mixed in certain hardcore elements of UO/MO.

To have a dead world that the player needs to revive works for survival games with a short gameplay span. It does not work with the core concept of MO, and it has been proven in MO1, the only difference now is that the content (players) are even more spread out in large world so conflicts have become even more scares.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
wipe the game would be nice, but lol

I'd like to see a new 'shard' or whatever added, a non-paired but similar world, when siege is added. Alas, if they still had 4k people or so, it would work, as of now... heh.

All small suggestions are worthless when the game is as it is.

They wanna make haven f2p, but that's not gonna help now, either. HAVEN was a mistake. Remove haven from the second shard! Shard 1, MO 2 lite! Shard 2, Mo2 classic! Change the rules back. The idea, I thought, was to try MO on a bigger scale. You can't do that when you change every freaking part about the game, then to add in end game stuff like trinkets is just double facepalm.

I was bitching about the combat, but that's prol not a big deal now. Just trink up. Necro next.

Game already has stupid high atts due to clade stuff and they put more on RRRRRRRRIP. Learn from other games: you can't inject 2 week content every patch in hopes of keeping your game alive. You gotta fix the core.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
This is a letter addressed to StarVault.


I am writing this 100% objectively, none of this is speculation and/or subjective opinions, these are mere facts.
Here is the instructions you would have to follow in order for your game to revive :
1. Fix the bugs. I think this goes without question, nobody likes to lose their gear because the enemy's sword is invisible, or because they can't see the enemy in the floor etc...
2. Severely nerf skill gain, expecially on Haven. You can basically max your account on the tutorial island in less than a week. This is unacceptable. There should be a severe, 20-30 skillgain you can get on Haven, not one point over. The skillgain overall should go up at a much lower rate, 5-10x lower to be exact, maxing your character in 2 days is lackluster, has no feeling of accomplishment at all.
3. Severely nerf item crafting requirements, but severely buff item durability. Items right now are worthless, nothing has any value because its really easy to spend 2 hours in the jungle and have enough gearsets for a month. This should not be the case.
4. Wipe the game. the 2 points above won't be received well if you don't wipe the game. Completely, clean sheet. Otherwise, people who grinded all their stuff before the changes are at a massive advantage.
5. Make bi-weekly polls on the changes you are ready to implement, ask the community "Is this fine? Do you want this?"
If this is not something you want to do, make a test server in which the changes can be tested 1 month prior to them being on the live client. Otherwise, another scenario
like the red priest removals, or the alliance removals will incur and more people will leave. This is mainly because you guys do not play your own game, that's fine, you don't have to play your own game, as long as you listen to the people that do.

Written sincerely
By Gladiator.

I stopped at the wipe point.

Your first 4 points have zero if any real effect on the game. Making the game more grindy wont fix anything, you will end up WURM Online.. or basically a dead game where the grind is ALL you have.

Honestly the way to fix MO2 is simple.

1- Return red priests to cave camp and jungle camp.

2- Implement a way to destroy houses and strongholds till sieges are implemented.