Transporting items (wagons/carts & horses)


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
There's a few considerations that need to be taken into account when it comes to the evolution of transportation, especially at the point when wagons are implemented. Wagons must become focal points for PvP in their own right and be the most efficient way of transporting large amounts of resources across the map. In order to achieve this, we need to balance out transportation of items so that wagons that are used on roads are the PREFERED method while adjusting the ability for individual riders and their horses to carry larger loads:

  • Wagons must be incentivised to use roads as the most efficient way to travel. This will ensure roaming groups wanting to ambush wagons are able to identify them more easily, which in turn incentivises emergent gameplay and PvP. It also ensures escorts of wagons are an important factor. The player/group can still consider going off-road if they wish to avoid drawing attention at the cost of time and efficiency.
    • Main roads (e.g Tindrem <-> Fabernum) = Increased wagon speed.
    • Dirt roads (e.g. jungle or forest paths) = No penalty or bonus.
    • Off-road = Decrease wagon speed and decrease stamina regeneration of horses attached.
  • Wagon inventory slots should be significantly large e.g. at least 3x the size of the player inventory or the same as a bank.
  • Carry weight caps should be 1.5x higher than the carry weight caps listed below (see Horses) to allow for the additional wagon weight and also naturally because the horse is hauling the goods forward on wheels - not carrying the weight. Wagon Weight + Wagon Inventory Weight adds to the calculation.
  • Allow for one or two horses to be attached and pull the wagon. Having two should combine the total stamina pool and carry weight caps of each horse.
  • Have varying levels of protection for wagons (open and closed) alongside material type choices for durability.
    • Closed/locked wagons should cost more to build but take longer to break into and steal from. This should allow time for players to call for help and or regroup after an ambush on their wagon.
    • Open wagons should be able to be looted from immediately if the wagon is stopped.
  • Give horse breeds different stats (speed, stamina pool, stamina regen rates, health etc) including higher or lower total equipment weight and carry weight.
    • Balance the current equipment system around breeds and their potential equipment weight caps.
  • Add equipment weight caps to horses (similar to the player armour cap)
    • Exceeding the equipment weight cap should penalise stamina regeneration, speed and turn rate of horse.
  • Add carry weight caps to horses (similar to the player carry weight cap) - e.g. currently 600kg or 6 stacks.
    • Exceeding the carry weight cap should penalise speed and stamina regeneration. Can no longer move while over double the carry weight cap.
    • Carry weight is calculated including = Character Weight, Player Inventory Weight, Player Armor Weight and Weight in Horse Bags.
  • Remove the prevention to over-encumbering horses.
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