Welcome To The Bakti Emporium
Hello once again mortals i have recently returned too the game,
I thought i would return to bakti for nostalgia and figured i would also reopen my shop.
I am sad to say i can not transport as my characters are not finished at the moment.
As i find my bearings in the complex world of nave my sevices my be a bit slow,
Mortal Online is not just a game its a hobby.
Animal Matieriels / Cost Per 10k
Keeled Scales / N/A
Hoorned Scales / N/A
Plate Scales / N/A
Pansar Scales / N/A
Incisium / 45g
Ironbone / 30g
Molarium / 30g
Crepite / 15g
Backing Materiels
Quakity Leather / 35g
Ironwool / 40g
Guard Fur / 45g
Silk / 175g
Iron Silk / N/A
Extracted Materiels
Calx Powder / 20g
Coal / 50g
Coke / 65g
Flakestone / 40g
Cuprum / 90g
Messing / N/A
Pig Iron / N/A
Grain Steel / N/A
Steel / N/A
Firm / 40g
White / 50g
Brown / 80g