Tactician, pipes and Thursar gifts need work - random high tier guilds opinions on clade balance


Dec 14, 2023
It has been talked about tower shield changes for years, and we get this delayed response, but at least it's being worked on, and they only need to find a way to remove pre-patch shields and increase weight for now. I still think they needed better nerfs, especially the stamina on equipment hit feels underwhelming, noone is even noticing it, but the massive weight increase should fix some things and we can leave tower shields alone. (If weight increase is at least 80%)

There is still huge problems in balance - Human fatmages/DKs (only due to tactician TBH) and Oghmirs due to being overstat dominate the meta as much, if not even more with these faster weapon swaps and more tryhardy ways, because of the dungeons and TC.

Community has always been aware of this, but unlike other gaming communities I have been a part of, do not express themselves much often, but I have gathered some pieces of high tier players valuable opinions on the issue.

Levia apparently had a very close fight with Koto, while being outnumbered close to 2-1 and what was their play? 15 Oghmirs 5 auw surging mages. Of course.
This is not a thing only Levia does/can do, but it has been the latest one I heard.

I did not find many of them talking about how OP Oghmirs are, but them abusing is so hard proves they understand, here is a quote from one of their members though, context is a response to someone saying you cannot balance 20v20s:

"you can, there is a video from kavaax of them i think 12v30, and it shows why oghmirs are the strongest, most dominant race currently" - Kidney

Nightfall, one of the guilds you guys appriciate a lot, and a top tier guild, especially if you take numbers into account, have said numerous times how OP Oghmirs and Human Fatmages are, to quote a few (All of these are post adamant Thursar buff, so lets not pretend like anything has changed):

"Our pvp video of undercroft clips will basically show us using meta comps and how busted it is, we have fun playing thursars and veelas in risar where we're comfortable but we are literally 10 v 30+ with oghmir comps and heavy tactician abuse." - Lordus

"in the most serious scenarios we will run meta comp and that is mostly oghmirs that have what youd most likely expect, ahk bond 1h tower shield potion uti etc etc" - Foe

"In important fights or fights where I want to win I will play on Razer, for fun and other fights I play on Slasher. I play on Slasher (Thursar) more then Razer (Oghmir) because it's more fun, but when it's time to get serious and play meta Oghmir all day." - Razer

Other than Levia and Nightfall - some would argue the most skilled players that understand the meta and win outnumbered often, I have countless of examples from other guilds favoring Oghmirs, CTX, obviously NM, Scorn and my own guild, that is much more chill about meta slaving than some of these, still understands and pushes for more Oghmirs in fights, even when they are the majority.
Content used to not even allow Thursars in their guild, same with CTX at some point in time, same with NF and whatever Diphrael's guild is.

I will just put in a few statements made by players I respect on the issue now:

"well thats why its hard to talk about balance while also talking about zerg fights. there really isnt any space for it bc theres too many factors, and it all comes down to oghmirs and auw surge at the end of the day"

"Yeah I'd say don't make a toon that you don't intend to pay subs for. But UE5 will not change the meta so I'd say human fat mage or oghmir"

"if you have a Thursar and roll an Oghmir / try an Oghmir you will be rewarded greatly and your effort will not go unnoticed. Please React to this msg if you were maining Thursar but will be trying Oghmir going fwd for sweaty fights"

And I think that's enough. Everyone knows what's up, but they rarely mention it because they all got used to it.

The meta is too harsh, and with each step into higher tier armors in general, class that scales best off of them - Oghmirs get stronger, we are at a point now with TC and new dungeons, groups of Oghmirs just go around and fight each other, while Veelas rat the dungeons and Thursars suck. Class that literally has lifesteal in their kit, gets weaker, as armors end game scale much better than weapons, Oghmium with good defence trinkets tons of people have today has 95% slash and pierce resistance. Oghmir with a 200 HP potion and 50 HP pipe and hot food is not dying to meele ever in that. You hit an Oghmir in Oghmium for like 8 with an Oghmium spear Thursar with 22% pierce rings. I am not kidding - you hit an Oghmir for 8 if hes in Oghmium with an Oghmium spear in the head if you have 22% pierce trinkets.

Nerf this OP class already. Pipes need to give grey bar as you said, beer belly should be cut, and tower shields should have much higher weight.

Buff Thursars by a lot this time, both warcries, up by a lot, and make their adrenaline clade worth taking. It's the perfect time with introduction to the adrenaline system.

You can check my first post on this site, for the proof that Oghmirs are OP compared to Thursars, in conclusion, they have 180% tankiness of Thursars, while Thursars have 108% damage of Oghmirs.
Stats in an old video game with stat sliders would look like this:





(Speed difference is less than 0.5% which is not worth putting in this grap with max of 10 points, or even considering ever in a fight, they are the same speed.)

If we buffed Thursar damage, to a point Thursar's damage point goes up by 1 and Oghmir's goes down by 1 (they are compared to all 4 races, so Oghmirs would lose a point if the highest damage possible got higher) And buffed Thursar's tankiness by 1 point, which could be done by buffing height as a stat to give more HP, or making lifesteal heal 50% on players because by adding pet armor it's getting hard nerfed naturally.

Anyways, work needs to be done, issue was never fixed.

Thanks for reading and remember to also buff size as a stat!
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