Speech - A Policy of Vengeance (edited)

Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
(This controversial speech was censored for reasons I don't even know, however I am making the assumption about the 'dirty' part and have removed it so that people can get an idea of the speech without being scandalized.)

"Hear me fellow citizens of the most glorious Tindremic Empire! I come before your today to exemplify the finest traditions of our ancient people and empire.

I come before you today to discuss a grave matter. A matter which affects us all equally, from the lowest born among us to the most noble patricians of our leading houses, to the Emperor himself.

I speak of the insidious assassination of a Tindremic Emperor, our great leader who conquered the Khurites and absorbed their lands into our Empire, I speak of Imperator Livi Decollator.

Imperator Decollator was singularly responsible for one of the most glorious military conquests in the recent history of the Tindremic Empire, and we honor his great memory.

Now, we gladly serve his son Isaios Avitus as Imperator, and he too is paving the road to further glory over our enemies as we speak, just as his father did.

There remains however an unpaid debt in the death of Livi Decollator, a slight against the glory of our glorious empire that cannot, and will not, be allowed to stand.

The arrogant Alvarin Nation must figure that it can do as it pleases in our world, and plays like pawns both sides in the conflict between our Empire and the Khruites.

The racist Alvarin leadership sees only that humans war against each other, and fear the concept of a united empire of humans on our Nave. They are right to fear!

Know, my fellow citizens, that I am a loving man, a man of peace and order. I do not strive for racial wars, I do not strive for any unnecessary war at all.

I believe in peaceful resolutions to our conflicts, because when a man lives on to work and build rather than die in the dirt, that man improves all our lives.

So it is with only the most careful consideration that I call for the resumption of an ancient tradition of our people, an act that will teach all who see and hear it the power of our people.


We must make this bold step, in the name of the security of our glorious Empire, in the name of the security of our Emperor, and in the name of our honor as a people.

Fellow citizens, I implore you to call for this act of justice as I am doing now before you, and together our voices will be heard by the Emperor and he will act to enact this justice.

May the gods protect our Empire and Emperor, may the gods protect you, the noble soldiers of humanity. Long live the Emperor! Long live Tindrem!"

And if the tyrants censor me again, I fully expect the rest of you to engage in an 'I'm Favonius' moment.



Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
(This controversial speech was censored for reasons I don't even know, however I am making the assumption about the 'dirty' part and have removed it so that people can get an idea of the speech without being scandalized.)

"Hear me fellow citizens of the most glorious Tindremic Empire! I come before your today to exemplify the finest traditions of our ancient people and empire.

I come before you today to discuss a grave matter. A matter which affects us all equally, from the lowest born among us to the most noble patricians of our leading houses, to the Emperor himself.

I speak of the insidious assassination of a Tindremic Emperor, our great leader who conquered the Khurites and absorbed their lands into our Empire, I speak of Imperator Livi Decollator.

Imperator Decollator was singularly responsible for one of the most glorious military conquests in the recent history of the Tindremic Empire, and we honor his great memory.

Now, we gladly serve his son Isaios Avitus as Imperator, and he too is paving the road to further glory over our enemies as we speak, just as his father did.

There remains however an unpaid debt in the death of Livi Decollator, a slight against the glory of our glorious empire that cannot, and will not, be allowed to stand.

The arrogant Alvarin Nation must figure that it can do as it pleases in our world, and plays like pawns both sides in the conflict between our Empire and the Khruites.

The racist Alvarin leadership sees only that humans war against each other, and fear the concept of a united empire of humans on our Nave. They are right to fear!

Know, my fellow citizens, that I am a loving man, a man of peace and order. I do not strive for racial wars, I do not strive for any unnecessary war at all.

I believe in peaceful resolutions to our conflicts, because when a man lives on to work and build rather than die in the dirt, that man improves all our lives.

So it is with only the most careful consideration that I call for the resumption of an ancient tradition of our people, an act that will teach all who see and hear it the power of our people.


We must make this bold step, in the name of the security of our glorious Empire, in the name of the security of our Emperor, and in the name of our honor as a people.

Fellow citizens, I implore you to call for this act of justice as I am doing now before you, and together our voices will be heard by the Emperor and he will act to enact this justice.

May the gods protect our Empire and Emperor, may the gods protect you, the noble soldiers of humanity. Long live the Emperor! Long live Tindrem!"

And if the tyrants censor me again, I fully expect the rest of you to engage in an 'I'm Favonius' moment.

What proof do you offer of the Anim Sith instigating or intentionally profitting from war among the human? What serves to prove they fear our unity? Do you insinuate they are responsible for the death of our previous emperor? Is that known and I am merely ignorant? How do they as a species and culture fit into this narrative? What of extremism, you condemn an entire people for what could be outliers?

Do you even know the name of their leader - do they have one?

What are you calling us to do, even? I see no goals listed here, no plan. If you mean to imply brutal methods of death or torture against these people, surely you have more substance to your reasoning than the driveling propaganda I just read.

I see a long winded whine meant to embolden those gullible enough that can be lead to think they are better than another race, in order to cull them (the Alvarin) from your (sorry, our) path. Claiming you barter for peace, in a sliver of speech hidden at the end of your proclamation, to me serves more as means to cover your own ass - while the core purpose has been achieved elsewise.

Enlighten me. Or be known to those with two eyes and a mind as a fool who instigates conflict and nothing else.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
Do you insinuate they are responsible for the death of our previous emperor?

For the past 30 years the new Tribunal, currently led by Toroi Bandi – “Toroi the Outlaw” – has waged guerrilla warfare against anything Tindremic on the steppes with the ultimate goal of recapturing the former capital. Rumor has it that this rebellion has ties reaching as far as Kranesh, although this may just be Tindremic propaganda as the village remains a thorn in Tindrem’s side for its continued refusal to rejoin the Provinces.

Myrlandic Alvarin emissaries from the Veela and Sheevra are still part of the Tribunal although the Anam Sith (the “Alvarin Nation”) is not participating in the war. From the Anam Sith perspective the Tindremic crime was properly avenged and done with when two Alvarin assassins allegedly took the life of Livi Decollator in 11 AD.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind

For the past 30 years the new Tribunal, currently led by Toroi Bandi – “Toroi the Outlaw” – has waged guerrilla warfare against anything Tindremic on the steppes with the ultimate goal of recapturing the former capital. Rumor has it that this rebellion has ties reaching as far as Kranesh, although this may just be Tindremic propaganda as the village remains a thorn in Tindrem’s side for its continued refusal to rejoin the Provinces.

Myrlandic Alvarin emissaries from the Veela and Sheevra are still part of the Tribunal although the Anam Sith (the “Alvarin Nation”) is not participating in the war. From the Anam Sith perspective the Tindremic crime was properly avenged and done with when two Alvarin assassins allegedly took the life of Livi Decollator in 11 AD.
I see. So there is some form of means indicating they may be responsible. That however, does not call to answer my many other questions, nor is it solidified proof.

Thank you for the excerpt.


Well-known member
Jun 23, 2021
My Mind
As mentioned above, they do sit in the enemy Tribunal, without participating in the enemy war on us. What exact role they play in the decisions of the enemy is of course unclear.
I see speculation and exaggerated aggression in this proclamation of @Favonius Cornelius, from a dated regime borne of conquest and destruction. A new age is dawning, one of eventual prosperity, one of balance, but we must do away with ceaseless fearmongered war. We must problem solve and conversate, we must only act with violence when the threat is explicit and imminent.

Seeking to begin crucifying the Alvarin people based on weak evidence and fear is barbaric. How much further back must we devolve due to death and destruction before we take a breath and work together?