Specialty Titles for Exceptional Players

Favonius Cornelius

Active member
Jun 4, 2020
The Empire
I think SV should create some custom titles to grant to players who are well known to be contributing to the positive experiences of players in any form. Also perhaps custom titles for especially bad or evil players.

To kick it off, I can't think of a better player who has contributed selflessly to new players in Haven more than the player named Yanek.

Yanek the Good, Yanek the Selfless, Yanek the Altruist ...something like this!


Jun 12, 2020
Cool idea but I can't think of how they would implement something like this. You would have no idea about the deeds of Yanek if you weren't in help chat to see him offering help and could probably never confirm he follows up on his words unless you were in Haven and personally helped by him.

As for the evil side of things what kinds of evil deeds would they want to seemingly promote by awarding a title? I personally think it's pretty clever when a player gains the trust of another player just to betray them in the end but other people see that behavior with such disgust.

Then I don't think you could use a system where you maybe give feedback on other players disguised as a NPC in Tindrem or Morin Khur saying Yanek or some thief deserves a title because you could just pay a group of players to leave positive feedback to try to buy a title.

Aside from ways I don't think this could work here is something a bit different I think could be implemented. So Henrik explained on his stream before that in some Star Wars game for example you would have players make 10,000 characters and out of those only 10 of them unknowingly created a Master Jedi or something. This meant those 10 players were stronger than everyone else in some way.

Well I personally think it would be cool to reward certain character builds for example I'm going for the most mana possible so maybe if I hit 300 mana I unlock a title that theoretically others could get if they make the same character as me. Or it can be a bit tougher like have 1400 points worth of stuff in action skills active which would require the highest tier trinkets and possibly items if they ever release something like a rare sword drop where the sword itself gives you +10 max swords meaning you could have 110 in swords while wielding it. Or again specific to my character type a hidden title that only unlocks when you ressurect 5 players in 60 seconds or however the math works out to be possible.

I just don't think it would be possible to judge players because a lot of help can happen outside of the game or in other languages that the devs just won't be able to track and award properly.