Phen's 2 Cuprum.. Alpha Combat


Active member
May 29, 2020
Just throwing my cuprum round.....

Overall, Loving the team battles due to the more tactical pace of the game. That being said, 1v1 will very depending on who your fighting. Always has always will, no matter what game your playing. Most game makers want everyone to have a fair game, including SV. Then things get tricky.. One server for everyone to play as they please. The key thing is everyone, which isnt going to be fair in some aspects due to latency delays. For SV to even make it possible for a West NA player to hit a EU in an exchange is quite a upgrade from the previous project. The question I keep asking, " How can you slow down an EU player to have them see or respond at NA speeds?" sense there isnt a way to speed NA players up. As of where it stands I'm feel it's just okay, but I dont feel like its impossible to achieve. Seeing VPNs helping in competitive gaming, I feel like that could help bring the ping closer. By all means I love the one server idea, it brings the world together. It's just an extremely hard achievement.

For other combat issues(imo):

NOTE: I'm a North West NA player, these are from my own perspective of the game.

- Swings feel sluggish compared to MO1.

- 360 block is trash.
*Blocking Suggestion: 240 blocking , 120 per eye.

-Weapon Collision on draw is glitchy.
*Weapon Collision Suggestions: Remove the draw back collision completely, forward collisions seem fine.

-Weapon lengths feels short.

- Overall 1v1Combat feels a lot slower than MO1.
*1v1 Combat Suggestion: Blocking and parrying feel too strong as both players wait for the other to attack most of the time. MO1 had a faster feeling in these situations, making it easier to figure out if you could break someone's block. While it stands, just blocking and parrying will win majority of fights.

-The floaty jump without a weapon out feels odd.
*Floaty Jump Sugesstion: I like it a lot, just wish it was a quicker up and down so it doesn't feel floaty.

-Arm as a part that does damage while having a weapon equipped, I dislike greatly.

-Handle hits are iffy due to the type of weapon. Some make sense, others seem to lack the damage of the swing itself. Even if it's only 2-5 for weapons without big handles, it makes more sense then an arm hit for 0.
*Handle / Arm Hit Suggestion: Remove the arm hit and lessen the handle damage overall. Even tweak some weapons so the small handles do very little damage while bigger do more. If possible then scale it down the weapon as well, the closer to the hand the less amount of damage. Arm hits are confusing when lots of your hits arent in view.

-Weapon contact arc seems more out of view than in view.
*Weapon Contact Arc Suggestions: The arc itself doesnt seem to follow an consistent line. When swinging at a target from right to left. If you barely hit in the middle, you will be able to look slightly right and still make contact with the target. While if you look slightly left you wont hit the target. Doesnt feel controlled in my opinion, it's like a hail mary every swing. Skilled fighter wont fling themselves with a swing they are controlled combatants.

-Strength Requirment vs Stam Drain, unable to test due to lack of different weighted weapons. 11.89 maul Stam killer while strength requirements are 110.9 and my chars Strength is 115. Unsure how to test properly when next weapon down is 6.43 and touches Stam at draw but regains once charged. Running with 11.89 gives you 2 swings max, 6.43 could possibly be stam managable in a fight. Would like to see all weapons viable.

-Carry weight penalizes should be DISabled... have to research for weapons is gravy, being slowed becuase you cant store them is annoying. Just trying to test as must as possible guys!!

Hope this helps!!