Ore extraction


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
A padded room.
I know my opinion is not the most popular one, and I do get it that many just want to load up their horse and wait by the extractor. So having the time it takes being as short as possible is good for that type of play style.

However, the current set up forces all players into playing that one way. There simply is no time to do anything else.

I simply do not like that I am forced to play it this way as well now. It is ironic that the the solution to keep people from being forced to wait at the equipment longer, actually lead to more players being forced to wait. It has even moved me into the camp of wanting even shorter timers since I don't have time to do anything else anyway.

I think at the very least a player should be able to make it back between the bank and equipment before their stuff is dropped.

There are surely ways they can do this other than simply lengthening the timer for everyone.

One option would be to not drop at all until the person actually got back to pick up the items. I believe this could work as a simple option that would be better than longer timers. This one may not seem as good a fit a full loot type game. Though the player would still be vulnerable to the loss of loot when they do pick it up.

Another would be some way to manipulate the time it takes to extract. Possibly with different results depending on how long a process is done. For example, left to long in the crusher and you could be left with nothing but powder. To short and you could just have the larger rocks and possibly even get some base ore back if to short. Something like this they could make as simple or complicated as they wanted.

Another common suggestion would be to add some type of activity to speed up the process while leaving longer timers for those that do not actively participate. This would allow those standing around waiting to speed up the process. While those that want to go do other things would have more time.

In the end I just hope SV does something to make it where there are more options than just standing there waiting. I am sure they can come up with something better than what we have now. And I truly hope they don't just settle for what they have now as being good enough.
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Active member
Aug 1, 2021
why not put something player friendly and a money sink there ? put a npc that will take care of that for you , given a bit a money or mineral maybe like 5% ? ?

easy , time proble is not one anymore ; but you'll lose something in return ;


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
I have had similar thoughts on timers as the op. Extracting tier 1 in Tindrem the timers are short enough to risk thieves at the appliances, or stay put. Other tier have long enough timers to be able to do other work...at least in Tindrem. I wouldn't want the output to be stored safely with an npc or held till the extractor returns. Maybe a quene mechanic on aplliances will change this situation. I suspected that the timers were changed to keep extracters nearby instead of having traffic jams cause by multitasking energetic extractors. (edit: in a high pop scenario)
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