Nudity disabled.


Active member
Jun 1, 2022
I bought two support packages and now after that they've removed one from several main things I liked about the game, so I hope they bring it back soon then.
Your main favorite thing is Goblin Tax I hope ;)


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
At risk of awakening the trolls... I'd really like to ask what it is that full nudes add to the game..? Other than pics of naked guys behind pigs, that is.

I'm not out to shame the human body, by any means... but what does having full nudes on do to make this game better than a dongless version of itself?

Even with the local toggle off, it still draws attention/behavior that my wife did not enjoy and I wouldn't expose my daugher (or son) to.
Nudity make MO a 18+ game. We can report kids who play it. I dont like children. Children should be in boardingschools or in sweatshops, not in my video game.
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New member
Dec 15, 2021
Nudity make MO a 18+ game. We can report kids who play it. I dont like children. Children should be in boardingschools or in sweatshops, not in my video game.
No one's mentioned children being in game or that such should even be a consideration. Our offspring do mature and age past 18 years, in many cases.


Well-known member
Jun 13, 2020
No one's mentioned children being in game or that such should even be a consideration. Our offspring do mature and age past 18 years, in many cases.
I mentioned the game being 18+ could help keep children away.
If your offspring after turning 18, has a problem with nudity in a video game. It is not the video game that has issues.
I'll tell ya from my personal experience, that is exactly the reason I wasn't able to get the females in my life to stick with this game.
*(The stream of sexually aroused guys trying to make an emotional "connection" though their nude characters, that is)
I simply presume the "guys" you mention are kids.

Also; ask stupid questions, get stupid answers ;)


New member
Dec 15, 2021
I mentioned the game being 18+ could help keep children away.
If your offspring after turning 18, has a problem with nudity in a video game. It is not the video game that has issues.

I simply presume the "guys" you mention are kids.

Also; ask stupid questions, get stupid answers ;)

And; at no point have I said that I, or mine, have any issue with the depiction of the human, or sheria, body. What I did observe was more than one lady put off by the behavior and attention such depictions inspire within the game.

For me, it'd be a much more enjoyable place with more real women on VOIP... even if it comes at the cost of pixel boobs. And; having seen what having nudes in game does for the "community", no, I wouldn't recommend my offspring of any age partake in it.

Dongs aren't my blocker, tho. I never asked for the nudes to be disabled. But, now that they are... Well, that doesn't seem like such a bad thing, from where I'm sitting.
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Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
And; at no point have I said that I, or mine, have any issue with the depiction of the human, or sheria, body. What I did observe was more than one lady put off by the behavior and attention such depictions inspire within the game.

For me, it'd be a much more enjoyable place with more real women on VOIP... even if it comes at the cost of pixel boobs. And; having seen what having nudes in game does for the "community", no, I wouldn't recommend my offspring of any age partake in it.

Dongs aren't my blocker, tho. I never asked for the nudes to be disabled. But, now that they are... Well, that doesn't seem like such a bad thing, from where I'm sitting.
I gotta chime in once more to say that nudity definitely wasn't a reason why I originally wanted to try the game, but I thought it was cool it existed just for the simple reason that it usually does not, and it does not usually to please the conservatives in the world (one reason Cyberpunk 2077 is so cool is that it also allows this, it just feels more progressive to me). And fuck conservatives, new ideas, new world, no need to be ashamed of ourselves (like you put it too ofc).

So now that it is taken away due to power abusing credit card companies (let's face it it's Visa and MasterCard who else), now it's absence becomes an issue to me, as it feels like censorship.

And of course I get that ppl are jerks online, in real life, literally everywhere, and online sexual harassment is definitely a big issue, so maybe nudity makes that very slightly more possible to some ppl who are going to do that ANYWAY, but not by such a large margin.

And you are going to get sexual harassers in every game which has ANY kind of chat option, this is why many games have more and more limited chat options, so it is a human issue, not nudity graphics issue. So considering that, it doesn't really apply that much to your reasoning, although it could very well be that MO2 has some of the sweatiest basement gamers out of us, which ofc can make the harassing worse than in some less nolife games, but it's not necessarily so either.

Btw, I usually play as a female character, and while partially I can't deny enjoying seeing some jiggle physics etc., which is quite natural for the human male brain, I also do so because I want to experience the harassment first-hand by guys who think I'm a female based on my avatar (sure the VOIP don't help with that but I rarely used it anyway). This is not for my own amusement either, but to both 1.) assess the extent of the issues, and 2) potentially teach some guys some manners.

So, there, something to consider for you all.


New member
Dec 15, 2021
Playing a female character is not the same thing as having folks aware that you're an XX are able to hear them. I mean, I guess you could setup some kind of AI voice overlay and such... but... no. I fully reject the "I tried being a woman" argument.

I also believe you're discounting the role opportunity and tone set in the perpetration of any given violation.

However, to your point, I will say that "just" the nude bit can't be fully to blame. These sort of experiences were not commonplace on Conan's PvP servers. And; that game, too, has the "full glory". The towns as a gathering place for all, which Conan lacks, clearly play a role. But that goes back to "opportunity". Which MO2 does provide.

Doom and Gloom

Active member
Mar 12, 2022
Playing a female character is not the same thing as having folks aware that you're an XX are able to hear them. I mean, I guess you could setup some kind of AI voice overlay and such... but... no. I fully reject the "I tried being a woman" argument.

I also believe you're discounting the role opportunity and tone set in the perpetration of any given violation.

However, to your point, I will say that "just" the nude bit can't be fully to blame. These sort of experiences were not commonplace on Conan's PvP servers. And; that game, too, has the "full glory". The towns as a gathering place for all, which Conan lacks, clearly play a role. But that goes back to "opportunity". Which MO2 does provide.
I never claimed it was the same, I only said that this is what I do personally, and it has worked, not just in this game but I mean in any game with an avatar, most of which do not have voice chats. It wasn't really related to the defending the nudity toggle or not
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I've def been thought of as a woman in games, haha. People can have their theories, but I have been speccing females since there has been a choice. The only thing I don't spec female in is sports games. It just seems interesting and different. It helps me immerse. Imagining girls who behave in the way I play them is pretty funny. The kinda girls who would have a cockney british accent.

I became friends with Grendel because of his character, Monica, who I imagined was much the same. It could be some hidden transgender brain malfunction (lol) but I doubt it.

Still, people def talk about sexual stuff. It just comes w/ the territory. I mean there were real girls in MO1 who I would tease, too. I shouldn't be a big deal. I've def had dudes lusting... like when my khurite was lean a dude in Bakti was like... oh my GOD that khurite model, that's the best one. It's like wow man hahaha. But I mean, like I said, who cares? Who is getting offended by that? I don't even think people should be charged for doing sexually harassing things in game unless it's personal like me-2-u level.

I reject that someone can sexually harass you by talking about your character's body, but that's just me. That being said, I hope this leads to steam sub as previously mentioned. DO IT. MO1 is on steam, no problem!

I also strongly reject Khurite as the hottest. Sard, ezez. That's why I specced Risquiche as my first char, and even tho she was dogshit, she could be what she needed to be: a cook! She was beautiful before she slipped into obesity.


New member
Dec 15, 2021
I've def been thought of as a woman in games, haha. People can have their theories, but I have been speccing females since there has been a choice. The only thing I don't spec female in is sports games. It just seems interesting and different. It helps me immerse. Imagining girls who behave in the way I play them is pretty funny. The kinda girls who would have a cockney british accent.

I became friends with Grendel because of his character, Monica, who I imagined was much the same. It could be some hidden transgender brain malfunction (lol) but I doubt it.

Still, people def talk about sexual stuff. It just comes w/ the territory. I mean there were real girls in MO1 who I would tease, too. I shouldn't be a big deal. I've def had dudes lusting... like when my khurite was lean a dude in Bakti was like... oh my GOD that khurite model, that's the best one. It's like wow man hahaha. But I mean, like I said, who cares? Who is getting offended by that? I don't even think people should be charged for doing sexually harassing things in game unless it's personal like me-2-u level.

I reject that someone can sexually harass you by talking about your character's body, but that's just me. That being said, I hope this leads to steam sub as previously mentioned. DO IT. MO1 is on steam, no problem!

I also strongly reject Khurite as the hottest. Sard, ezez. That's why I specced Risquiche as my first char, and even tho she was dogshit, she could be what she needed to be: a cook! She was beautiful before she slipped into obesity.

What was she thinking? Wearing that dress?? She was asking for it...


New member
Feb 10, 2023
The nudity was a fashion statement and a lot of fun. With the added realism that we enjoy in this game. I play with my wife and her toons are frequently shirtless. Seldom intentional...but always fun. If you can't handle the body...get a job or a new hobby.