Murder Count Bugs & Issues


Active member
Jul 19, 2021
1. You should not be able to report murder after being killed by guildmates or taking environmental damage (jumping off buildings or standing in fire). There are people who will get hit once and have their buddies kill them or kill themselves in town so they can report you for a murder you didn't commit.

2. The time allowed to report murder should be 5 or less minutes not 30. If I fight someone and they die 25 minutes later that is not my fault they died, not even close.

3. If a guilded player attacks me, there should be an area of effect making all guild mates around them local grey. With your current system 5 blue players could surround you and have 1 guy fight you and all the others blue block... and to kill them you have to get 4 murder counts, that's horrible design and should not be a thing.
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