Mounted Skills Decoupling (PTR+)

May 4, 2024
The PTR patch and the soon to be live patch have decouple the ground skills from their mounted counter-parts. This is all good and well, but there is an issue with the game right now regarding the foot vs mounted specialties. In game we have foot fighters that are 50% proficient in all mounted skill due to their mastery of their foot skills with no investment in the mounted skills. Quite frankly this is bullshit and it needs to be changed. The mount and foot play styles need to be unique and if you intend on doing both ground and mounted combat, the point structure needs to be limited in a way that you can only master 1 of the 3 styles as a full foot fighter.

Proposed Skill Changes - No benefit until at least 70 skill

Controlled Riding
Stamina Drain Reduction 0-Current% from 70-100 skill

Mounted Archery
50%-100% damage from 70-100 skill
Wobble Control 100% MA based

Mounted Combat
100-125%(Speed Dependent)(0-1100 speed) from 70-100 skill
Right now there is a penalty for a non moving charge while mounted. This makes no sense.

Mounted Magery
50%-100% damage from 70-100 skill

What does this mean? No more skillless damage output for being a FF using a mount. You either have to read the book or grind out zero damage hits to level the skills. No free ride on skill points.

Additionally, the mounts need not be slowed by equipping armor. Armor is an additional investment that should be rewarded. Currently, the player is punished for investing in armor as the faster mount will dominate (MC) the slower one in a chase scenario. If the mounts are considered too fast, then lower the overall speed of the mounts, but rewarding zero investment gameplay is not fair or fun in a full loot PvP game.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I definitely have liked the armor speed related change. MC is just a totally different animal and it got nerfed by all of the changes they made. I dunno how you'd run MC without MM, where as you could do MA without having MM.

But I do think that people being able to be faster as transports, heavier as combat mounts is a huge improvement for the game. I was asking for that since MO1, and the fact that they added armor in as what determines that is good, imo. Still not happy about pet mounts, though.

I agree with your idea of foot and mounted, tho, you should be able to make a hybrid build of two things and that's it. If you wanna be MA to dismount and pretty good at foot, I can deal w/ that.

Also I don't know why they haven't changed the infinite 3rd speed back re: mounted. Such a dumb change that makes the game require less thought. They could have accomplished that by increasing regen (they did,) and increasing regen a lot for low speed. You could go a long way in 3rd, esp with spur on. Then you found somewhere to hide and stam up.

I'm interested in knowing the PTR changes, but I'm not gonna waste my sub start haha. I can't tell if they are good or bad. I also wanna know what the templates or whatever they have for new chars means, if that means they start with somewhat viable skills or they are just a preset race / att combo.

Edit: but I do think they need to make it so that people have to spec full into a mounted skill to really get use out of it. Makes more sense than having child skills that do what the parent should. Control and AT are def weird and it would be nice to see more useful archery skills. I still think you should need more than 100 pts to use long bows though.
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