magic school idee: skin changer


Mar 30, 2021
i love building characters in this game, there are so many builds and stats to use.
but once your char is created and leveled your done, you have to delete your char and lose all your stuff to build a new one.
i often delete my char again sinds i get borred of my build. dont know if i'm the only one XD

if more players have this problem or joy. why not build a mechenic around it ?
we keep the one char system, but offer a skill that lets you do just that creating chars and builds.

you could create a wolf skin. the skin lets play as a wolf, you build it up, improve its stats. much like your own char. to balance perma dead for this would be great. you would have a set of skins waiting to be used and lost much like armor. so you could build at high tirs a troll skin. but thats expensif to make and lose.

the player skill in this would be a large part. building the skins and leveling them would be a big skill and using them effectifly in combat or would be two.
as a char builder this would be a dream come true :)

what do all of you think ?