Legendary Armor and Weapon implementation suggestions


New member
Apr 10, 2022
Henrik recently stated that the future implementation of legendary armor and weapons will provide no PVP benefits.

While on one hand I agree that any benefits legendary weapons and armor can provide in PVP can create a snowball effect for major guilds, I am uncertain whether cosmetic and durability enhancements will be enough of an incentive of a dopamine rush for creating and finding these items.

Some suggestions to make these items more interesting:

- Changes to damage/armor weights. Imagine if you could craft a legendary spear which gave its overhead attack more blunt at the cost of its pierce thrust attack, or a legendary set of plate which gave more blunt resistance at the cost of pierce/slash? This would make the item far more interesting to find and use, and risk of loss.

- Implementation of PVE bonuses: Slayer weapons which gave more damage to risars, sators, undead, arthropods/damage reduction against certain monster types. Once again, no benefit for PVP, but makes it far more valuable to find, and increase risk of loss.

- Attribute bonuses/attribute reductions: Adding a stat reduction decrease to use a particular weapon, perhaps at the cost of an increase of another could open up a cool opportunity for some hybrid builds.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
I wouldn't mind if they gave pvp bonuses. Anyone willing to risk a lot more should get something out of it. Not like the game is balanced anyways.
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Active member
Apr 5, 2021
If you want more blunt at the cost of pierce/slash you could just use a different backing or armor type