Irreconcilable Differences:


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Time flies, you know? I was just thinking about BETA. I was even thinking about back when I realized there was a Mortal 2 and playing it for free. Then instantly buying it before I realized how bare bones it was.

I wanted to talk, maybe for my own sanity, about so much of the shit in this game that really makes me not want to play it. I know I have been talking about what would make MO better for a long time, and I really think they have put in some good things, but in the end, there is a lot of bad stuff that is a buzzkill whenever I start allowing myself to think I SHOULD PLAY MO.

Thus, because I am thinking about playing MO when the new patch releases, I will post this:

First of all, and I didn't ever think this would be the biggest MO problem, but... haha. PETS. Look at this video. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?

That alone should make you not wanna play the game haha. It's also a great (thanks Diph!) real world example of what a pet offers. Not to mention you can mount it and it's super fast.

You guys created a monster with pets. This is more jokey than mauls on horseback, weak spot lances, or w/e you wanna bring up in MO history.

The next thing is Trinkets, Spells, Books, and RMT. This was another idea that I am sure was intended as end game content, but it is flawed in premise. I would say that raw boosting a character in a full loot game is imbalanced. I would also say that the game would be much better if all of the skills that are locked behind books were much more accessible. MO1 had what, like Draco? Ogh book? Those things aren't even as hard to get as some of the stuff in the game. Nobody can tell me that any magic spells should be locked content. That is a huge flaw in the game. Even if you're not mad about trinkets, everyone should be able to spec every magic school, two years into the game, with somewhat minimal investment. People have already benefited from having the spells early, now it's time for them to be accessible.

After that, there is siege. For some reason, the world is littered with TC in the way the world never was in MO1. Why? Is their defender sets the siege window siege system their final form of siege? I think that's pretty soft. I think it's soft that people don't lose much when they get sieged. If you get sieged, you took a massive loss. It shouldn't be about how you can recover some of your stuff. You should be thinking about how to rebuild. If you quit, then you quit, you will come back haha. It should occur to people while they are building that what they are building is vulnerable and if they piss the wrong people off, they could lose it. That's a driving force in the game.

THEN GUARDS. Why are there so many powerful guards? Why do people have guard NPCs? I think guild guards need to be REMOVED FROM THE GAME. I think most guards should be about as powerful as guild guards, with elites / lictors in very important places and strongly leashed to those places. MAYBE in some instance if things get really out of control, like if people are griefing a city for hours, then I could see why GMs would spawn some elite guards to go out. It makes sense. It does not make sense to have all of these guards standing around. As I have said before, and nobody has been able to answer, WHO IS PAYING THESE GUARDS? MO1 was jank, but it was about immersion. It's not immersive when you start thinking about stuff like that. I guarantee no time in history had so many guards, and they aren't just hit you for 20 guards, they are all out Sticky U guards.

There are definitely other issues with the game, but those are the ones that really sit in my mind when I consider playing MO. I imagine they are impacting other people just as much. I ASSUME they will eventually make UE5 not run like shit, so I won't mention that.

My play-o-meter is moving to the NO. Stay Tuned!


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Just seeing the game is enough to make me feel sick.

sometimes I can imagine playing. Then yeah 'reality' haha.

I think this spamming is paying off, though, but the game is still not where it should be.

The changes they are making are not bad, but the problem is that there is already a path the game is on, and some of the core issues are driving it downward anyway. I am not ready to give up completely...

I didn't even like MO *that* much. It just seemed like the coolest MMO ever, and I thought they could do something. I was listening to Henrik on a vid talk about how it feels to have people criticize what he has poured his life into, to think they know better than him, 'imagine how that feels.'

It's not like his personal art, tho, as I posted somewhere else. This is a small community indie game and people are trying to HELP. 0 reason for Henrik to be in his feelings other than the fact his game is not where he wants it to be. I would have loved to hear him say that on vid, to be honest for once, and be like man I put everything into this, and I thought I had it all set up for our epic sequel then we just shit the bed with launch... do you have any idea how that feels. Haha. Cuz I mean, it's true, and everyone knows it's true. That's why we don't see him around here, and that's why it's hard to accept him being like "respek my passion project."