Ideas for upcoming bounty system


Jan 27, 2022
I'm just adding couple things I'd like too see in the upcoming bounty system. Obviously this is just one aspect of many things that proper BS needs but several threads already cover that.

Mainly, picking bounties should always be random, a player should never get a chance to chose specific bounty they want to do. Allowing that can only lead to abuse, there might be some ways to mitigate this issues but imo a random system is ideal for this feature.

There should be let's say 3 ranks of bounties and bounty hunters can reach. Novice bounties / bounty hunters, intermediate bounties / bounty hunters and expert bounties / bounty hunters .
Meaning that someone who just started doing bounty hunting will be prioritised in getting novice bounties (with lower rewards and hopefully lower difficulty), they can get bounties from other ranks should there be no bounties available in their specific rank, same goes for expert bounty hunters just the other way. The more successful bounty hunting you do, you raise in ranks and are able to do higher ranked bounties as also for example buy expert shop unique bounty hunter equipment or something like that.

Murderes get some amount of gold put on them by the server each time they commit crime (murdering players and getting reported for it). Once they get past specific threshold withoung getting their bounty turned in, they go up in the bounty ranking as well becoming intermediate or expert level bounties, starting to get hunted by the more seasoned bounty hunters.
This bounty reward should probably in some way also be allowed to be boosted by other players. Let's say any player can go to the bounty hunter vendor (or board dunno) and put some amount of money on that player's name boosting his overall gold's worth making him target for RANDOM expert bounty hunters faster. There definetly should never be option to put bounty on someone by player and then also be able to accept it specifically, allowing collecting of both, it would be fine if server set bounties and player set bounties were seperate but that would just be confusing and weird so I say, never allow picking specific players bounties to prevent easy abuse of the system.

Also imo, the bounty head contract should have unique rules for failing and completing it.
To complete a bounty, you need this kill rights head contract and obviously the head of the player you're hunting, ideally it should not be possible to turn in heads collected before picking this contract (for example if people were collecting head ahead of time in case those players become bounties in the future).
Failing a bounty can happen if someone clears the contract before you (the kill rights just disappear from everyone the moment the bounty is cleared by anyone), you get killed by the specific player you're hunting or by waiting too long to complete the bounty (so that you can't hold kill rights on someone for weeks, not collecting the bounty).

These are the couple things I hope will be in some way part of the upcoming bounty hunting system.

Honestly, I wonder how they'll design it. Whenever I think about it, there are so so so many things that can be abused so I'm doubtful a good system that won't be easily aboused can even be build. I hope they can make it so.