Hunger tweaks needed (or would be welcome)


Mar 27, 2021
I have no major objection against current hunger system. Low quality food combined with resting (at times every 5-10 minutes which seems a BIT too much) is sufficient to semi-keep reserves at bay.

My main issue is with how weight gaining/loss happens. There is no clear way understanding what actually is the breaking point, resulting in eating few pieces of HP food to throw you into vicious cycle of 5+ suicides. Also 101kg veela being able to be stout, same as 101kg veela being overweight adding more to the confusion.

I'd really prefer if micromanagment of weight (especially considering HUGE impact on your character - going stout -> overweight means you suddenly cannot carry your current armor, you cannot use your bow, etc.) would be a bit less wild guessing and requiring a bit less attention - why cannot we have lock on our 130% stout and if we reach risk of overeating into overweight - just don't let the character eat anymore!
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