Human Clade; Tweeks and Balances, not Twinks and Blushing.


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Human Clades are good, however humans are still in this strange spot where they run out of points to do their Hybrid builds and I've seen them. Some things are more viable than others and I want to shake things up a bit. Most of these are just freeing up points or making people think about doing something else... I don't want to take away anything except for perhaps Erudite but what we get is so much more.

1. Cleric; Armor/Heavy Training +5

2. Forceful; All Unarmed skills +15

3. Erudite; Change it back to +10 in all magic schools

4. Scholastic; +5 or +10 in all magic related skills. Mental Offense/Mental Training/Meditation/Vitality

5. Make the Lore skill actually effect Ether Lore and Multiverse Lore plz henrik It hurts to see.

I believe 1 & 2 most people can agree on. I do not think we will see more monks but I want to. Three, some may not like it, though we had it in the beta. I honestly believe it was changed since Ecu was the only thing we could use at the time. We now have 3 schools of magic. (Ecu/Spirit/Necro) (Technically you can count Ritual/Portal)

(Domination Does not count SCREE- Also please help Tamers its painful to watch a Chickennugget die, or a turtle get snapped. Dominators should be the only ones experiencing this hell since we get rad stuff to DOMINATE. Breeding Asap.)

Four I think is a hard ask, but I request anyway since I want humans to just have more options.

Five is just a personal peeve on my end. I'd hope that Erudite change would just give it to us, but I'd rather it come from Lores since my Autism spikes every time, I see the skill without the clade bonus. It's a lore, it should be a Lore skill so it should get +10 Lore. Fight me or change the name. Henrik, I love u, but this is the line.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
The problem is that lore bonus + the +50 is one of the only reasons to pick human atm. Lore goes REALLY FAR because there are like 5 lores (or so?) plus lores under them, and they all read to +10. All the mounted stuff reads to +15, so I mean it saves a lot of speccing. It's strong, but since they made 70-100 a meh range, it's not AS strong. Still, those are some powerful skills cuz leveling mounted 70 + your bonus to 100 is A BITCH. Where as as long as you don't go over 70 raw, you can pop on a book and it'll push you up, along with fast reading speed.

I don't think humans should be all magic because Khur and Kallard are not so magical. Would be nice to see dom get a +20 at least from the skill. Some skills go under parents and get buffs, some don't. Like elf, I don't really understand why archery doesn't spec into the deeper 'under archery' skills.