Human Clade Rework: The Human Hybrid Problem


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Unless stated otherwise, the skills original effects are the same, All typed are added affects to the clade.

Diplomatic: No Change

Opportunistic: No Change

Charismatic: Swap Location with Rough Rider

Tactician: No Change

Shamanistic: No Change

Human Warcry: Buff Range (Realistically buff the range of all buffs)

Mental Power: No Change

Rough Rider: Swap Location with Charismatic

Southerner: No Change

Northerner: No Change

Soldier: No Change

Forceful: +4 Strength +5 to all weapon (Giving Humans more options)

Well Build: +2 Raw Strength

Striker: No Change

Robust: No Change

Hefty: +2 Raw Strength

Big Boned: No Change

Athlete: No Change

Double Jointed: +2 Raw Dex

Kleptomaniac: No Change

Scholastic: +20% Reading Speed +10 To Lore Skills (This skill after reading everything means nothing.)

Resolved: No Change

Strong-Willed: +2 Raw Psyche

Cleric: +4kg before mana regen is impacted* +10 to all Armor Skills

Sholar: No Changes

Intellectual: +2 Raw Intelligence

Erudite: Changed to +10 to all schools of Magic

Organized: +10 to Management

Artisan: No Change

Mathematician: No Changes


Red: Humans saving 5 on weapons is not much, but when you consider Poleswords, Poleaxes or Brawling skills than it becomes reasonable since its just saving you a few points but for them its upwards of 10-15 points to put into something else.

Orange: Taking that cleric gives you +4kg of not losing some mana, I think it's safe to say the Hybrids would love to save some points, mages would save just a smidge of points on needing to break into that 6-8kg range that most of the humans are in. This would also give Footfighter humans a reason to pick it up and perhaps consider taking up some hybridization.

Green: My most wild change suggestion as of yet. Yes you are reading that right, Raw. This would give 10 points overall, as well as the caps. This would force you to sit down and consider what clades to get, what really matters to you? I've seen plenty of humans decide to avoid the +max stats simply due to them not having enough or seeing that +2 to a cap is unnecessary

Yellow: This calde replaced Educated that is now in Scholastic, it solidfies Humans as the jack of all trades, and Tamers need some love. I would have made the suggestion to combine Opportunistic with Diplomatic and have 2 new clades, but I tempered my desires.

I've made these changes considering both Hybrids, Footfighters & Mages. Though mainly focused on what makes humans so strong, hybridization. I was tempted to make more radical changes but went with a more tempered approach.

Let me know what you think, I'm asking around for people that hate useless clades, Thursars your next.
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Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Yellow was added, I did not explain where Organized came from, or my rational for making it.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Cleric: +10 to all Armor Skills
Ah? I hope it's an addition to the already existing effect, otherwise don't touch cleric please. It's the only human gift that is actually unique. There is no other way to increase mana regen in armor than to pick a human. Just like there is no other way to jump in combat mode than to pick an alvarin, no other way to smoke ichor pipe than to pick an oghmir, no other way to regen 40hp/minute than to pick a thursar, except those aren't the only gifts that make them unique.

Realistically what humans need is not more skill points. They need a buff to lighter armors, as well as some more stamina. A sard cleric in 12kg armor almost stams out faster than people in steel because of how little stamina humans have, because of stamina buffs on alvarins and thursars and huge amounts of stamina on oghmirs, and because of the negligible stamina penalty on heavy armors. Plus, we need a shorter delay on switching between unarmed and combat modes.


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Ah? I hope it's an addition to the already existing effect, otherwise don't touch cleric please.

To answer this, read the top of the post. Clerical change would only add +10 armor weight and does not change the +4kg to Mana regen. Sorry I did not specify - editing the post again.
Unless stated otherwise, the skills original effects are the same, All typed are added affects to the clade.

I agree that humans need more than just stats, though Hybridization is rather difficult atm due to people needing to sacrifice deeply in one aspect, I hope to aliviate some pains while making others stronger at their hybridization of a Human.

Cleric is not the only unique clade of a human, We have Tactician. This clade is Bonkers for when AOE's are in the game, Miasma drops and friendly fire. We also have Shamanistic as it allows us to sit down during those downtimes and regen some reserves. Humans have the most unique clades out of everyone else by far. The problem is that most of them are utility.

I'd argue that swapping weapons from inv should be as slow as it is now, however I think there should be an option to quickly sheath weapons (Quicker than unequipping them) This is something henrik has talked about and is working on as swapping weapons is clunky at the moment.

I was recently told that armor weight is supposed to impact your movement speed & drastically reduce your stamina regen at higher levels. These have not been implemented from what I can tell, though if they ever are I wonder when.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
This clade is Bonkers for when AOE's are in the game, Miasma drops and friendly fire.
Ah yes. I don't think it works on AOE spells though.
Shamanistic could be useful (reserves don't matter, we have food for that), if meditation/passive regen had a place in the current meta. Both need to be either secondary and slightly buffed, or if they're staying primary both need a huge buff - i'm talking "regen to full health and mana in 15-20 seconds while resting" level of buff. If that was the case, shamanistic could be great.
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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Here are my suggestions.

Drop Southerner, and Northerner. Replace them with the same clade as Thursars, body temperature regulation. Able to withstand high and low world temps.

Human Warcry, change from 10% spell damage reduction to +10% mana regen per human stacks up to 5x.

Remove Mathematician. Replace with Organized +10 Management.

Tactician, change to be toggle able.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
1. Cleric: +6kg before mana regen is impacted would be cool.

Also would not make him OP compared to Ogmir, becuase he have stone skin and can use the ichor pipe

2. I would like more con, so the human have at least 340 Stam pool without Endurence. (10 more then now) or give him a clade that helps him with stam consumption. The Stamina is the main drawback of the human and the reason most PVP Players think that you should pick another class instad of human and only recommend this char for Players with 1 account becuase of the additional Points.

3. Make Tactition be able to turn on and off, in the case you want to duel your Guild-Members or join a PVP training !

4. Change the regeneration Clade, that Meditation will for the most part ignore of your Armor. Meditation is useless. Make it at least useful for a human heavy Paladin for PVE and maybe in very large battles. It won´t be used in PVP too much, because you have to sit down. Naked it take like 34 seconds with 100 Meditation. In Armor it could take like 40 Seconds ?

In heavy armor you have 10 % mana reg. If meditation doubles it it would be 20 %. That is useless. Remove the mana regeneration penelty from heavy armors if you have meditation and you are sitting. Maybe for 1-80 % depending on the skill lvl ? Then you have 10 % mana reg but 70 mana reg if you are sitting and meditation double it so you would have 140 % mana reg with 100 mediation. Something like that. No Skill should be completly useless !
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I would like more con, so the human have at least 340 Stam pool without Endurence. (10 more then now) or give him a clade that helps him with stam consumption. The Stamina is the main drawback of the human and the reason most PVP Players think that you should pick another class instad of human and only recommend this char for Players with 1 account becuase of the additional Points.
Yeah it's amazing how "humans have the most skill points" when they're basically forced to spend ~100 primaries on endurance and still have less stamina than other clades, while someone like oghmir can wear heaviest armors without even putting 100 into heavy armor training.

Anabolic Man

Well-known member
Sep 7, 2020
Yeah it's amazing how "humans have the most skill points" when they're basically forced to spend ~100 primaries on endurance and still have less stamina than other clades. I agree on that ! To be able to war the most heavy armor as an ogmir is fine. He will get his stone armor one day, so people willgo for 100 HAT.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
haha, I always have those MAKE STEEL DO MORE DMG TO STEEL suggestions and people are like ?!?!?!?! Anyway, I did a human spread w/ the lil clade tree (I think) and I drew in stuff, wrote text in paint. I still think...

If there was ever a clade that could have at least one pizza slice as 'race specific' it's human. That would be BIG. Even if it's just something you choose where you have to have 1/4 of that clade. Then I would double all +4 atts and double all +2 caps. So +8 and + 4.

5 is too low for anything. 10 lore makes human an amazing crafter cuz of how many specs there are. there aren't that many weps.

I'd like to see rough rider give a bonus to horse riding... speed, stam, horse w/ armor riding, something. Make your dex seem like X breakpoint if it's below.

@ Ogh, they are poorly balanced, too, just good fighting spread. They are sorely lacking in points and they are lacking in buffs to mining/metal/crafting... it's all about saving and more gains, which is COOL but saving points seems to be more of the idea of clades? There's no reason why you can't get +10 to wep craft + save weps. +15 to all extract levels, extra extract, etc. But as a fighter they are GOOOD. Human still has the best spread for crafting we just need to fix them to be completely trashed in combat. I think buffing them more mounted would work. What about giving a human not more mana regen but less time to cast on a mount? :eek: Let ecu at least go into dom so you can spare a few pts and grab a mount.

Changing the dex curve would be nice, too, but I dunno how. Veelas have good separation, but the run gifts help, and that's like at 258-261 + buffs. Human you can get like 250 if you work for it. Would like to see Lean Khurite closer to like 255, so a less magical type of speedster, move sardu up to dex that Khurite had, and GGG. + dumping way more attribute points thru gifts.


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2022
Yeah it's amazing how "humans have the most skill points" when they're basically forced to spend ~100 primaries on endurance and still have less stamina than other clades, while someone like oghmir can wear heaviest armors without even putting 100 into heavy armor training.

BUT humans get free ecuminical skill... oh wait anything above 80 is pointless unless you plan on casting EQ.

BUT humans get 15 riding skills... Oh everyone rides anyway and its a secondary.

BUT humans get so many more crafting skills. Finally one that is useful.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
BUT humans get free ecuminical skill... oh wait anything above 80 is pointless unless you plan on casting EQ.

BUT humans get 15 riding skills... Oh everyone rides anyway and its a secondary.

BUT humans get so many more crafting skills. Finally one that is useful.

MA/MM/CR/MC are all +15, that's a big gift. That'd be like if archery clade for Alv was instead +15 to archery, +15 to MA, +15 to aim tech, etc.

Free ec, eh... free points are good. I kinda see it more as a heal your horse sort of thing tho, something you can do off your base level, if you take that.

They just need to be alil faster most of all.

But yea IMO rough rider is the most OP action point gift that I can think of. Educated is also the most OP profession point gift. But yea, Humans are OK for what they are, but they def need a combat role, too. It's just DAT SIMPLE.

Edit: soldier is also good, but yes the idea that free points do not make up for inherent limitations is TRUE, however, they just need a role.
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Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Mhmm, taking all these ideas under consideration. Let me post my more radical changes as well as taking suggestions from those that have posted. I will be making a new Post.


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
Mhmm, taking all these ideas under consideration. Let me post my more radical changes as well as taking suggestions from those that have posted. I will be making a new Post.

yea we gotta keep talking about it until, like wipe, RobMO relays the message from Henrik that there will be no human buff OR that they will be and let's discuss how to do it.