Hows this laptop? Lenovo legion y520? Might be an old player returning


New member
Dec 25, 2020
I played in what? 2014 it must have been. I went through a lot of real life stuff in those years but I always knew I eventually wanted to play mortal online again. Really exciting knowing about how much everything's changed and how there might be a lot more new players especially because of the advertising starvault has done. Saw a video on youtube about mo and it had tons of views. I can imagine mortal online 2 being successful like I always thought the game should have been but it was always still under major development.

I'm buying a laptop for sure today. Couldn't find anything better in my area but this one and i think its a super good deal:

Lenovo Legion Y520
Is that laptop good enough to play MO and MO 2?
Bought it for 460 but it's quite a bit more expensive on ebay.
I cant wait to return to MO. I'd like to join a guild in MO1 to reintroduce me to the world and to teach me the art of combat so hmu if you can do that


New member
Sep 17, 2020
Hi Moonman.
Definitely good enough to play MO1 smoothly, if the graphics card is anything to go by.

For MO2 though, in it's current optimization state...
I have GTX 1080 and it is stable enough, but struggles to maintain the smoothest gameplay 100% of the time. You may especially have performance issues with having only 2.8GHz CPU in that laptop (I have ~3.5GZ on my rig, and it is usually using 70-80% on 4 cores, I know, it's bad lol). RAM is fine.
That's just the current state of MO2. I'm sure it will be 'playable', but better to wait until they actually optimize it better.

I would honestly suggest waiting a month or two at least to play MO2. The conflux pack was worth it, for the lifetime MO1 premium, but honestly not anymore this close to MO2's projected release (They're going to sunset MO1 once MO2 is fully launched).

If you want someone to play for free with in MO1 though, pm me ;)