How to raise standing with Khurites when it has gone negative

Lord Pulltab

Feb 23, 2022
I looted from wrong bags without realizing and now my standing with Kurite is negative.
So lost access to half towns in game and also find it very hard to find prietst that will revive me,
So obviously I would like to regain some standing.
Unfortunately this cannot be done the regular way as I get killed by guards instantly when in guarded town so parcel delivery is no option.

Are there other ways to get my standing back.
I heard killing Risars might work.
Does killing bandits in Khurite area also work?
Is it maybe possible to deliver parcels to lawless Khurite town of Kranesh

Are there maybe more ways to increase standing when it is impossible to deliver parcels to guarded towns?

Any help would be much appreciated as right now the game is really not really any fun anymore.

Thanks for your Replies.


Jan 27, 2022
Parcels from Outlaw towns of Kranesh to Gaul kor and back. That will be the only way to do it, now that you are below 0 in khurite towns. You can pit stop at Cave Camp on the way, get some extra turn-ins. I had to do the same thing, and figure it out myself lol - its not a bad trip once you do it once or twice though. Took me 3 times to get back to 0 (zero is safe to be in town again).