Heartless and Why was He banned in the First Place?


Active member
Jan 24, 2022
Why was a member of Heartless, killing players in town 'banned' for a time? I understand he is a bit of a scum bag and was doing something uncouth. However, it is not a banable offense. Why is it that GMs seem to make up their own rules and act on them? It has not even been a week and already my last post is showing itself to be valid.

I only recently made this post: https://mortalonline2.com/forums/threads/confusion-of-policy-rules-and-enforcement.10564/

TL&DR: If policy can be dictated by GMs and it is not made public of what is and is not an offense what could the GMs do in the future?

Well the situation was handled after a very public outcry from the community. I do not think it is unreasonable to want a clear and succinct policy and community guidelines rather than what is happening right now. When will the next blunder like this happen? Are the GMs following a secret list? are they attack dogs? do they go wild west and make up their own rules?

GMs need to be trained on the internal mechanics of the game, they need to be properly investigated and vetted, and Players & GMs must know the rules of the game.

I do not think it is unreasonable for a member of the community to be put in charge of making posts about what is and is not allowed in the game. We are going to lose players over this, new and old. What assurances can SV give to the community that this will not happen in the future?