Few UX improvements for tutorial


May 29, 2020
Did the tutorial first time today, and while its a bit rough from the edges, it was still an enjoyable experience. Just had few little improvements in my mind after the experience


The tutorial overlay is a bit too transparent, especially during the bight daylight. I often found myself aiming towards ground to get the dark green background (from grass) behind the tutorial window to make it easier to read. Also, dock it into the skillbar instead of window border, as now it just overlaps the bars.


When you open the map, you get a "quest log", as the game doesnt have a proper quest log. This one just feels clunky and with few changes could be a much better. As right now the Combat tutorial (quests) and Crafting tutorial (quests) are fully visible and they work fine. The problem is with "Other Tutorials". Scrolling works seperately for each category, so you can scroll Combat tutorials and Crafting tutorials fine, but when scrolling Other tutorials, only 2 of those "quests" are visible due to space. So I suggest that either 1) allow us to open and close a category, so If Im done with combat tutorials, I could minimize it and better see the rest, 2) instead of each category having its own scroll, make them all fill one scrollable box, so if I wanted to see Other tutorials, I could scroll down and get to see them all, 3) Instead of having 6x "tutorial start" under Other Tutorials, just combine them into one tutorial called "Introduction", this would remove the need to scroll in the first place.

ps. move the "turn over" button in the map from middle bottom to top left corner, thats where most of people search for buttons anyway.

3) Compass, Im an old player and I still managed to press C as I wanted to open (C)haracter window. After few mins, I realised I had lost my compass and didnt even remember how I could get it back. So please add a small info on the screen when you press C for the first time in game, so new players wont panic when they lose compass. Or just remove the entire keybind, and make it an option instead.

4) Crafting tutorial, part "Granum mine". It guides you to a "granum mine", and the area indeed looks like a granum mine. Once you get there, the tutorial updates to "Mine 0/260 granum". What the tutorial doesnt say tho, is that the tutorial requires you to eventually have those 260 granums at one specific spot, which is tiny and not at all the entire "mine". So when I got to the mine, the tutorial updated to "Mine 0/260 granum", and I mined 260 granums. Then I realised that the tutorial still stated "Mine 0/260 granum". At which point I was a bit confused, I was at the mine, I had the granum but the tutorial didnt update. Was it a bug? Did I do something wrong? Whats up? Then I realised the tiny yellow ring on the upper area of the mine, walked there and the quest updated automatically to finished. This is a minor thing, but really, theres no reason why the tutorial area for mining those 260 granums, would not cover the entire mine area. Just like the woodcutting tutorial covers a large area in the forest, instead of surrounding 3 dapplewoods.

5) First book. As boring as this may sound, please make them buy "Reading" as the first book. The weaponcrafting book is ofc much more "cool", but still for the sake of everyone, make them read "reading" first. Its one of the first steps every veteran makes and its the best option for new players too. Also explain to them that reading is a skill like any other, and leveling it will reduce the time needed to finish reading books. Now new players start reading that crafting book and be shocked to see how ridiculously long time it takes to finish it.

6) Give Tutor characters a flag in the back or something, to point them out more clearly.

7) Last, but maybe the most important thing, ADD INFORMATION ABOUT CLADES to the tutorial. As of right now, they are permanent choices. I assume there will be a way to reset them later on, but unless its gonna be free and easy, add information about clades to new players. It should be part of the official tutorial, and when trying to add the first clade the game should ask for confimation and explain how important the choice is.

But overall, new players are gonna have a much more smooth experience in MO with this tutorial, compared to MO1. I still believe the starting towns (after haven) need more content. Instead of pushing all players into 1 graveyard, there should be multiple spawns of zombies, spingboks, pigs and maybe some easy bandits around the towns. This would help new players greatly against red players, as reds couldnt just travel from graveyard to graveyard looking for newbs, and it would make the cities feel more alive.
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