Exploring a new world (feeling somewhat lost)


New member
Jan 27, 2022
Hello everyone.
I bought Mortal Online 2 a couple of days ago, i am barely reaching 6 hours, i have been in Haven, trying to get my way through crafting, cooking etc, trying to discover things on my own, sometimes i feel lost because i don't know for sure what to seek to craft things, i'm just roaming gathering as i go and try to craft something new along with some exploration.
I have seen some people saying that MO 2 has some similarities with games like Ultima Online and Everquest, i have never played those games but over the years i have hear good things and even praise about those 2 titles, as for me well i bought MO 2 because honestly it caught my attention and also because i'm bored and fed up of themed park MMORPG's and this game just feels well like something different and fresh, especially when i have never played MO 1.

I have been wondering if there is an auction house of some sort to be able to buy and sell items with other players? If not do the devs have any plan for that or the trading is done with players individually and if so how can one avoid that other player can take the money or items of you when doing that sort of trade?

Regarding the game itself the starting are feels big on it's own, i have seen some pictures of what's supposed to be the mainland and it looks huge, it remains to see the depth that the maps have, are there underground areas that we can explore such as dungeons, catacombs and other places such as those that add some verticality to the game? If they exist i suppose that some materials would be exclusive to those areas which would be an incentive for exploration?
About the map and world of MO 2 are there any future plans to expand it even more with different land masses that also will have different biomes? I know that probably at the moment the priority is to make the game and servers as stable as possible to allow as much people as possible to get in and enjoy the game but i think that this MO 2 world has a tremendous potential.

Sorry if these are many questions but i'm a real noob to this kind of game.
Are there any websites i could go to to see how to craft different kinds of weapons, armor and recipes for cooking, potion crafting and so on?

Thank you for your time reading this and i wish you the best in your adventures.


Jun 12, 2020
There is no auction house but there are brokers which you give your item to the broker and state how much you want to sell that item for and other players can come to that same broker and see what people are selling there and buy them for that price. You can then go back to that broker or local veredarri and pick up your money if it sold. If it hasn't sold you get the item back.

There are underground areas which I think is amazing as it adds so much more depth (hehe) to exploration. Resources definitely can be exclusive to certain locations.

There are plenty of other continents of Nave they plan to include someday. In MO1 we had Myrland and Sarducca which is a desert biome.

Nothing to be sorry about for asking questions. Everyone starts out at 0 in this game and there is a lot to learn so take your time to learn what you're interested in. I'm not sure about websites but I'd recommend joining the official discord and start searching and talking to people there. You'll be branching off and joining different discord servers depending on how deep you want to go in learning about the different systems in the game.