Easy changes & tweaks (archery, mounted, butchery, logout)


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
Improve the Dexterity stat value for archers. Allow arrows to dismount/knockdown.
  • Make weak-spot more meaningful for archers so that Dexterity has a greater per point value for those players looking for a more mobility focused archery fantasy.
    • Allow WS to proc across all body parts at at 50% reduced rate.
      • Depending on balance, potentially trial keeping headshots at 100% of the current base proc chance because you know, headshot.
    • Alternatively, give Bodkin a greater role in archery other than being a cheaper arrow with less damage, giving it the ability to proc the weak-spot damage across all body parts aforementioned while keeping it's reduced base damage.
  • Allow any bowshot that exceeds a damage threshold* (benefits longbows given their high damage potential), to dismount** players off their mounts.
    • Knockdown resistance of the target should increase the damage threshold required to dismount.
    • Weakspots through BH or BK can obviously still have a chance at meeting the damage threshold.
* A damage threshold is a single hit damage required to trigger an effect. In this case, for example you might need a 50 damage shot to dismount someone. The target's knockdown resistance may increase this to 60 etc.
** Credit to Bladeer01 for bringing this idea up.

Reduce the effectiveness of healing mounts. Change couch to have a charge. Make player stamina while mounted meaningful.
  • While mounted, nerf spells targeting the player's own mount.
  • Give couching (down attack) a charge mechanic.
  • Make charging and holding an attack (melee or ranged) cause greater stamina drain while mounted.
  • Increase the dismount threshold the lower the players stamina.
Butchery/Skinning Extraction
Add a basic first layer of depth to the butchery/skinning gameplay loop and create some player choice when targeting materials.
  • Change butchery to target meat, bones and trophies. Add skinning to target leather, furs and scales.
    • Add a new Skinning skill as it's own Primary skill under Extraction.
    • Add a skinning table.
      • Using the skinning table yields furs, leathers, scales*
      • Using the butchery table yields meat, bone and trophies*
    • Adjust the skinning knife to allow the player to choose what to extract.
*Players can choose how much of the carcass they want to then dedicate to each type of extraction by splitting the carcass stack appropriately.

Logout timers
Adjust logout timers based on player location to be more reasonable.
  • 10 seconds by campfires and in lawful inns.
  • 30 seconds inside lawful cities.
  • 30 seconds in lawless city inns where applicable.
  • 60 seconds everywhere else.
  • Rename "Poleaxes" weapon skill to Polearms. Poleswords and Poleaxes fall under this category and are both Polearms by class. Remove the confusion as players constantly query why this is the case.
  • Remove the Haven Bankers in cities and simply transfer the contents of their Haven Bank to the bank of the town they chose to Spawn in. Cap the gold that can be transferred from Haven either via a % (so that it scales) or a flat cap.
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Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
I can get behind every one of your points except your very last one.. Why cap the gold that can be transferred from haven?? Yeah I agree, just transfer the bank contents to the first town they choose. The global bank is not a good mechanic. But If a player wants to gather a bunch of gold in haven in preparation for their mortal experience, good on them. Let players spend as much or little time in haven as they want and gather as much as they want.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
As a alvarian archer I just dont see why everyone wants high dex to be a boon needed for archery.

You will just make all the non alvarian clades already more worse at it they are now.
Almost every other clade is sub 100 while alvarians are at least 115 min with dex. For it to not be OP for alvarians then other clades will have major issues with dex.

You get a couple of % for WS from the bow if its crepite, I think 8% from test. Then you get 5 for being alvarian. Added to MS skill which is 50% that is 63% and then you add dex bonus which is around 4% different from 116 to 125 from some off the cuft test result comparison. High dex already adds WS%. So you should now be hitting around 70% WS as a alvarian. Before the ws cladegift buff it was every 2 out of 3 shots was a WS.

I dont even see a issue with wheel chair archer builds.

WS across the body would be broken OP. ws does full damage by ignore armor. It would be like a mage TLashing you for 70s every 3 seconds with only a 30% chance to resist for less damage. That is what WS across the body would be like with archery.

All I see a need for in archery is faster draw, but you dont need to reduce the over rate of fire so DPS is the same. And the need for fletching to counter high levels of armor. Using Dex to increase draw speed will again just more advantage alvarians and reduce the ability of other clades to be archers.

I would personally want the dismount from archery to be only headshots as I dont like playing braindead OP things. It should have a high chance tho. Marksmen ship is a ignored skill in archery to me because longbow arrows and better for DPS and lba do not WS. I dont see any reason unless you are MA to max out anything after aiming technique. They should make it some how more appealing for people to want to get.

With damage threshold I using a 112 long bow will not hit about 50 on most armored head shot. Shooting the body of someone in steel is 16-20 damage. Ironbone is 24s.

either WS or damage threshold. I would say mainly only applied for long bows.
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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
I can get behind every one of your points except your very last one.. Why cap the gold that can be transferred from haven?? Yeah I agree, just transfer the bank contents to the first town they choose. The global bank is not a good mechanic. But If a player wants to gather a bunch of gold in haven in preparation for their mortal experience, good on them. Let players spend as much or little time in haven as they want and gather as much as they want.

Given the easy, risk free experience that Haven is, most players feel a problem with allowing people to free farm here for the purpose of using it in Nave. Haven is supposed to be a learning environment, not a place to accumulate wealth.

WS across the body would be broken OP. ws does full damage by ignore armor. It would be like a mage TLashing you for 70s every 3 seconds with only a 30% chance to resist for less damage. That is what WS across the body would be like with archery.

This is why it should be either given to bodkin arrows given they have a lower base damage (and basically have no use in game right now), or applied across all body parts at a much lower proc chance. Anything with a proc in any game is balanceable and if we don't like procs, then we need to get rid of the RNG of WS - that's a whole other argument though.

All I see a need for in archery is faster draw, but you dont need to reduce the over rate of fire so DPS is the same. And the need for fletching to counter high levels of armor. Using Dex to increase draw speed will again just more advantage Alvarians and reduce the ability of other clades to be archers.

This is where clade gifts would need to be adjusted to suit and I'm unsure whether it's fair to nerf say: the bow strength clades for Alvarin in light of these suggested changes.

Faster draw could be a viable solution.

I would personally want the dismount from archery to be only headshots as I dont like playing braindead OP things. It should have a high chance tho. Marksmen ship is a ignored skill in archery to me because longbow arrows and better for DPS and lba do not WS. I dont see any reason unless you are MA to max out anything after aiming technique. They should make it some how more appealing for people to want to get.

This is why I've doubled down on WS in this suggestion - lowering the base proc and making MM boost it back up. However, I disagree with headshots for dismount. You can't expect the vast majority of players to be even able to hit headshots consistently let alone on a mounted, moving target. It's not about making it easier either but making it possible to still dismount someone fairly.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
WS across the body would be broken OP. ws does full damage by ignore armor. It would be like a mage TLashing you for 70s every 3 seconds with only a 30% chance to resist for less damage. That is what WS across the body would be like with archery.

WS as far I know does not completely ignore armor. It ignores like 60-70% of it. Am I wrong? We did some testing and it seemed to be this way.


Aug 22, 2021
Western Merika
Given the easy, risk free experience that Haven is, most players feel a problem with allowing people to free farm here for the purpose of using it in Nave. Haven is supposed to be a learning environment, not a place to accumulate wealth.

It won't be so easy to make as much gold in Haven as it is now. Aren't things selling for 10x the price to vendors atm? If not, easy fix is to just make heads sell for less in haven. Or drop less frequently. That is really the only viable way to make decent gold.


Well-known member
Apr 4, 2021
WS as far I know does not completely ignore armor. It ignores like 60-70% of it. Am I wrong? We did some testing and it seemed to be this way.

It ignores 100% of the Armor value given by the piece of armor hit.

It won't be so easy to make as much gold in Haven as it is now. Aren't things selling for 10x the price to vendors atm? If not, easy fix is to just make heads sell for less in haven. Or drop less frequently. That is really the only viable way to make decent gold.

No only rates are increased. Skill Exp, Clade Gift Exp and I believe Attribute rate (though this is debated but was mentioned in the patch notes)