Disable tamed pets because overpowered and unfair


Jan 25, 2022
The tamed pets (not horses) that attack players e.g. bears, terror birds are far too overpowered and clunky, unfair to fight against. They also only require pressing one button (Pet Attack button) by the tamer which means even the worst player can beat the best player with no effort required. There is no way to counter pets because they are faster and stronger than you are by magnitudes, and quite literally can sprint forever and fight forever.

The beast master tamer role is not implemented properly (lacks skills, abilities, etc) so it should either be disabled or prioritised to being nerfed because its imbalanced. These pets are easily exploitable because a single player can use 7 terror birds at once in their equerry to kill anyone with zero chance of survival, the pets have broken animations and hit through walls while also moving through walls and ceilings as if they can levitate and no-clip through buildings and terrain with ease. Their melee attacks sometimes have zero animation, or hit you from 5+ meters away even though its not even moving towards you. The pets have aimbot so they will never miss their attacks and can't be dodged like a player can be quite easily, and they have no worries about friendly fire either. Thus the tamer can simply run around laughing in circles as you inevitably die.

This tamer gameplay is not fun on the tamer perspective nor is it fun to die to. Thank for reading


New member
Mar 31, 2021
Wrong about one thing. It /is/ fun on the Tamer perspective.

Most pets currently (beside the turtle) can be blocked. One thing with the turtle is that you can outrun it. Terrorbirds have the speed, but don't have the HP to withstand big attacks even with heals.

You should be keeping in mind people's names who are known to have pets. That and most tamers fight with allies rather than alone. I think most of the issue is picking fights. I know you're from Fab. I also know there's a lot of tamers in Fab. Maybe consider taking fights further away from the graveyard so tamers need to take more risk sending their higher level pets after you or even consider moving somewhere that isn't populated with that playstyle. Another important thing is that once you start PKing, you'll be tracked down fast if you stay in the area.

When all else fails, get a house and do the house pvp meta.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
People that spend 5g on a horse a bow with a few 100 points invested complaining about people that invest 600 points, 300g on books, 200g on a terror bird, and 4-8 hours training it, just so 80% of the time it gets two shotted or dies to a bug. If you've ever put the time and effort into getting, and training a terror bird then you'd know it's not OP. Can it sometimes wreck unprepared solo players? Yeah. But us tamers are risking so much more than you are. If we lose our terror birds it's a huge loss. If you lose your crappite bow and horse and bone tissue armor who cares


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
They not that hard to deal with even terror birds. They may not be perfect but should a tamer with 600+ points dedicated to his craft never be able to win a fight ?

People crying for pets to be nerfed need to think carefully about the consequences. A less diverse game won't be a better one.
Its one button to learn vs having to spend hundreds of hours to learn how to play melee at a mediocre but not bad level.

You can be a ff with a pet ot a mage with a pet. Its just extra and you arent forced to get the other 200 primary points like beastmastery or the other that controls the animals range.

Its pretty broken and pet players are not doing anything that warrents them to deserve a win.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
They not that hard to deal with even terror birds. They may not be perfect but should a tamer with 600+ points dedicated to his craft never be able to win a fight ?

People crying for pets to be nerfed need to think carefully about the consequences. A less diverse game won't be a better one.
Tamers take literally 66 points for a max level pet one of the strongest ones. Not 600+...


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
Cc 100, adv cc 100, animal training 100, taming 100, actually forgot the name of the other two
Taming and animal training is not needed just like fighters dont need all the crafting skills. Can litterally put on another account like everyone else.

Only need 200 points and not even that into creature control to use any pet.

I know multiple fighters that are full pet users too.

Mages have so many extra points tgey can even have 100 taming and nit be gimped.

Its 200 points for all pets and you dont even need advance creature control for viable pets. For 1 button win solutions that require no skill. The dude in steel worked harder for his gear too. All you have to do is afk in a house over night to make endgame pets.
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Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Ah yes, the ongoing debate since demon bats in MO1. Pets will forever either be 1 button click to win or useless and not worth it, until SV adds stamina, mana and proper attack commands linked to the pet systems.

SV has always struggled with pet balance, pathing and AI in general. Though their "boss" AI is far superior than MO1's, but the general player controlled pet AI is just as poopy as its ever been. The pulling out multiple pets from equerry to gank someone quickly is super cheese and should not be able to be done.

Just like a lot of people who play something strong and when said thing gets called out for being strong ,they're against it because it takes their advantage away, even if it is imbalanced or in some cases broken. Doesn't matter if tamer, mounted or foot. Though out of everything in MO's long history, pets have the longest history of broken implementations. Just wait until Necro summons are added, which are just fancy pets. Can already see OP Tupilaks coming and little shade fart clouds 1 - 2 tapping 100m out, with minimal counters.


Well-known member
May 16, 2021
aVES 100 for TB lore herding 91 Mammalia 100 for horse lore cant fight without a horse so to be a viable TB pvp player costs 691 primary points.

But then its too easy to press 1 button and win ?
But pressing G1 and performing a pirouette is skilled play?
Give me a break.
Every PvPer has to have mammalia to do extra damage to mounts and those are just profession points. I walked to almost all my fights this past week which have been several each day.

"But pressing G1 and performing a pirouette is skilled play?"

IDK what G1 is but yest spins do take a lot of practice to do and are counterable.


Well-known member
May 28, 2020
Most of the times my pet gets stuck somewhere, doesn't want to follow me or gets killed by a bunch of crap mounted archers that fail to kill me afterwards. That playstyle is so much pain. :sick:

Pet stamina and more commands (e. g. flee comnand, run into certain direction) for pets are needed.

Then pets attacks can be nerfed because there is a proper playstyle for them.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
I don't see how it matters how many points you spend on it. Most PvP encounters in this game are at least partially about skill. As a foot mage i can deal with other mages, with MAs, with footies, basically everyone, it's not easy because i suck and mages suck in general but doable. WTF can i do vs a tbird? Even for an oghmir footfighter it can be deadly, with no skill required from the tamer whatsoever.

I'm afraid they'll turn necromancy into taming 2.0, and all the "it will help solo mages!" will turn into "just raise a tupilac for that instant win button".

I know being a tamer is a terrible experience and probably it's not very fun too. But it doesn't make it any easier when you die to something that just leaves you no chance to win. It's more frustrating than getting zerged, because even in 1v5 you still have a minor chance and you can later be proud about how you nearly killed one.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2020
Taming and animal training is not needed just like fighters dont need all the crafting skills. Can litterally put on another account like everyone else.

I tried to warn people about this but they wouldn't listen. I suggested taming and animal care be made professions AGES ago. I think before horses ever made it in. "Oh taming is so powerful it needs to under action!" "But you can do it on an alt..." "YOU JUST WANT TO BE OP!"


And then I bought an alt.

Since this game is supposedly designed to be played with a single character it's fair to count taming and animal care as part of the tamer package and balance around that (Like they actually balance skills anyway) if it remains under action. That's why it shouldn't be under action though, or if it stays there it needs to provide an in combat utility. For instance, making the max level of pet you can control = 100 + (Animal Care / 4)
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Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
I don't see how it matters how many points you spend on it. Most PvP encounters in this game are at least partially about skill. As a foot mage i can deal with other mages, with MAs, with footies, basically everyone, it's not easy because i suck and mages suck in general but doable. WTF can i do vs a tbird? Even for an oghmir footfighter it can be deadly, with no skill required from the tamer whatsoever.

I'm afraid they'll turn necromancy into taming 2.0, and all the "it will help solo mages!" will turn into "just raise a tupilac for that instant win button".

I know being a tamer is a terrible experience and probably it's not very fun too. But it doesn't make it any easier when you die to something that just leaves you no chance to win. It's more frustrating than getting zerged, because even in 1v5 you still have a minor chance and you can later be proud about how you nearly killed one.

put the pet down, that's something you can be proud of.

The thing about stuff like going 1v1 v a terror bird is that you're generally not only fighting the terror bird haha. Even in MO1 when it was only center block pets could be tough if you used them right. I think pets need a utility use even in pvp, but yea they shouldn't be able to solo a player, that's bogus.

Hard to imagine they still don't have pet stam. I mean it could be as simple as x pet can sprint for x seconds then slows to a walk for x seconds. No need to involve bars and all that, just start w/ something simple. That would help.

Like a pet could be something that can hold the front line for a sec or offer some dps to push, but it shouldn't be chasing you around and sticky-ing you. I support pet gameplay. It's just bad atm. SV should pick ONE THING at a time and fix it.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
put the pet down, that's something you can be proud of.
With what? It has over 500 hp and i only have so much mana (let's just assume that the pet doesn't kill me while i'm charging a second tlash).


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2021
With what? It has over 500 hp and i only have so much mana (let's just assume that the pet doesn't kill me while i'm charging a second tlash).

I dono I remem a vid of boni getting major zerged and finishing off a terror bird. Just focus and try your best haha. go down swinging. But yea gonna be hard w/ mage tru.


Feb 26, 2022
Honestly it feels like some guys just always have to compare apples with oranges.
Ohhhh the terrorbird just wrecked me and i couldnt do shit. Theyyy areee soooo ooopp!
Those are always the people that gank with low risk/flakestone weapons/ incisium armor.
Terrorbird is an endgame pet. its not gonna get any stronger from there in therms of speed/dmg. So how the fuck do you expect to kill it without not at least Steelweapons and Pansar or higher grade heavy armor. Why sould YOU be able to kill my hardest to get Pet with your crap weapons!!
I have seen thursars just delete Terrorbirds without any blocking because they now they will do a 130 dmg with their big ass swords.(btw. i hope that you all got AVES + Neognathae LORE otherwhise its your own fault for losing, because it gives extra 40%!! dmg) and then they only need to kill an idiot who wasted 500 prims.
Did we state that Pets cannot dismount anyone? so aslong as you keep yourself on horse you are immune to pets.

Just circle around the bird so that no one can hit you without hitting the bird. Do 4 hits. and be done. The bird maybe did altogether 60 dmg to you. Thursar auto reg is gonna deal with that easily. TUNGSTEEL WEAPON OP. NO NEED FOR BLOCK. OP. PATCH OUT OF GAME. You see how silly this looks, dont you?

Oh and mages just get countered by high hitpoint creatures because the armor penetrating magery does not help against something that only tanks with HP.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2021
Oh and mages just get countered by high hitpoint creatures because the armor penetrating magery does not help against something that only tanks with HP.
Mages would still be countered by TBirds simply by being faster and having no stamina.