Community Annoucement: Twitch Stream March 31st 2022 Summary


Community Manager
Staff member
Dec 9, 2021
Twitch Stream March 31st 2022 Summary


We wanted to give you what our plan is for the next 4 patches and what lies beyond that. We do not have exact dates, but if all goes as planned we will have a mid and end month patch in April, with the same in May. We also want to show off what will come early after those.

Mid April

Housing Functions- This will include house permissions and passwords so friends and guildmates can use your house easily!

Clade Respec - You will be able to respec your clade gifts with a gold cost.

Guard/Vendor Commands - This will allow you to use the bank from a farther distance with a command and allow you to call guards for aid. However if you wrongfully call guards too often they may hurt you!

Placeable Campfires - This will allow players to place campfires around the world or in dungeons for light and a bonus to resting. You will also be able to cook at these locations. (May include portable extractors/crushers, trying to confirm).

Extra: Clade XP from Healing - This should be included in this patch. We had a version of this working in our recent test build however we were not happy with the design, since then we rebuilt it and its close to being ready.

End of April

Bounty and Flagging System - This is neat system that introduces a bunch of new mechanics. Here are a few examples;

1. Bounties and Bounty Hunters : If a player chooses to a murderer there is a chance that a bounty can be placed on their heads. The bounty hunter will be given a kill-right deed (allowing them to be killed in cities and not lose rep or receive a MC) and a known last location. The bounty hunting system will also have a vendor for tools that can help hunting. One arsenal for finding your bounties is a tracking bird. In the future there will be a bounty board where players can place bounties and/or place extra rewards for said bounties. The evil side of Bounty Hunting, Assassination, will be coming at a future date.

2. Forced Wardecs: Forced War Declarations are coming so you can force wars with other guilds. It will have a gold cost upkeep to fuel the war. You will not be allowed to fight in guarded cities.

(I am trying to confirm if lawless zones are included in this update and how they will work. There is going to be large areas around Kranesh and GK that will be lawless. Trying to find out about others).

Legendary Weapons - Grandmaster Weaponsmiths (100 in the skill) will now be able to find special components to craft with their weapons for unique looks and rarity.

Decoration Package - This will include more furniture to decorate your house with. This will also have furniture with some extra functions. An example is having a bed will allow you have a bonus if you log out in your house.

Big Fixes and Optimizations - This will have a large package of fixes for the game.

Mid May

Alchemy Effects - We will be adding a group of magical effects to the alchemy system. This will allow things to help with stat changes, weight loss/gain and other functions. ( I will try to find out if this includes naming potions).

Trinkets - Trinkets consist of amulets and rings that you can find in the world. These items will be valuable and allow you to add extra stat or skill increases to your characters' builds. When equipped, these items will be a part of you and become soul bound. However, any trinket in your inventory can be looted. These trinkets will come in 5 different tiers. The higher the tier, the higher the value and stat changes will be. Each trinket has three charges. When you die with an equipped trinket, it will lose one of these charges. Without charges the trinkets do not function and need to be recharged. Recharging will be able to be done for a cost, the higher the tier of the item, the higher the cost. You may have to choose what to take with you wisely.

Buy Orders - You will be able to place orders for materials and other items through the trade broker while online or offline.

Big Fixes and Optimizations - This will have a large package of fixes for the game.

End of May

Massive Bosses - This will be pushing the limits of our Tier 2 AI. We will start to add massive bosses in the world using new AI systems. It may not be included with this update, but Henrik wants to add the "impossible" dungeon where you'll have to take a limited number players against impossible odds.

Legendary Armors - Grandmaster Armorsmiths (100 in the skill) will now be able to find special components to craft with their armor for unique looks and rarity.

Necromancy - This is the new magic school which will have some new mechanics. Here are some examples:

1. New Spells: Spells will be able to be casted while moving. There be a variation of different spells which includes attack spells and even spells to help against pets. Another spell will allow you to make your undead minions explode.

2. Rituals and Undead Creations: Necromancers will be able to preform certain rituals. One includes rituals to create undead pets or revive undead versions of old pets. Using reagents, materials and carcasses you'll be able to create undead minions. In the future this will likely be expanded upon for unique undead pets with rare materials. These pets' stats may be able to be modified depending on the materials you use for the ritual.

3. Battle of the Necromancers: There will be mechanics that support higher skilled necromancers to be able to take over the minions of other necromancers.

Necromancy Dungeon - A Necromancer themed dungeon will be added at the same time as Necromancy.


TC Construction - This will include the first wave of Territory Control structures and functions. We understand that this is the most requested feature for the game right now and made sure to move it as close to being released as possible. For our developers' workload pipeline, we require certain functions and features from some of our earlier road map releases as foundations for the TC upgrades. We want to make sure this is a great feature!

Siege - This will be the Sieging update. We want to make sure this functions as intended when we release. Since it will cost a lot of materials/gold to have siege weapons and from the losses they may cause, it is important for polish. We will likely have a public test server ready when we are ready to test this feature. In beta we were able to push out content and feature quickly and polish on the go, that is not the path we want to take forward on a live release.

Thievery - This will be a thievery mechanic update to add more way to commit crimes and gain loot.

Beast Mastery - This update will include more rounded abilities for pets. We also want to add more skill based gameplay to pet PvE and PvP. We intend to also fix some of the problems surrounding pets before this update drops.

New Bosses - We have new bosses planned for Myrland.

More Fauna - We have new wildlife planned for Myrland.

New Dungeons - We are developing more dungeons passed the Necromancy dungeon for Myrland.

Points of Interest - POIs will be added that expands on lore of the world and include notes and recent happenings by players.


Public Test Server - We are close to releasing one for public testing. He hope to have it ready to test sieging.

Subscription - We do not have a timeline for turning on subscriptions. We will give players a month or more notice before it starts. (This will start your free month).

Magic effects, animations and feedback - We have the intention to update some of the visuals and feedback of the current magic system, however we are focused on Necromancy first. We understand that some of the current spells don't have the feedback you would hope for and wish to improve this. Necromancy should be a pillar for these changes. These can include simple animation changes to QoL add-ons such as seeing debuffs of your spells on opponents.

Bug Updates or Issues

Western Steppe and Spider Valley Keeps - Sebastian is applying various fixes every server side patch. Please update Robmo or Farmerjoe (Sebastian) after each server patch on that status on your keeps. We appreciate your patience.

Ghost Avatar Bug - If you ever encountered a situation where you take damage from nothing and simply die, it is likely because of this bug. It is where your character on server is in a different location than your client and your server side character is being attacked. We have identified this issue and working on a solution.

House Pathing - We have discovered the cause for pathing around houses being not as intended and are working on a solution

Large Light Weapons - We made an adjustment of a weight bug with light weapons last week. This change made some of the light large weapons swing a little faster than intended, we are correcting this specific change.


Animators - We are looking for more animators to expand our team. With more animators we can develop multiple features at once and spread out the pipeline load.

Discord Mods - If you are interested in discord moderation, please connect with Tychon on the discord.
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